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The African

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Posts posted by The African

  1. An absolute shambles, and one which makes those that are involved in the governance of Scottish football look like the rank amateurs that they obviously are.  No wonder the game in Scotland is in the state it is.

    As to what we as a club can do about this situation, I am afraid that the answer is precious little. I see no value in trying to use what some might see as the precedent set by this ruling to try and gain advantage ourselves. I really don't want Motherwell to be a club like that. I see little value in using the whole mess as a motivational tool. If our players and staff are not already fully motivated for the task ahead of them, especially given the hole we find ourselves in, then they have no right to be at the club. I also doubt we will gain anything by trying to play hardball when it comes to negotiating as to when these fixtures will be replayed. We might, quite rightly at the moment, feel a sense of injustice and that we, in particular, as a club, have been well and truly shafted, but the one thing that is clear from this unholy mess, is that the powers that be obviously do not share that opinion and, as such, us being petulant about it is only going to be, ultimately, an unnecessary distraction. I shall conclude by quoting what a US army Sargent is supposed to have told an injured and disabled soldier on the way back to America after World War 2, " if you are looking for sympathy, you will find it in the dictionary between sh*t and syphliis". This mess is done. We need to  stop feeling sorry for ourselves and get over it.

  2. The cynic in me is thinking that Celtic might not be too upset if they are docked points over protocol breaches on their Dubai jolly. It would give them an excuse to blame their failure in not achieving the mythical ten in a row on being the innocent victims in an establishment fit up.

    I apologise in advance for my inherent cynicism. It is not an admirable trait.

    • Like 1
  3. One of the joys of being a supporter of a certain age are the memories of the excitement one used to feel before the old third round draw. The what ifs and what might bes on a possible run in the cup, all the way to Hampden perhaps?

    I have to admit that, over time, and with the chances of our success seemingly being ever further squeezed by the way the game is going, that excitement has worn off a fair bit. I sencerely hope that it is just me getting old and that somewhere, out in darkest Lanarkshire, or wherever, there are young Motherwell fans waiting with hope and anticipation for what might be the beginning of something special. I still believe that it is the way it should be.

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  4. On 1/6/2021 at 6:55 AM, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Grimshaw and a few others that aren't good enough at this level have made a good living off our generosity at handing out wages from not much return.

    I'm sure there are young guys at the club that can give you enthusiasm and might even make a pass once in a while.

    Nothing against him personally but if you are 4 seasons in at a club and you aren't a stick on first teamer then its time to move on.....or get moved on.

    Keeping senior players on that aren't good enough for the first XI in insanity and one of the reasons our squad isn't good enough.

    Harsh, but I have to admit, probably accurate. 

    I love Grimshaw's attitude and wish it was infectious, but the only real reason I can see to keep him is if we end up in the Champioship next season, where he might find it more of his natural level.

  5. 19 minutes ago, Jack said:


    Polworth and White played together at Inverness so surely its worth trying them both in same team.

    I would suggest the Reserves? 


    Seriously, I do think we are, at least partially, victims of the unique Covid situation in that the lack of reserve team and under 20s action will have been a major hindrance. We are currently trying to rebuild the first team and have no fixtures to experiment in, plus we are a club who look to give youth players a pathway and that is blocked off for now. Okay, other sides are in the same boat, but it seems to be a major factor to a club like ours.

  6. Chapman was brought in as longer term cover for Fox. It made sense to play him when Carson got injured and Archer had only just arrived. Once it became clear that Atprcher was the better keeper and was up to speed, it made sense to play him. It now transpires that Archer, to all extent and purposes, wasn't available last Saturday it made sense to give Chapman another chance, which he clearly didn't take. Hopefully Liam Kelly, or whoever comes in, can hit the ground running.

  7. Based on one performance, it looks like Lasley is more part of the problem than, going forward, part of the solution.

    We don't have the time to muck around here so hopefully the search for a truly able replacement is already underway. We can probably write off the chance of taking anything except a pumping from the next three fixtures.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, ropy said:

    Lamie is not a player.  We don’t play football that would utilise White so I give him a pass, don’t want to see him on the pitch though.

    Fair comments. Whyte is not of the required standard for this level. Giving him the final twenty minutes, two goals and a man down, and expecting him to be able to make a telling difference is tantamount to workplace bullying.

  9. Well that was sh*t*.

    I generally believe that changing manager mid season is a huge gamble and one which can often go the wrong way. Having said that, managers tend to have a shelf life and when it is over, it is time to say goodbye. We are a team devoid. Lacking in all fundamentals. No organisation, no fight, no skill and no belief. Change is required and sooner rather than later.

    I really don't like calling for people to lose their jobs and livelihoods but we cannot go on as it is.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, Spiderpig said:

    He did, was on loan with us in 2010,  came on as a sub in the 6-6 game as I recall, was never very good.

    Played for Wellington Phoenix in the A league for a number of seasons. Was considered a decent player here, where the tempo of the game is slower than the SPL.

  11. 34 minutes ago, Big Wispy Flossy said:

    Genuine Scottish football legend. The only manager to banjo a journalist for having the audacity to ask an awkward question. Jim and his brother Tommy were two of the greater things to happy to Scottish football in the 80’s and 90’s. RIP Jim

    Your, I assume, unintentional, use of happy ( sometimes predictive spellcheck is not your friend) made me smile as it is certainly not what you would describe the McLean brothers as. I remember Jim saying he called Tommy the grumpy one in the family.

  12. I think we might do better at throw ins if we returned to calling them shys. Don't ask me to explain why, I just do. The same goes for "goal kicks". Bring back the by kick and we will be okay.

    • Haha 1
  13. 46 minutes ago, Electric Blues said:


    We should bring in Miss Marple to ply up front too, she's got more chance of getting into double figures than Chris Long.

    Not as daft as you might think. Was it Mick Channon who used to go mental about "bodies in the box" when working as a World Cup pundit for ITV? Something that any Agatha Christie creation cannot be criticised for lacking.

  14. Poor result and what sounds like another lacklustre performance. The kind of result that, if things are allowed to continue, will see us in real trouble at the end of the season. The fact that we have been on this track for a few weeks now is worrying. Things have to change for the simple reason that whatever we are doing now just isn't working.

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