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Everything posted by NottsMFC

  1. Aberdeen Interested In Randolph Lot of shite from The Sun I think!
  2. Graham Alexander wasn't bad - 77/83.
  3. I really hope the club are fully aware of all these details & have the matter in hand. I will be sad to see Jamie go but will wish him all the best when he does leave, as long as he doesn't end up at either of the ugly sisters!
  4. It also says McPake was sent off before the winner when it was after. Do they actually have a reporter at the game?!
  5. Absolutely delighted, done my hangover the world of good that finish! Said it before, can we play all our games away from home please?
  6. Totally agree. RC/ICT also live on MFR2.
  7. Would love that to be the case but will settle for just winning any which way!
  8. Humphrey Would Jump At Chance To Sign New Contract I know he has his many detractors, including myself at times, but would be happy to keep him if he's not looking for more money.
  9. Where you hearing this? Saunders has barely played under McCall due to injuries. As far as I'm aware he's currently still out injured, don't know if he's 1 that's out of contract in the summer, if not, would seem a very rash decision by McCall if true.
  10. No subs were used according to BBC website.
  11. Another away win, held out under a lot of pressure by the sounds of it, great 3 points
  12. Can we play all our games away please!
  13. Quite happy to get in 0-0 at half time, not been great so far. Hoping for a big improvement second half.
  14. NottsMFC


    Extremely difficult to pick 1 after everyone performed so well. Randolph, Higdon, Ojamma, Law played really well, but so did the rest. Going for Murphy as had some stick in recent weeks but was excellent today.
  15. Will be gutted to see him go but deserves a big move, he's a class goalkeeper & has served us well.
  16. Randolph is outstanding!
  17. Very pleasing 1st half performance, would've liked another goal, certainly would've been deserved. Expect them to be better in the 2nd half, here's hoping we can stand firm & hopefully get another goal or 2, would love to see Henrik get on the scoresheet!
  18. Totally see your frustration mate, I'm an awful lot closer than you but still very difficult for me to get back to Motherwell for various reasons. Don't think it can be too difficult in this day & age to set up video conferencing so that people in your situation can actively take part in these meetings, like you say, it's ok if you have some points to make someone else can raise them on your behalf, but when those points are subsequently discussed, you are left without a voice. I'm hoping to get up for this meeting on 6/12, but it will depend on being able to get away from work for a few days, it being a Thursday definitely not helpful for me. Plus side is if can get time off, will be at Pittodrie for the cup game on the 1st
  19. Agree the size of our squad limits the scope for rotation, & to be honest, I'm more of the old school thinking of keeping the 1st team as unchanged as is possible. For me there's nothing better than a team that picks it's self. Point I was trying to make is that If a player performs well, they deserve to keep their place in the team. Haven't seen a great deal of Carswell but he looked decent against Hearts, & if he comes into the team & performs well, he should keep his place for the following game, no matter who's expense that's at.
  20. All pretty consistent performers (maybe bar Hateley) so no reason why they shouldn't. However, say 1 of them spends the next few games walking around in a daze, not running, not tackling, constantly passes to the opposition & also doesn't bother turning up for training half the time. Does he still get to start every game just because he's available?
  21. No player should be a certain starter for any team, they should all have to earn their place by putting the work in during the week in training & by performing during the game time they are given. Randolph has been consistently outstanding for us but if he were to go on a run of bad form, even his place should be in jeopardy. Jamie Murphy has earned a place in the starting line up tomorrow after his display on Saturday, here's hoping he continues to earn a place as that can only be a good thing for us. As far as Scotland goes, probably not at the moment but would love to see him earn that place as well, as the only way to do it is by shining for his club side.
  22. Airdrie please, would definitely make the trip up for that 1.
  23. Shame Ojamaa didn't tuck that open goal away, hoping if he can get a goal he'll go on a scoring run like he did last season.
  24. Perfectly good goal not given which would've made it 1-1. 2 penalties that were never penalties given to put us 3-0 down. Surely these officials cannot be allowed to officiate int the SPL again for a long, long time? Won't be holding my breath, fucking joke!
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