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Posts posted by Taff

  1. the queue may have been people that had been unaware that the office was scheduled to be closed 12:30 until 14:30 presumably for the players and staff to have Christmas lunch together ( Wee Murph wasnt impressed :unsure: )


    some might have opted to hang back until the office opened


    I seen some of the players as i was passing the fir park club. There was a few in the mini bus and the rest followed in cars. To say they looked cold and miserable is a understatement :lol: It looked more like a funeral procession.

  2. must have thought you were phoning for Rangers end tickets



    Aye your right. I phoned because my oldest daughter wants to tag along. I went up to get her ticket later on and the lady said there's a few hundred left for the baddies. They expect them to be sold out but they are disappointed by the lack of interest from the goodies. :thumbup: She did say though that they expect a last minitue rush.


    Ps. id just like to add there was almost a QUE at the ticket office. Yes folks a que B-)

  3. Slightly off topic but perhaps if there was a club shop/ticket outlet in the town centre instead of just at the stadium it would help.


    Obviously costs would be a issue and perhaps the club could come to some sort of deal with Provan Sports involving the unit at FP in terms of rent (assuming they do pay rent for it) that would help fund a town centre shop.


    A town centre unit where we could have player signings /promo events etc. could help raise the profile of MFC in our home town as IMO its not as high profile as it should be.


    Aye that would be great. The empty corner shop just down from Argos would be perfect.

  4. This is exactly what the club is doing. Leeann Dempster is very committed to this approach. Falkirk and Norwich City are pioneers in this respect.


    Iv seen no evidence of this pal. I live in the middle of motherwell and fir park is like a foreign country to most of the people around here. I really do hope Leeann is doing something and iv just not noticed. I love the club that much I'm more than happy to help in anyway i can to promote motherwell fc in the community and help put bums on seats.

    I'm 100% sure I'm not the only fan willing to help out in my spare time. They are doing that family deal at the min but whats the point when most lanarkshire/motherwell folk don't know about it <_ not all motherwell fans go on messageboards or the website.>

    Think of this. A guy is in a chippy somewhere on a wednesday night. his kids are showing interest in the ugly sisters. hes not happy and want to take them to fir park but the last time he was there it was to expensive. he looks at a poster advertising a motherwell game with great deals on family tickets. He takes his kids and there all hooked. Another man just gets off a train after watching rangers. his pissed off by the way the clubs being run and the h*n fans are doing his head in. Hes walking down Brandon parade and there's posters advertising motherwells next game with cheep tickets. He goes to the game and falls in love with the club. I could go on and on but you get the picture. Theres loads motherwell fc could do but it looks like they are content with what they got.

  5. I know i keep going on about it but its what i strongly believe. motherwell should get more involved in the town. They need to stake a claim to the town they represent. My mrs likes to ware her motherwell jackets scarfs etc and you should see the looks she get. She feels although shes a outsider wearing outsider colours. They need to do something.


    Tickets are far to expensive. I spend £60 every home game after food and program.

    They need to reduce ticket prices and get into the minds of the folk of lanarkshire.

    Honestly some people only know its a game on when they see the lights on in midweek or the police cones out at weekends. Hard to believe i know but its true. The clubs to shy and quiet. They need to get in to peoples faces and offer cheaper tickets.

  6. Me and my mates are having a sweep on when you will start a thread next!


    Later on today probably as the wee ones are out for the day.

    Do folk have a problem with new members getting involved?

    I honestly think members could get more involved but some are a wee bit put off by a minority.

    Not me, I like this forum. It gives me a chance to talk to fellow well fans and more.

    Other forums encourage members to post and start new threads but a few comments on here have made me think there's some unwritten rule :lol:

    Anyway i like this forum and i think my threads are constructive. i will continue to contribute <_>

  7. as an exrta foot note i was born in feb 1991, somone got me a scarf from the final and it always hung on my wall ( so i think my fate was always to be at motherwell) untill uncle phil died when i layed it down at fir park.


