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Posts posted by Taff

  1. there should be a thread on here from last season where leeann dempster outlined the numbers in each stand and how many season ticket holders there were and how many attended one game (i think was the rangers 0-0 last september).


    here it is


    thats brilliant mate. thank you.

  2. 19-1 to motherwell with six red cards. A full house, 5.000 well fans and a astounding atmosphere.


    Its that good the sfa give motherwell 20 points for the win.

    Its going to be a great weekend for motherwell. On Sunday a wealthy well fan leaves motherwell £1 billion to spend on players.

    He also leaves everyone at the st Johnston game £100,000 each.



    Seriously though 1-0 to the well. Blackman in the last minute

  3. fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman

    fucking linesman fucking lines man fucking linesman fucking linesman


    Its all to easy for decisions like this to go agenst us.

  4. I honestly think that anyone who isn't willing to sing/chant and help create a atmosphere should shuffle off to the main stand and leave the east to those of us who are willing to create a atmosphere.


    If everyone in the east stand is singing/chanting in unison, clapping,jumping etc every game the players will respond.

    I Also i believe if fir park had a better atmosphere the attendances would grow.

    Id much rather be watching st mirren on a wednesday being involved in a great atmosphere than sat there feeling like im in a library.

    I bet many people who moan about the atmosphere don't join in. They think its up to others.

    If you truly love our club show it through song and get involved.

    Far to many people sit there and moan in my opinion.

  5. £18 to get into this game is a fucking joke.


    No wonder scottish footballs dying on its arse.


    i go to games with the mrs so thats 36 smackers for me . tenner for the babysitter <_ program quid. thats notes before grub and juce etc. easy quid spent tonight. im fucking gutted already we love the well though so its gotta be done. expecting a poor turnout tonight src="%7B___base_url___%7D/uploads/emoticons/default_grin.gif" alt=":D">

  6. I popped in yesterday for a wee look hoping for a bargain. Like David said its just the retro long sleeve shirts and some shorts. all XL as well. I asked the guy do they have any other motherwell stock and he rudely said "You need to go to the fir park shop if that's what you want" and went back to his phone :evilgrin:

  7. Our home record against St.Johnstone is as poor as our away record against them is good. For that reason, I fancy St.Johnstone to beat us on Wednesday night.


    2-0 Saints in an awful game with zero atmosphere and very little entertainment value.


    Well lets change that then.

    Its not Martians that create atmospheres mate. Its You, me and every other individual who's at the game.


    I hear folk moaning about the atmosphere at games as if its other peoples place to create an atmosphere.

    We are fighting to keep hold of that 3rd spot at the moment and are pulling out some great results away.

    We got plenty of reasons to get behind the team. Its not as if were playing a pointless midweek game with nothing to play for.


    Im well up for it, i don't care if its st Johnston or rangers, 3 points is 3 points. :huh:

  8. Totally passed me by, the whole casual thing. I started going to 'Well games aged 14 in 1988, so I could have quite easily fell into the whole scene. I just don't get it though. Why go to a game thinking (hoping?) you're gonna get a punch in the face at some point in the afternoon. I thought it was all bollocks back in the day and I still think its all bollocks now. And I certainly don't need to be reading some half-arsed, over-exaggerated and egotistical account about how 'we' done over some fucking firm or whatever back in the day. No offence, but I just think it's all bollocks.


    Like it or not pal its all part of the game. I dont see why folk get so worked up about like minded lads kicking lumps out of each other. There's far bigger things to get worked up about. You should see some of the looks i get because i wear stone island, hugo boss,prada etc. Let them get on with it i say. booze, women,fashion,music,fighting and football, What a life, what a life. :notworthy:

  9. I have this and another one called, I think, My Father Knew Joe Wark Too, or something. Funnily, both tell roughly the same story, but one tells it from the perspective of the SS Battlebus, and the other from a good wee chap who would never do any of that nasty casual stuff, no surreebob.


    Anyone want them, make me an offer on PM and I'll think about it.



    I just tried to pm you pal but this come up. This message can not be sent because the recipient has their personal messenger disabled or they are in a member group not allowed to use the personal messenger.


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