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Big Wispy Flossy

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Everything posted by Big Wispy Flossy

  1. I’m 100pc in the manager out camp I’m afraid
  2. That part is not even close to being true though is it?? He knew exactly what was happening and the scenario manufactured to ensure we didn’t get what we were due. Cadden and Oxford benefitted from it.
  3. Chris Cadden was never anything other than a mid / lower spfl premiership player. Even that assessment maybe a tad generous. Also he was part of sting that fucked over our club and that should be remembered if he turns up to play at fir park in future
  4. Ha ha glum jum as he was affectionately known
  5. Genuine Scottish football legend. The only manager to banjo a journalist for having the audacity to ask an awkward question. Jim and his brother Tommy were two of the greater things to happen to Scottish football in the 80’s and 90’s. RIP Jim
  6. I’ve seen some shite forwards in my 40 years watching Motherwell but Jordan white is right up there
  7. Gallagher seems very capable at defending his own box but seems to get his timing all wrong when heading in the opposition box (when we don’t under or over hit our set pieces)
  8. Our midnight is probably the worst in the league. Surely Campbell is not ‘jaded’ again? Unless we get quality in the final third we will struggle to avoid the playoffs
  9. We have zero quality in midfield or up top. Painfully slow too
  10. There’s barely a footballer in the squad. I wouldn’t be breaking the bank to keep o’donnell or Campbell either. I’ve been critical of Gallagher earlier in the season, and justifiably so in my opinion, but he’s the only one whose stepped up performances from the shambolic start to the season
  11. Did anyone expect us to win with a trio of non-scoring forwards and a midfield three of Ohara maguire and Campbell?
  12. Bowman would be our first choice striker now without doubt. He’s better than anything we currently have. Digest that and weep!
  13. The midfield 3 have been hopeless - the forwards and defenders not much better
  14. Tony watt for all the hype doesn’t do anything particularly well
  15. Our budget has been wasted on 7 incapable forwards.
  16. Cancel training - pick and choose our games and we should still make top 6
  17. How the fuck is Lamie considered good enough? He may not be only one that’s below the standard required but him and white are by miles the worst. if reflects badly on just about everybody if they were recommendations by their pal.
  18. Blame at the managers door. Bringing in Lamie was a terrible decision
  19. Absolutely - never have we had a technically proficient centre forward like him since. A pleasure to watch in his twilight
  20. Crawford?? In my opinion he’s more of a midfielder than maguire,. Wouldn’t have signed him though as I think others in the squad could also do that job
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