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The African

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Posts posted by The African

  1. 1 hour ago, Yorkyred said:

    To be honest to a degree we already know. The wide areas and supply from that area are a disaster, I would get rid of all our  wide players if possible bar Lang ( I know it’s not that easy). We need Carroll back as soon as possible along with another centre half in my view. We then have the debate on a central striker with an eye for goal and just how much the loss of Turnbull will impact. I’d be amazed if the Celtic game is anything other than a heavy defeat, they will be stinging from the criticism from Lennon and will batter us.

    Yes, I think most of us know where we need improving, but does Robinson? I think we have been a little unlucky with injuries, especially at left back, but we have been found wanting on too many occasions and it has cost us points. I agree that another centre half would be a priority. Someone akin to an Aldred or Hartley to add steel and leadership beside Gallagher, or as a replacement should we receive a decent offer for him. Up front I also agree that our wide players aren't cutting it. I do feel that Long, Lang and Watt have the ability for this level and it is probably unfair to judge White at this early stage but it is possible that he will never make the step up. Seedorf has shown signs of improvement but we are not in the position to be able to give him too many games to see if this will continue. Hastie looks off the pace and if Hylton is considered behind those options then he probably isn't the answer. I think that, in the search for versatility in our attacking options, we have ended up with a number of jack of all trades who can fill in a number of positions but who fail to excel at any of them.

  2. We are probably on a hiding to nothing with this game. As such, we have nothing much to lose as long as the outcome doesn't affect our performances in the next few games. I reckon that our best hope of taking anything from the game is to sit in and try and frustrate them. Whether we have the personnel to do that is another thing altogether. Lose an early goal though, and it could end being a very long afternoon.

    If nothing else, this fixture may help show up the areas of our squad which will need attention in the next few weeks if we are to see the team move in the right direction up the table.

  3. 2 minutes ago, MelvinBragg said:

    You have to remember Chelsea in 1991 were a very different proposition. Pretty sure the manager that signed him was Ian Porterfield whose previous jobs had been Reading and Aberdeen. Can't see Derek McInnes getting offered the Chelsea job somehow...

    Fair enough. Just about getting over the fact that it was nearly thirty years ago.

  4. 22 minutes ago, wellsince75 said:

    McAllister, McClair, Boyd, Walker, ODonnell all good players and McAllister was the only one not to go to Celtic.  

    DT right up there with the value he adds and now feels. a good time for him to move.  We are far too dependant on him this season which suggests he's ready for a bigger club. 

    Boyd didn't go directly, at least. Though he undoubtedly was happy with his eventual arrival there. Not many would see Chelsea as a career stepping stone to the tattie bowl, but there you go.

  5. I think that tonight's result for Celtic should give David Turnbull something to think about career wise. A lot has happened since he was poised to join Celtic a year ago. I think it was a move that made enough sense then, but probably makes less sense now. He will have seen how quickly circumstances can change both personally and indeed globally. He is a year older but doesn't have many more footballing miles on the clock He is still a prodigious talent and has pretty much proven that he has come back from his injury and is fit enough to have a full and exciting career. The question is, what are his ambitions and what are the best way to achieve them. Any move to Celtic will undoubtedly involve a four or five year deal. Does the idea of several seasons playing against the same standard of opposition as he currently does for us really appeal? Yes, he will be on better money, yes he will probably pick up a bag full of medals, yes he will probably be fast tracked into the international side ( not sure if this is ultimately a great thing these days) but the idea of glamorous European nights is a bit of a myth and the advantage of staying close to home has to be balanced with the pressure that the doldfish bowl of playing for the old firm entails. I hope he considers his options carefully because he is both a genuine talent and he seems to have behaved very well throughout this saga.

    As for us, I am resigned to life without him in our ranks and just hope we get a decent price for him and do not squander it as we try and rebuild our season.

    • Like 4
  6. If David Turnbull is still a Motherwell player on Thursday then he should play against Glentoran. Winning that game and securing the extra cash that would come from making the next round has to be our priority.

    As for how the club acts in order to counter the current apathy in our support, how about showing a little backbone and putting the interests of our club first? Rather than bending over backwards to accommodate the best interests of a competitor who will no doubt be making a bid which, in the current market, is unlikely to be close to his real value.

    • Like 1
  7. Not a great start to the season. When you throw in how we were playing before the previous season was curtailed and you can see that the pattern is very much one of recent underachievement and a downward spiral towards the championship. I would discount preseason because of the abstract circumstances we, and everyone else, found themselves in. The recruitment looked promising but that now looks, like our third place finish, like a false premise. In short, we are in the mire and need to find a way out of it.

    What seems to be lacking, on every level, is leadership. I appreciate that playing without a crowd is going to be a new experience, but it falls on the players to motivate themselves and their teammates. I quite understand the footballing rationale behind the decision to let Peter Hartley go, but I doubt he would have been happy with the standards that the current side is setting, and he wouldn't have been slow in telling them about it. If the senior professionals cannot find it within themselves to take on that mantle then we need to look elsewhere for someone who can supply it.

    with regard to our current woes up front, we probably need to look at the qualities of the players we ave and try and get the best out of them. I feel Robinson has been guilty of looking for versatility in his forwards rather than using what we have to the best of their abilities. I wouldn't discount any of them yet, but they all have something to prove. 

