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Everything posted by Pepper

  1. i'd sub higginbotham and faddy sharpish
  2. tell you what, outstanding comeback
  3. The fact that this was done mid season is also scandalous and shows that noone, and I mean noone, in the Scottish games can be trusted to put the good of the game before self interest.
  4. I'm not even surprised at any of the sh*te they try to pull anymore, and the sad thing about it is I've just about stopped caring. The more things change the more they stay the same.
  5. Pepper

    Smoke Bombs

    Seems there is no smoke without fire....
  6. Well a large crowd a fir park usually only means one thing...
  7. That's the problem you get when you show everyone your hand.
  8. He's only 17 as far as I know. So even when his deal runs out at the end of the season Aberdeen would still get a £250k development fee for him regardless. For someone to lure him away now they will have to pay more than that to make it worth Aberdeen's while, which goes some way to explaining the 400k being touted.
  9. Is compensation not age related?
  10. It's been said before, but transfer fees often reflect the value of a players current conract, and until we start paying our players more we cant expect to demand high fees for them. There is always that exceptional talent who you can demand whatever you want for but they don't come around (in a Motherwell shirt) very often. You can bet that although Fraser might seem half the player that Jamie is his contract at Aberdeen will be worth much more than Jamie's was with us, and this is reflected in the trasfer fee.
  11. Murphy has had our three shots, two off target and one powder puff. So not really. Murphy is playing well, not much threat from anywhere else though.
  12. He's on loan to Dumbarton till Jan I think
  13. Gav I think like some other folk you are failing to separate the incident itself and how the Compliance Officer goes about his business. It is the latter that most folk have a problem with.
  14. Pepper

    A Worse Game

    Jeff Stelling went out of his way to mention how poor the game was on Soccer Saturday. That pretty much says it all.
  15. 5 - 1 flattered Inverness. Superb performance to a man.
  16. should that no be "the no too bad ...."
  17. this is the most inept refereeing performance ever!
  18. Think we can count ourselves unlucky to be behind. Kerr seems to like diving in and trying to nick the ball, the hibs players are turning him every time!
  19. By a fooking country mile!
  20. If you take the club statement on the official literally then no he cant, but that's what umpteen people have been trying to clarify with the club with as yet no success.
  21. How the hell are the folk in charge of the club able to make even the simplest of things so bloody difficult. There are more than enough reasons to make people stay away from the footy and farcical situations like this hardly help. Common sense should prevail here, but having seen us feck up the simplest of things in the past I wouldn't hold my breath. We can now add MFC needlessly pissing off their own fans to Death and Taxes.
  22. Just as well I have a good tan from holiday cos I certainly needed it to hide my rid neck in work today. There have been a few lows as a Well fan, but last night was hard to take for so many reasons. We never seem to learn from our mistakes, no matter how many times we make the same one!
  23. radio link here http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/scotland/17570242
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