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The African

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Posts posted by The African

  1. 1 minute ago, Orinoco said:

    maybe just seen our team do this continually over the 45 years ive been watching them.

    Must be about the same vintage as me then. Personally, I have found living on the other side of the world has Ivey me a slightly more relaxed perspective. I still hate it when we lose, and am disappointed when we play like shite, butI don't let it completely spoil my day.

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  2. Hopefully our excellent pitch can hold up to the abuse it may get through foul weather and usage when it is holding a lot of water. It really is aource of some pride for me, that our club has invested in providing one of the finest playing surfaces in the country.

    I really do enjoy seeing footage of matches from the 1970s and 80s though. By mid season, pitches resemble the Somme battlefield. The fact that players back in the day were able to play on them is a testament to both their fortitude and skill.

  3. There are a few things to be considered which would have a positive effect on the quality of football, but realistically they will cost the clubs income and therefore won't be seriously looked at. The most obvious is that 38 games a season is too many. A sixteen team league, playing each other twice, gives thirty matches. A twelve  team league, playing each other twice before a split into two mini leagues of six, then play each other twice again, gives thirty two games. Both would allow for a winter break, international breaks, and a longer off season.  Preliminary European qualification starting in July would still be an issue and we should probably look again at the League Cup. The major factor is the loss of cash from fewer fixtures which you can imagine won't sit well with most of the clubs.

  4. 5 hours ago, Andy_P said:

    Cowan will always have his place.  I think it was Dunfermline we were 2-0 down to at half-time in one of the relegation battles of the mid-late eighties that Stevie had his starring role. There were a few games to go so it wasn't do or die but a win for the Pars would have put them in a strong position and us in real bother.  I think Cowan got a double in the second half as we came back to win 3-2 and it seemed to knock the stuffing right out Dunfermline. We beat Morton, who were already pretty much doomed, the following week and didn't look back.

    I remember hearing that Tommy McLean's half time team talk during the Dunfermline game was along the lines of" imagine how your families are going to cope next season, when we are in the First Division and you are unemployed." Brutal, but seemed to do the trick.

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  5. Woods isn't helped by the fact that he stayed in the first team for a long time, despite being a liability. I.genuinely thought that Gardner was okay until that howler in the cup and then he never played for us again.

    Goalkeeper is such an important position, and really a key to a successful team. Rather than concentrate on the negative, I will be positive and say that, in my time as. 'Well supporter, I've been lucky enough to see a few good ones at Fir Park. MacRae, Rennie, Dykstra, Randolph and the two we currently have would probably rank as the best I've seen here. Edit - and how could I forget Maxy! Shame on me!

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  6. Just followed it on the BBC. Not unexpected in terms of the result, but an improved performance on Livingston? At least the chasing pack did not gain on us with the three behind us all losing. We do need to find a way to score a goal or two if we are to retain our position over the remaining thirteen games of the league season.

  7. Once again cannot help thinking that a point would be a positive result. They are a half decent side with decent recent form and the "advantage" of a plastic pitch at home. However, we are going well ourselves and have got the good habit of keeping clean sheets. Find a goal or two and we should be looking at all three points, which would qualify as an excellent return.

  8. I think I would probably have taken a point before kick off. With the forwards we are missing, it was always likely that goals for us would be at a premium. A decent performance and another clean sheet is not the worst outcome.

    Looking ahead, I reckon we are just going to have to accept that we are going to be a little lightweight up front for the remainder of the season.  We currently have eight options, two out injured, and the main issue is that they are more along the lines of pacy wide players rather than old school line leading centre forwards or poachers averaging a goal every second game. The chances of us being able to pick either of these up in the next couple of days seems unlikely on just about every level ( budget, availability etc.) so we will have to get the best out of what we've got. I think there is a fair amount of ability in the attacking players we do have, and if the rest of the team can chip in with a few goals we should be okay. Throw in a returning Turnbull at some stage, and the goal threat he could provide, and we should be fine.

  9. Generally think that a point away at Aberdeen is a decent return. Would add that,at present, we are more than capable of getting one. As such, I tend to get greedy and think that we could sneek a win. They are scarcely worldbeaters and if we go with the right attitude and tactics there is no reason we cannot get a result.

  10. Whatever way you look at it, this isn't a great look for Robinson or the club. At the moment, the club statement is really all that can be said or done. We obviously have to wait for the outcome of the trial before we can deal with any conclusions that the court reaches.

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  11. If he has gone to Sunderland, then it looks like Laverton was not really a n option, budget wise, for us.

    I tend to think that, longer term, using the second half of the season to give some of our youngsters an opportunity might be the way to go. We are safe for this season, so why spend money we don't really have n the type of player available at his stage of a season, when we could bring in young talent that would benefit from the experience of coming into a confident and, currently, winning environment. We always seem to hear that young players are not ready forthe step up, but at least we could give them a chance in an atmosphere where they are free to play their own game without a poor performance having too dire consequences. Show a little faith and who knows what we might achieve?

  12. Excellent news regarding Carson signing on for another couple of seasons. He has proven to be both loyal and patient and certainly deserves a new deal, hopefully, for his sake, on improved terms.

    With regard to Mark Gillespie, the ball is very firmly now in his court. I am pretty sure that is form will have attracted attention from other clubs, so he may get other offers. We may even get a bid or two for him in the transfer window which we would then Ben a position to accept. More likely that he will sign a pre contract deal, which is fine. It is how the system works. As with Carson, he has been great for us and we could not seriously begrudge either of them a move which improves their financial position or enhances their career. It will be interesting to see how long our offer to him stays on the table though, and what happens with selection after the break if he doesn't resign with us.

  13. A wake up call for us. The one thing that our history tells all Motherwell fans is that hubris is followed by nemesis. Or to put it another way, as soon as we get ahead of ourselves, sure as eggs is eggs, we come a cropper.

    The only upside from today, and this is clutching at more straws than someone doing a tandem parachute jump with Wurzel Gummidge, is that we may learn from this performance and not see another like it this season.

  14. Any kind of win will do for me. Three points and keep the feel good feeling going into the break. Anyone who thinks it will be a canter is kidding themselves. The standard from third to twelfth in our league doesn't span too much of a quality gap. Throw in the local derby factor and you can take nothing for granted. Let's hope that the growing confidence within the squad from a great run of results and decent performances is enough to get the job done.

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