    The road to redemption should start at training on Monday. The riot act should be read and those who don't fancy the hard work and fight to get us out of the mess we find ourselves in should be told that their futures lie elsewhere. We have the chance of getting some much needed cash from our European adventure and then basically a free hit against Celtic. If there are no visible signs of improvement in these two fixtures then things begin to look pretty bad for Robinson. I am generally not in favour of reacting in such a drastic manner, but there does come a time when a manager has nothing left to offer. I sincerely hope we are not there yet.

    • Like 2
  8. 4 hours ago, Blue3 said:

    No quite the opposite Gordon Smith has been a great supporter of all this Brighton in the community over years we can always count on Gordon turning up to support charity events he just can't live down and smith must score it haunts him

    I am sure that he is a decent enough guy, and that his heart is in the right place, but as an ex Rangers " corner boy" ( my grandfathers unflattering description) he is never going to be popular at Fir Park. I will also throw in that fact that, as a pundit for BBC Scotland, he, on more than one occasion, championed the idea that, if leading by a single goal with a couple of minutes remaining, it was better to hit a shot off target to waste time rather than get it on target and increase your lead. A true exponent of the beautiful game. And did I mention that he played for Rangers?


    I bet he secretly hates John Motson.

    • Haha 1
  9. We were pretty hopeless, but still played one hundred percent more football than County. Sums up Scottish football really.

    Should have got at least a point, but missed decent chances and a penalty, you probably don't deserve anything.

    Going to be late for work now, and given the way things are going, I bet I get a right bollocking from the boss.*






    *As I am self employed I will need to give myself a good talking to.

    • Haha 1
  10. On 8/2/2020 at 1:28 AM, SteelmaninOZ said:

    Looking forward to watching the County game live on Tuesday morning.

    Motherwell to win:good:

    Being shown live here as well. Not quite as early a start for me though. Looking forward to seeing the team. Hoping for a positive performance and any win will be a very good result.

    • Like 1
  11. Before my time, but given what my late father said about him ( and he was a better than fair judge of a player) he must have been a genuine talent. RIP and my thoughts are with his family and friends.

  12. Hastie coming back makes for interesting times at Fir Park. Still a young and inexperienced player, yet now an obvious target for the less patient element of our support, should things not go swimmingly from day one. A genuine feather in the cap our coaches and management if they can make it work.

  13. If Tait had a genuine case against the club, he wouldn't be speaking to the media about it, he would be speaking to a lawyer.

    The simple fact is that, because of the Covid 19 situation, the circumstances regarding what the club felt they could offer him changed. If he chooses to see that as being duplicitous on the part of the club or take it as a personal slight, then that is his business. If he goes public with it, then the club have every right to defend their actions. He was a decent servant to the club during his time with us. A good player who always seemed to give his all. He doesn't play for us anymore, which is the way it always goes.

    • Like 1
  14. 2 minutes ago, Pettywulliegrew-2 said:

    Prefer the script to the unfortunate badge.....imho 


    I like both though feel the badge works best on an amber background. As such, keeping the riot for our away kit seems to work pretty well.

  15. On 4/25/2020 at 5:17 PM, The African said:

    Awesome. Please let someone from the club be reporting back on this.

    can I be cheeky and ask how this might look with slightly broader claret and amber hoops and slightly thinner white hoops? Not sure it will be an improvement, but just a thought. Also, I am assuming white shorts and socks?  We would look fantastic!

    Just returning to this as my question regarding the width of the white hoops has been answered by the new official away shirt and I have to say that I marginally prefer UBH's version. The hooos look better to me with uniform widths. Perhaps the use of four different colours works against being too complicated with any other aspect of the design? I also prefer the simpler collar on his version, though I am generally a fan of an old fashioned style like that used in the official version. I am neither here nor there on the choice between badge or mfc script as both work fine for me. Ultimately, as long as it is not spoiled by the inevitable sponsors logo, the new shirt is another belter.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, underboyleheating said:

    It was. It’s all good. If the team looks sharp and they get any small hints/tips from my mock-ups then I see that as a positive. I love the team, and I love classy kit designs no matter who does them. 

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

    • Thanks 1
  17. It was a couple of games to avoid relegation. Why would we want to celebrate what was the end of a very forgettable season! Yes, it was great to stick it up the shitty reincarnation of the vile entity that is Glasgow Rangers but it was very much of the moment. It isn't as if we won something and to celebrate it with anything more than a wistful smile and a knowing nod is only going to compound the embarrassment of actually finding ourselves in that position in the first place.

  18. I realise that I am not the target audience for these sort of things, but am I alone in thinking that DT may have been ill advised to appear on such a production? Cringeworthy and embarrassing would be my first thoughts on the general content. I understand that these are unprecedented times, but a player in Turnbull 's position really has nothing to gain and quite a lot to lose by choosing to appear on it. As it was, and I have to admît that I couldn't bring myself to listen to all of it, he seems to not have said anything too stupid, but it begs the question, why put yourself in that position in the first place?

  19. Thanks for posting this. Great memories of some fantastic players for us.

    Also always worth being reminded of what a dreadful shower Rangers were in the 1970s. Twice we were absolutely robbed by these cheating scum. I could never support a team with such crack whore ethics. Remember this, as they try and take the "moral high ground" in any debate or discussion regarding the future of Scottish football.

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