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Everything posted by steelman1991

  1. Thanks for clarifying - quite shocking when its laid out in black and white.
  2. Haven't got my letter yet - but the question Shooie asked previously obviously still stands - 'Where did you get the figure of £87.5k of patg income?. He's quoting £970k ?
  3. Agreed, but again without the facts sheer conjencture and not something I'm prepared to act on without having those facts. Only after that will I make my mind up. I would hope that most members would be like-minded.
  4. Now there's a novel approach - wait until you are in full possession of the facts before deciding how to vote. Nope no way that'll catch on.
  5. Your not suggesting that teams would 'cheat' each other are you steelboy - that couldn't happen in Scottish Football could it Obviously simpler times. Don't remember it being overly complex at the time - of course in light of what's happened recently perhaps some of the 'bigger' clubs might just have fudged their season ticket figures to reduce payouts to other clubs.
  6. Agreed (should have clarified after costs, forgot that everything has to be reduced to the lowest common denominator on this board ) - but included Season Tickets in the attendance figure, which would directly impact on the profit.
  7. My recollection was 50% of the attendance, to include season ticket holders (and why not it takes 2 teams to make a game, irrespective of the size of support)
  8. Funny as that is Haggis, there is a serious side to that comment and one, that if memory serves me correctly, was raised on one of the 2 debates on Thursday night - that there are at least 2 other clubs monitoring the 'Newco' situation very closely with a view to going down the same road should the penalties be anything less than severe for Rangers. Never mentioned names, but it just shows what a farce this has become. I maintain my stance that I will not harm my club by walking away - I don't do walking away - but the lack of direction and the lack of clarity in this whole sorry mess, makes it increasingly difficult for clubs to encourage others to do the same. Me, never had any other feeling than 'No - to Newco'
  9. LOL your bang on Jay - should have said won't return if circumstances change.
  10. Couldn't really care less if they do. My opinion is that I'm unwilling to compromise my support for MFC as a result of others indiscretions - others have a different view and have chosen not to return in the present circumstances good luck to them in whatever they will do now with their time.
  11. My only passion is Motherwell FC, no other allegiancies. I'm not forcing others out, they are going of their own accord, nothing I can do about that. I never at any time said that I'm not sick to the back teeth of the pantomime that is Rangers, but as others have alluded to - I won't penalise my own team as a result, if your comfortable with that, fine I'm happy for you.
  12. Sorry mate can't make it already - on holiday. You going?
  13. Ha Ha your logic is as sound as those who suggest Scottish Football couldn't survive without Rangers. It will survive and so will MFC when you and the other vocal minority withdraw their support. Albion Rovers core support is little short of 250, its been that way since I started watching football (my mate used to be season ticket holder and won the 50-50 7 weeks running) Ours has been a little more, but rarely over 5,000. Crowds in excess of that figure tended to be boosted by large travelling supports. Our core support, despite how important you think you are to that number. will I doubt fall below that level. Enjoy your Saturday, Sundays or whatever in the future.
  14. Why don't you just give it to me big boy - or are you not up for it. I will and I'll enjoy every last minute, same as I have for the last 45 years. But you mate can take your principles and shove them where the sun don't shine, better still nip off and join the Green Brigade, because its plain that your heart doesn't really lie here - they'll no doubt welcome you and your principles with open arms. Time for you and others with similar views to either put up or shut up - don't wanna come back - don't let the door smack you on the arse on the way out, support like yours won't be missed.
  15. See you guys - IMO fortunately you won't be missed in the grand scheme - we've lost supporters throughout the years, who have decided not to go for whatever reason and held our core support - like losing players we've survived before and will again. Couldn't care less what happens with Rangers (NEWCO, OLDCO, CVA) my love is and always will be Motherwell FC and nothing, but nothing will change that, or my financial backing to the club. The league has been corrupt and one-sided since its formation and has actively favoured the Brothers Grimm - only now its in the open. Deal with it and if you feel the need to walk away then do so, but give it rest telling us time and time again that your going to - or are you trying to convince yourself that its the best thing to do.
  16. LOL - I don't think its either of us, rather the OP, who, other than demanding parity with Season Ticket holders in any European Ticket allocation, doesn't make things very clear. In his first post the OP states that he isn't buying a Season Ticket, because it isn't financially viable, therefore I would assume no adult Season Ticket = No free child ticket.
  17. But he's not getting one - so he can't get any through the 'wellevate' scheme. Hence he need to by his child a ticket.
  18. LOL funny you say that - on the way from the Airport somebody mentioned the area resembled Lanarkshire (pit heads and steelworks) - the only difference was they were working.
  19. Thing was it was the only thing it had. The supermarket next door to our Hotel had nothing on the shelves for the 2 days we were there. Desolate place.
  20. Very much so. But as my Brother-in Law and I were just discussing the other day - the atmosphere's between the two days - 1991 and last year were quite marked in comparison. The party atmosphere of 91 seemed to give way to a rather sterile build up to last years final. Perhaps just because I was 20 years older, but don't think so. Look at Brandon Parade a sea of C&A and compare it with some of the SKY footage on you-tube of last year, where it looked like they struggled to find anyone in Motherwell colours. Still didn't stop us enjoying the build-up, party with lots of alcohol, C&A (bunting and flags) music and lots of 'well songs. Great memories of both days.
  21. Shocking news - RIP - a real Motherwell man
  22. Congratulations on the award - hope you get well soon.
  23. All the best Craggs enjoy your retirement.
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