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The African

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Posts posted by The African

  1. 10 hours ago, Burn_Broomfield said:

    Southland Stags play in claret and amber, though it's been diluted a wee bit recently.  The Highlanders have always got the claret and amber Southland flashes on their jerseys.

    Used to have a Southland rugby shirt from around twenty years ago. It only had an amber ( gold ) badge and the ccc logo.  I really liked it as it had a proper broad hoop in blue. The rest was mainly claret with some thine white hoops. The template might have worked nicely for us when we had Canterbury as a kit supplier. As for the Highlanders, I was always aware that the claret on their kit represented Southland, but assumed the amber was from Otago.

  2. 22 minutes ago, SteelmaninOZ said:

    C@A is very popular in the USA.

    You can’t really see this at Fir Park?:whistling:

    Indeed. When American Football was first shown on Channel 4 back in the mid 1980s I was a follower of the Washington Redskins because of their colours.

    There is also a rugby provincial side in New Zealand who play n claret and amber -King Ciuntry. Very much second division and still amateur. 

  3. Indeed, many thanks to UBH for is sterling efforts with regard strip design.

    One of the things he seems to get spot on, the recent blue and claret designs being prime examples, is keeping things simple and not complicating things with too much fussy detailing. How many half decent shirt designs have we seen ruined by s ridiculous collar or cuff embellishment?

    • Like 2
  4. 10 hours ago, underboyleheating said:

    I was a supporter of Motherwell’s 2012-13 ‘petrol blue’ shirt. However, I suspect the shirt that was eventually released was a Puma template that lacked the distinctive 4 bold hooped white/claret/amber/white Sampdoria feel I was pushing for on here at the time. The blue shirt wasn’t to everybody’s taste, although, the colour played an important part in our early kit history.

    This is another ‘what if’ concept done in a bold hoop Sampdoria style.

    Sampdoria-Motherwell away.jpg

    Awesome. Please let someone from the club be reporting back on this.

    can I be cheeky and ask how this might look with slightly broader claret and amber hoops and slightly thinner white hoops? Not sure it will be an improvement, but just a thought. Also, I am assuming white shorts and socks?  We would look fantastic!

    • Like 1
  5. We would obviously make nothing from Gillespie moving to Newcastle, but a guy getting a move to the English Premiership doesn't do our profile any arm with regard to potential recruits. As for the player, good luck to him.  Would be a great move for him financially, and given his excellent service during his two seasons with us, a move that would be churlish for us to begrudge.

  6. 9 hours ago, David said:

    Not entirely sure that's all that true to be honest. Us fans will see it as the best move because it means he's not buggering off on the cheap shortly.

    If the knee issue he's dealt with shows us anything, it's that the old "strike while the iron is hot" adage is very much applicable to footballers. That he went from signing for Celtic for life-changing money to hobbling around on crutches at Fir Park with the deal in tatters within weeks of each other is a prime example of what can happen to professional athletes.

    It can happen to any player, at any time. Which is why I'll never be critical of a Jake Hastie or a Chris Cadden who jumps on a good deal to increase their bank balance as soon as it's available to them. Does it suck for the club and the fans? Aye, but it's not our careers. 

    Let's imagine he comes back and he's not the player he looked like becoming. What then? If he suffered from recurring knee issues let's say, that saw him eventually fade from the first team and get released?

    Would the fans give a fuck about a 25 year old Davie Turnbull playing for Arbroath? Of course not. We'll be concerned with the next 18 year old Davie Turnbull that the club is producing, or the next talent we're trying to punt for millions.

    That Turnbull signed this new deal is highly commendable, and it shows his respect for the club. But his primary concern should always be himself, not the club, and not the fans. The fans aren't paying his mortgage when he's 40 and his career is over.

    I wonder what planet fans are living on when I see them saying "aye, Jake Hastie, eh? Signed by Rangers and immediately papped out on loan. Wonder what he's thinking now lol."

    He's thinking that he's getting thousands of pounds chucked into his bank account every week for playing football, that's what he'll be thinking. He'll most likely not be thinking "Fuck, I wish I'd stayed at Motherwell on less money."

    There's every chance he'll end up back at a club our size permanently when his Rangers deal comes to an end. The only difference will be a few years worth of really good money in his bank account. The lad had a purple patch and he took advantage, as we all would. 

    This knee issue with Turnbull will have highlighted how quickly it can all be taken away, so don't be surprised if he leaps on the first really good multi-year contract that comes his way. And who could blame him?


    My comment regarding the best career move for David Turnbull was referring to what can now happen after the signing of his new contract rather than anything that had happened beforehand. Sorry if that was not clear.

  7. 10 hours ago, Yassin said:

    I'm not convinced our options in summer were- a) a guy who was playing in the Spanish third tier and had just been released from Wolves' academy, b)a 26 year old winger from Solihull Moors, or c) Scotland internationalist Jamie Murphy who cost Rangers  7 figures from a Premiership team a few years ago.

    Sorry to be the one to tell you, but this sort of balanced and reasoned thinking has no place on an internet football supporters' forum.

  8. I suppose it all really comes down to a couple of factors. Firstly, if David Turnbull can recapture the form he displayed prior to his injury: the form which resulted in him being, very nearly, a £3 million player. Secondly, assuming the first, if we get offers for him which, given the status of his current contract, meet our valuation. We certainly do not necessarily "need" the cash so hopefully we do not allow anyone to take the piss with a low offer which we accept as being the best we can do in the circumstances. 

    I am genuinely of the opinion that we have done everything to further the career of Turnbull and other youngsters, with an eye to what is mutually beneficial to both parties. Whilst this is a laudable business practice, we should not be so naive as to believe that others will not try and take advantage of our circumstances. It might seem like we are cutting off our nose to spite our face, but remaining strong and holding out for a price close to our previous valuation, is our best course of action.