    You just made a overweight Welshman shed a tear :blush: Thats a great wee story and so are all the others. Keep them coming folks :lol::(

  8. Iv Been sat here bored out of my brain for ages. The kids are in bed and the Mrs is watching coronation farm.

    Anyway iv been exhaustion google and have noticed st mirren and a few others have ex rangers/Celtic fans. People who have seen the scum for what they really are and decided to go to a few games of there home town club. There's a few on one forum who now buy season tickets every year and hate the old firm :drinks:

    Any of you ex old firm fans or do you know anyone?

    whats your/their reason for switching allegiances?

    whats you opinion of the old firm?


    Its something to be proud of in my opinion for many reasons and you should be applauded. :lol:

  9. What the fuck is a so-called Motherwell fan?

    If you do print some posters i hope they make more sense than the nonsense you have written in that post.


    Is that all you fucking do you depressing negative prick? Put folk down and moan? A so called motherwell fan is some twat (like you) who keeps saying were going to lose (like you).


    Naa seriously. a so called motherwll fan is someone who claims to be a motherwell fan but never seem to go to games unless its a big game. You know the ones that come out of the woodwork for Hampton etc. There's fucking loads of them.


    I was a bit fucked off with your attitude towards me since i joined as you have replied to a few of my post. I then had a read of your profile and posts you have made previous. It seems your a first class prick in most of them. I'm now no longer fucked off but i do pity anyone who knows such a grumpy prick.

  10. some so called motherwell fans don't even know there's a game tonight. :( The club really need to get there buts in to gear if they have any ambition. People of this town think of mfc as out of touch with te community they supposedly represent. How about they advertise games via posters, something so simple will in my opinion bring along more folk to games. If they are that tight i will even make the blimming things and put them up. God dam mun.

  11. Sorry if someone has already posted this but I think the best protest would be to completely ignore them. The press will be on the lookout for any excuse to throw some more scandal into the mix. By ignoring them and letting the players make the protest by humping that bunch of thieving sheep shaggers will completely confuse the hacks that will have braved the trip to the frozen wastelands.

    Although I do like the 'We Are Only Here Out Of Common Courtesy' banner.



    i agree it will totally confuse them as they will be waiting on the abuse let the mighty well make the papers for the right reason totally humpin aberdeen


    So you want us to sit there and rely on the players to hump Aberdeen :nod: Na pal the old guy getting what he deserves.

  12. A c**t is a useful thing, a wee dick is not, like you, arse. So enlighten me, why are we advertising the Celtic kit? My thought on it is we are a wee skint club now and fair game everywhere and the reason for my post, what's your thoughts arse?


    Don't quote me on this but i don't think anyone has any control on whats being advertised. The advertisers pay there fee and a bot decides what advert goes where depending on what the forums about and whats being typed. I may not be 100% right but im no far off. Your grumping about something that no one can do fuck all about son. :whistling:

  13. If you can't hurt them. Hurt the one's they love.




    thats betty <_ never mind she was shit anyway. refused to push back src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_notworthy.gif" alt=":notworthy:">


    How about a wall of noise for 120 minutes. Let those lying, scheming, two faced bastards know that we are Motherwell. Let them hear the songs of the well ringing in their ears for days afterwards and drown out the great unwashed of the north!!!


    We - Are - Motherwell!!!


    spot on mate :thumbup:

  14. Hi,


    I hope I have posted this in the right area, but I am keen to ask about the experiences of fans travelling to away games.


    As part of my university work, I am currently working with the SPL to do some research about fans attending away games. As part of this, I am keen to get the perspective of a broad range of fans from all the clubs across the league. If you would like to take the opportunity to fill out an anonymous survey, taking just a few minutes, then you can help the SPL improve the experience of being an away fan.


    Please copy the following link into your browser: http://tinyurl.com/35l34rc


    Thank you very much for taking the time.


    it all depends on who we play, when we play, the weather, how many well are there and loads of other things. If its an important game and we got a good support, creating a great atmosphere, there great. :thumbup:

  15. Wouldn't think there would be any more than 400. When i booked my tickets this morning there was still some of the £5 tickets left of which there was 200 to sell.


    thanks pal. :thumbup:


    im going to encourage every well fan i know to make the trip. I don't think they will need much encouragement mind after browns crimes.

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