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Everything posted by David

  1. Anyone looking to offload their travel package at a discount price now?
  2. No, it's the job of the person who is actually being paid to deal with it. In this day & age you'll see very few people confronting strangers who are acting up. It's simply not going to happen, and you can't expect people to do that.
  3. Or maybe the stewards can do their job? I stood and watched one guy in the third row of the 2nd bank of seats throw a balled up bit of paper and hit a steward right in the chest with it, only for him to do fuck all and what looked like his superior tell the guy in question to sit down and cut it out. If there is such a risk with the club getting fined and so forth then surely this guy should have been thrown out? Why should other fans run the risk of a barrage of abuse from someone by telling them what they can & can't do at a football game? That isn't their responsibility.
  4. Keith all day as far as I'm concerned. If he was a Dundee United player he'd be due a Scotland cap.
  5. He's a young lad who just turned 21, and has more than a few issues with his game. However, there are elements of his play that are simply miles ahead of anyone else in our squad (including Murphy), and he will get frustrated when he sees a pass in the making that his team-mates simply don't spot. As I said before though, without those wee holes in his game he'd be nowhere near Fir Park, so I'm more than happy to have him as is.
  6. Right, with the Panathinaikos game out of the way it's onwards to our first SPL game of the season. I would personally go with same team that started last night, unless any injuries are picked up between now and Saturday. If we play anything like we did last night we should leave Dingwall with three points in the bag.
  7. If Ojaama was better at thinking football he'd not be at Motherwell.
  8. That's the problem when a big game like this comes along, we attract those who see it as a one-off, and there was plenty of folk there who weren't even Motherwell fans. I saw three guys I know to be Rangers fans in the East stand, and whilst we certainly want (and need) their money, if it's going to cause instances like this you really need to ask if we want them following our club.
  9. Considering it was an all-ticket affair, and people were issued seats pretty much at random I don't think you can attribute the incidents to those who usually sit in that end of the stadium. I sit there most weeks and there was shitloads of unrecogniseable faces all around me. As I also said, the paper that was aimed at the opposition players came from behind me mostly, and I was seated in the 2nd bank of seats, so your rush to blame the lads who create the atmosphere at the ground is confusing. There's no guarantee that those "wee idiots" will even be back at Fir Park for regular season play, is there? You have examples to back that up, aye? Bang on.
  10. Let's hope the club and the police learn from this situation and plan better in the future.
  11. Are you being serious? Get a fucking grip.
  12. For the record, I was stood up that end of the stadium, and the paper throwing didn't come from the far end where the lads with the drums and flags were, it came from the second & third bank of seats down. The stewards were stood watching them do it, and didn't make any moves to stop it. In fact, one guy from around the third or fourth row hit one of the stewards with a ball of paper, and another steward simply told him to sit down.
  13. Do they have previous for that sort of thing like?
  14. Time for the pub for a few before the game. Hope everyone enjoys their evening, and that we get a result. There's some people on this forum who've been following Motherwell much longer than I have, through the trials and tribulations of the now 1st division and other such times. I hope those folks get the result they want tonight. They've certainly earned it!
  15. How much is the compensation?
  16. Yes, but the general consensus of the Morton fans I've heard from is that he's far too good for that level of football. Would be worth a punt if you ask me.
  17. Anyone know the script regarding these buses they're laying on? I emailed the guy from the Wishaw branch of the supports club but got no answer as yet.
  18. I'm not sure what kind of display you guys have planned, but would it not be possible to ask the club if we could cover the unused seats in the main stand with flags and stuff rather than have them sitting empty?
  19. I'm fairly certain there'll be streams of the game available online. If you pop into this thread closer to gametime there'll be links posted I'd reckon.
  20. Having checked his stats and so forth he certainly fits the bill as the type of player we should be after. Has some potential, still young, with some sell-on potential further down the line. Anyone know what kind of compo would be required to take him, out of curiosity?
  21. So, they're staying at the Dakota, are they? Right, who's all up for getting some musical instruments, metal binlids, hammers and other assorted noise-makers and heading round there later tonight to ensure they get a good nights sleep?
  22. None of them play for this mob though. The fact that they haven't been paid and that the country is facing financial meltdown could easily foster a "if they aren't paying us, then fuck them" mentality. At least that's what I hope anyway.
  23. If we did get through to the group stages (and I know fine well that we most likely won't), it would be a major shock for the Scottish football landscape. With Rangers sliding down the leagues it would open a real opportunity for us to claim the 2nd force in the SPL slot for a few years at least, provided the money we would get is spent wisely and we kicked on from there. It won't happen though, but that's my take on such a fantasy situation arising.
  24. Yeah, it's mainly having it only come out of one speaker that's bothering me.
  25. Any update on the number of tickets sold thus far?
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