  9. Another one who is happy with a point from Tynecastle. As I sad before, not a place with many happy memories for me as a 'well fan.

    Too early for us to be getting excited about what is happening in other fixtures imho. We just need to concentrate on our own performance and results. Top six is an achievement of sorts, but we are still in pole position for third. Let's get stuck in and do it!

    • Like 1
  10. Not a ground that has many happy memories for me. Hearts have shown an improvement of late, but the one thing about this league is that, through 2nd to 12th, consistency is in short supply. Let's hope we can catch them on a return to the form that sees them in the relegation dogfight. A win and three points could be massive for us, but right now I'd take a point..

  11. I assume Rangers going out is not ideal from our perspective? Cannot stop myself from being quite pleased about it, even if it is Hearts that did for them. Also found myself following the St Mirren Aberdeen game. Happy enough with the result. Never really had much time for St Mirren and the last couple of results have just confirmed that.

  12. Perhaps the only upside to no game this Saturday is the chance it gives us to regroup. A weekend off for everyone might not be the worst preparation. The closure with the result of court proceedings in Edinburgh can hopefully draw a line under those events also.

    As for the game itself, we will have to cope without Donnelly and the battle that Ross County will undoubtedly bring would possibly have suited him. A case or bringing back Grimshaw if he isn't required for full  back?  Also a chance to test the Watt Long striking partnership. I do think we will need some width if, as expected, they set themselves out to frustrate us, so a role for either Aarons or Hylton. Any kind of  win to get us heading in the right direction again will be gratefully accepted.

  13. So, after tonight's performance, what is next seasons relegation battle looking like?

    Carson - decent keeper, glad to have him onboard.

    Gillespie - have to assume he will be gone.

    Tait - has struggled, but his experience could be vital. Got to play him in the right position though.

    Gallagher - a saleable asset, so any half decent offer will see him gone. Has been great for us, so hard to replace.

    Hartley - looks done, should be gone.

    Dunne - will be interesting to see how he does after long term injury, but worth keeping.

    Maguire - his lack of opportunity seems to suggest he will be freed when his contract is up.

    Carroll - has been decent for us, hopefully comes back well from his injury.

    Donnelly - not the player he looked at the beginning of the season, but all squads need journeymen who cover more than one position.

    Mugabi - doesn't look like he has the goods to make it at our level. The only thing currently keeping him at Fir Park next season is the length of his contract.

    Grimshaw - great attitude, journeyman player. Would keep around for now.

    Polworth - has talent, need to find a way to use it to our best advantage. Another keeper.

    Campbell - probably needs a rest, but a better than decent player on his day.

    Turnbull - depending on how the rest of this season goes and whether he extends his contract, but I can see us trying to cash him in this summer.

    Long - some talent, but does he want to be here? I think he will be gone.

    Hylton - better than Seedirf, but not good enough for this league.

    Seedorf - just not good enough, see yah!

    MacIver - too young and inexperienced to tell. I'd keep him as a work in progress.

    Ilic - if he cannot get into the team now, what is the point? Bye.

    Mazinga - see Seedorf.

    Watt - here on a short term deal so not sure if he will want to stick around. He is basically on a long term trial till the end of the season, and if he does really well, someone with more money will pick him up.

    Ferguson - back from loan in N Ireland. We will need cover for Carson if he fancies the job.

    As for the players we have on loan, I'd try my damnedest to get O'Hara on a permanent deal, the others can close the door on their way out.

    Missed anyone? So, a bit of a clear out and rebuild, but it is ever thus, and we are not completely bereft of talent. We will need to spend any Gallagher/Turnbull money wisely though, and we have to find a striker or two from somewhere.

    • Like 1
  14. 11 minutes ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Just had a look.  In our last 39 league matches were we started with 3 centre halves we've only won 9 of them.  That's a 23% win ratio.

    What ever the answer is to our current problems we need to ditch 3 at the back pronto.

    The problem with this being that our only serviceable left back is currently out of action.

  15. Time for a few home truths? We are only third by default in a truly awful league. We have some half decent players, but are not a cohesive unit. We flatter to deceive with some pretty play but have no real punch and don't offer much of a goal threat. We cannot put a decent ninety minute performance together. We have a business plan based on selling on our best players, but currently look like we have little left that anyone would want to buy. Our lack of depth has led to us "overolaying" promising youngsters and probably stymied their development ( Cadden and now Campbell).

    on the plus side, on current form we would have been an embarrassment in Europe anyway and nice to see Turnbull back, even if rushing him into the match day squad has a look of desperation about it.


    Rant over.

    • Like 1
  16. 3 hours ago, Ross said:

    Why has dunne turned into Maldini since he’s been out injured?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I would honestly contend that a fit Charles Dunne is currently better than Paolo Maldini.


    To be fair to Paolo, he is fifty one. It is also interesting to note that predictive text prefers " Maldivian" to "Maldini". And finally, does anyone else have issues with a player whose first name is Charles? I am sorely tempted to start the ball rollong on finding a nickname for Charles Dunne. Anyone for "Chico"?

    • Haha 1
  17. The key to our defensive line up is obviously whether Gallagher is well enough to play. If not, I might beempted to go three at the back. I would also look at playing Tait where he is more comfortable, on the right. With Carroll out, I might be tempted to look at Ilic on the left as a wing back in a five man midfield. It would give us the chance to rest Campbell with Grimshaw joining OHara and Polworth in the centre. Might be a bit of a gamble and probably not a longer term solution, but with resources stretched you sometimes have to take a risk or two.

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