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Everything posted by MJC

  1. 3-0 up and not winning is unacceptable. Getting pegged back as early and with all the momentum with the opposition and getting a point is a bonus. VAR is an absolute scourge on the game. That’s my summary of tonight.
  2. Willie Miller is an arsehole. Fuck him.
  3. Yeah. 4-3 to Aberdeen in the last minute and you’ll get Motherwell fans going “that was a great spectacle for Scottish football” and other pish like that.
  4. Get VAR to fuck. And the same goes for Willie Miller.
  5. 4-3! Willie Miller near enough choking about that on the radio.
  6. Kettlewell isn’t going to get sacked if/when we lose tonight. Whether you think that that’s right or wrong he is simply not going to be sacked after a loss away to Aberdeen, regardless of the context.
  7. Even if we score another two we’ll only concede at least another two up the other end.
  8. As soon as they scored to make it 3-1 just after we went 3-0 up that was always going to be the case. We lost momentum straight away and our opponents know that we can’t handle pressure on our backline. It’s a case of how many Aberdeen want to score now.
  9. And there it is. Same old weaknesses.
  10. Vale does indeed look like a good addition so far on what we’ve seen from him.
  11. Yes. ”it was a great game of football” ”pure entertainment” ”I’d much rather lose 5-6 and be entertained like that than win 1-0” Just some of the quotes I’ve heard about that game in ‘99.
  12. This could finish 6-5 to Aberdeen and the trumpets in our support who still to this day look back with fondness at our last 5-6 loss to them in 1999 would be chuffed to bits. HT 2-3
  13. Not with the way we continually leak goals unfortunately. And Kelly is fast becoming an absolute liability.
  14. Boom! That’s how you take a penalty.
  15. Kelly starts, SO’D drops out and Devine comes in. Halliday out, injured presumably and Vale starts.
  16. “And here is the Motherwell line up for this evening’s match at Pittodrie… Number 1 - the Captain - Liam Kelly Number 2 - Stephen O’Donnell………”
  17. Great post and you’ve worded that a lot better than I could have. You are wrong though to feel that all we exist for is to keep finances in balance. We all know what we exist to do.
  18. The whole club is stagnant and directionless and there is a great deal apathy surrounding everything just now and that’s been the case for a good few years now. As a club we have zero ambition and a gutless yellow streak which results in our dismal cup performances, in my opinion. The other night was no surprise whatsoever, just like Raith Rovers a year ago today wasn’t either. And let me be clear here. I am not expecting us to win Cup competitions but i would prefer it if we didn’t whimper out early the minute we are paired with a fellow top flight side or mid to high table Championship team as we do all too often. Basically the extent of our ‘ambition’ these days appears to be to be less shite than the shitfest two teams in the division and hope we can avoid relegation, anything else is a bonus. We are always skint, as the club constantly ram down our throats the product on the park reflects this. I don’t know what the plan is. I don’t even know if there is anyone in place to put a long term plan in place but it just feels like we trundle along until the year we are eventually relegated, and when that happens we will almost certainly be looking at part time football. Sad times.
  19. It’s a bit quick to be dismissing him like that, but, van Veen is a confidence player and as we’ve seen during his time with us when he is in the mood and his head is up then he can deliver big time. On the other hand we also know that he can be quite huffy and moody when things aren’t coming off for him. I genuinely think we got the best of him last season and he will struggle to replicate anything like that form again. Don’t get me wrong, he would be an improvement on our current striker options but he wouldn’t be the KvV that scored in eleven games in a row that we got from February til May last year.
  20. Stuart McCall being in the opposition dugout played a big part in us getting through the playoff too imo. A bigger bottle merchant in managing one off games you’ll struggle to find. Baraclough being an ‘outsider’ helped us greatly too.
  21. Exactly. We don’t owe Kelly or the National team anything. We need to do what is best for us as a club, not put ourselves at a disadvantage to help Scotland and our underperforming goalkeeper.
  22. Was the Queens Park game in the League Cup group stages not live on Viaplay?
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