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Posts posted by fizoxy

  1. We're customers. The notion that it's our duty to "support" the club financially is bollocks, and it's this kind of loyalty that all clubs are abusing when increasing ticket prices during a recession. I'm not sure how the administration fiasco is relevant here, I'm not going to shell out extra money just because we had a close shave almost eight years ago. It wasn't the fans fault then, and it isn't our responsibility now.


    My issue here isn't the comparative cost, but the fact that they increased the price from previous Euro games in conjunction with a patronising rallying call stating that it is essential to get in as many fans as possible as the players need their support.

  2. Fair enough on increasing the prices, but this annoys me:


    it is essential Fir Park is full, noisy and colourful for the second leg


    ...but we'll charge more anyway? If it was "essential" that the ground was full, then they wouldn't risk this by hiking the prices.

  3. It would be interesting to know who actually knows who the sponsor is, and who was just joining in with the hints like me.


    If it is Sport Relief I would think that it would be in the form of some sort of partnership or project specific to the local area. I don't think our shirts would be the best form of advertisement for a national charity.

  4. The problem with "getting rid" of Fraser is that he has a contract with us, so someone needs to take that on or he needs to agree to a termination, which is unlikely since very few people are going to voluntarily give up their job so that their employer can get someone else. Hopefully a club will come in for him soon, but if they don't we're stuck with him.

  5. Just because no one has arrived yet doesn't mean we aren't doing anything. In fact did CB not pretty much say that he and Archie were doing lots of stuff?


    I don't know what the fussing over O'Brien is all about either, we've lost far better than him, replaced them with "nobodies", and somehow haven't been relegated yet.

  6. If we weren't in the early rounds of the Europa we wouldn't be worrying about this as much. There's still plenty of time, and I'd rather we held on to see if the extra money is coming in and then signing some good players, than signing some shite ones in a hurry. CB seems to be well organised in that he knows who he's going for if the money comes in.


    It was exactly the same last year, and we have the benefit of hindsight when we praise Gannon's signings, but I can't recall much excitement when Coke, Jennings, Hateley and even the Duke were signed, I seem to remember plenty of moaning about how unknown they were/lower league rejects etc.


    The rule of thumb with MFC signings is that if we know who they are, Motherwell probably won't be signing them!

  7. Ruddy


    Hammell (8 years)

    Craigan (7 years)

    Corrigan (8 years)

    Quinn (6 years)










    Picked most of the team cos they played in that position for the majority of the decade. Ruddy stands out as the best keeper, and the strikers pick themselves.

  8. It has been alluded to for years that we fiddle the numbers when reporting attendances in the way of a tax dodge, but if it was this obvious I'm sure the tax man may have had a wee check by now. My theory is that people just aren't good at counting crowds of a few thousand people in a football stadium.

  9. That off the same aberdeen fan forum I found Fizoxy? :lol:


    It was on a hibs forum. The list doesn't have any Aberdeen of hibs players though, so they probably got it off the aberdeen forum.


    I'm not too keen on most of that list, as the ones who stand out such as Kyle and Dorman, are out of our price range.

  10. Don't know how up to date this list is:



    Celtic - Lee Naylor, Zhi Zheng


    Falkirk - Pedro Moutinho, Marc Twaddle, Vitor Lima


    Hamilton - Simon Mensing, Martin Canning, Marco Paixao, Trent McClenahan, James Wesolowski, David Van Zanten, Mark McClaughlin


    Hearts - Michael Stewart, Jose Goncalves, Marius Zaliukas, Laryea Kingston, Christian Nade, Ryan Stevenson


    Kilmarnock - Kevin Kyle, Gavin Skelton, Simon Ford, Frazer Wright, Allan Russell, Mark Burchill, Cammy Bell


    Rangers- Kris Boyd, Nacho Novo, Kirk Broadfoot, DaMarcus Beasley, John Fleck, Andrew Little


    St Johnstone - Collin Samuel, Kenny Deuchar, Filip Morais, Gavin Swankie


    St Mirren - Andy Dorman, Jack Ross, Chris Innes, Tom Brighton, Stephen Robb

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