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Posts posted by Taff

  1. Best protest - don't protest!


    We don't need them. Let the Well doing all the taloking on the park by thumping the useless sheep sh****** 3-0


    Which dugout will Broon sit in anyway? He seems to like to swap around.


    aye right, no chance of that from me. The c***s getting it. :thumbup:


    The best protest we can make to to get as many fans as possible up there, and give the team and whoever may be

    in charge great support to get it right feckin up that mob. They are shit and Brown and Knox wont change that :nod:

    They are not worth shouting at, onwards and upwards, Mon the Well


    well said mate :lol:

  2. get hold of the prick and kick his c**t in.


    I think wee should pelt him with coins, rip up the seats and fling them at the Aberdeen fans. Invade the pitch, hold him down and piss on him.


    seriously though.

    I think we should get a good abusive chant going and chant it all game while standing, along with booing him obviously.


    how manys going up?

  3. every weather source i know of are saying we will experience a thaw and by the weekend most of the stuff will be gone but return by Monday.

    The police are far to keen to advise whoever to postpone matches in my opinion.

    We have had it a lot worse than Dundee and the main roads are drivable here the now. To the police its just football and there freeing up resources. To us these dodgy decisions will make or brake our season.

  4. I hate aberdeen more tha the old firm. They just wont have it wil they.


    post off there forum.


    #121 08 Dec 2010 14:15 Complain | Prev | Next | Quote and reply to userReply to user

    Signed: August 2010 re: re: re: re: Brown/Knox have apparently turned down offer ...

    Posts: 2,494




    'mackiehero1903' wrote at 14:10 on 08 Dec:

    Good interview by Brown on bbc. Says could still go to Aberdeen and not a bigger team outside OF than us.


    reply :Coming in the summer then ?

  5. They're damned if they do and damned if they don't.


    They call it off yesterday afternoon/today, all you get is folk moaning about how 'it was obviously going to be off'.


    Some c***s just love a good moan but, knock yourself out.


    oh stop moaning :thumbup:

  6. Some folk on here take things (and themselves!) too seriously.


    We went to have fun and we did. No-one claimed we were representative of all 'Well fans, cos if we were we'd have been moaning faced miserable c**ts like many on here.


    Lighten up FFS.


    Well said pal, Well done lads :lol:

  7. Can't believe you lot are considering going to the game. You are no better than the SCABS who will be officiating this weekend. We should all be showing support for the refs who doa difficult job at the best of times only to get it in the neck from a shit stirring wee ned like Lennon.


    I dont support the refs one little bit. They are going way over the top with this. It just makes people hate them even more in my opinion. They should toughen up the wee jessys. Im looking forward to the game. i just hope the weather warms up a bit. :evilgrin:

  8. Wasn't having a go at you mate coz your post dosn't say you want Inverness to win. Im just fed up listening to Motherwell "supporters" jizzing their pants when Celtic lose even when it's a result that's detrimental to Motherwell's position in the league.


    I agree with you 100% pal. People putting there hate for celtic before there love for motherwell.

    The only time we should give a fuck about Celtics results is if were playing them or it affects our league position, other than that fuck em and there Nazi friends.

  9. Maybe if the catholic church wasn't so steeped in child abuse, and maybe if the present pope in a former position in the church hadn't written a letter telling the Irish church to keep the problem of child abuse within the church and not to let it become a civil matter, then there wouldn't have been the picture that there was.


    The catholic church and celtic are so steeped in hypocrisy, they can't see the wood for the trees.


    PS, I'm not an rc either.





    the irony and hypocrisy of an organisation who have allowed people to keep their jobs despite doing some henious things calling for dallas to be sacked for that email is unreal.





    Anyway, there ARE as many cases of abuse in the protestant church as catholic and that pal is a fact. They are just much better at covering it up.

    weather you lot believe that or not i couldn't give a dam.

    Maybe you could open your minds a little research or would you be to scared of what you may find.


    This religion pish is a huge scar on this amazing country. Kids are brought up to think its normal and its how its meant to be. That needs to change to rid scotland of this bile.

    I hate it all with a passion. Its all wrong wrong wrong.

    It pisses me off a bit as well seeing it on a MOTHERWELL FC forum.

    Keep motherwell fc clean.Were to good for that crap.

    We are motherwell fc!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  10. Any info yet? I popped in the other week and they didn't have a clue. all they could tell me was the date. Why does it take so long?

    Anyone fancy guessing the cost of tickets for this game, how many we will get and how many we will sell?

  11. they should take that empty shop up the street on the corner opposite where the old asda was.

    The last one they tried was tucked away and never seemed to be open.

    You would never guess motherwll has a top flight football team. You never see anything like posters advertising games and ticket deals etc. I live 1/4 a mile from fir park and you wouldn't know there was a game on unless you follow the club.

    They need to get in the lives,minds etc of the people and there not going to do that operating the way they are at the moment. You never hear anything about the club and they need to change that if they have any ambition whatsoever.

    Relying on the current support isn't good enough and they should always be looking to expand the fan base. Yes they do the deals but whats the point if there not telling anyone. Mfc are to shy and needs to get into peopeles faces more.

  12. there should be a thread on here from last season where leeann dempster outlined the numbers in each stand and how many season ticket holders there were and how many attended one game (i think was the rangers 0-0 last september).


    here it is


    so for that game only 700 ish home fans bought tickets and the rest is season tickets?

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