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Everything posted by steelman1991

  1. Laing, Long and Ainsworth - you heard it here first
  2. I managed to avoid that f....g clown Keevins in the lead up to the game. What a tool - though he was right about one thing - the result from Ibrox didn't make it academic at Fir Park, but it was certainly comfortable !!!!!!!!!!!
  3. What would there be to decide - surely we wouldn't play hard ball over a fee for the best part of a month, or are there other technicalities I'm missing.
  4. Oh god please Rennie, Watson, Wark, Goodwin, McLaren, Millar, Graham, Pettigrew, McIlwraith, Taylor and Goldthorpe. Think that was the team that day - Willie really led big Roddy 'The Proddy' a merry dance lol Reckon that team could hold its own even now.
  5. Just brilliant bobbybingo !!!!!!!
  6. Won't be easy to find - he managed to hide from millions for an hour and a half last Sunday
  7. Don't think so - he's moving under freedom of contract.
  8. steelman1991


    As much as I see the irony and enjoy slagging them as much as the next person - we are hardly in the position to take the high ground on this issue - v Hibs (6-6) game. Oh alright then!!!
  9. Is it seriously that bad - see Sky are showing games, haven't tuned into any yet though.
  10. Yeah know what you mean. It's amazing the number of people who have commented on it. However just to bring a more realistic bent, its not always like that - at times Fir Park can resemble a morgue - with the exception of the 'Bois'. The trick now is to carry this momentum forward to the new season and have Fir Park rocking like that every other week.
  11. Happy Dosser - IIRC it had more to do with the manufacturing process, rather than the club's reluctance to produce a 'traditional' strip. Like others I'm usually more than happy that at least our home and away efforts are 'Claret & Amber' and kept well away from the St Mirren strip designers.
  12. He's a right back though, is he not?
  13. I think the clue might be hidden somewhere near the end of the article "Ex-Spurs, Preston and Luton Town frontman Robinson said: “Ian’s due a lot of credit. He’s a very calm person, he doesn’t get too carried away with defeat or victory."
  14. Absolute KUDO's to both of you - couldn't have put it any better. Wonderful reading both these pieces. I don't think the 'flag poking' was intentional and something that to his credit Lee McCulloch didn't make much of, so there wasn't really anything 'we got wrong" and again I don't think the person involved went out of his way to deliberately target, McCulloch, or any other player for that matter. The pitch invasion - now Andy couldn't have described my emotions at the time any better - my first thought was get of the f....g park, this is all the excuse the authorities will need to overturn the result and catapult Rangers back into the big league. Thanks to both of you.
  15. Think it was a 2, maybe even a 3 year deal for Johnston
  16. Glad you managed to get sorted GazzyB - just don't leave it so late the next time.
  17. Agreed and I doubt there were anywhere near 400-500 in the POD.
  18. 200 in the Cooper - no way - unless you saw something I didn't, doubt there were any (even the poor fella who's ticket was pictured and posted as an infiltrator, turned out to be a 'Well fan.
  19. For a decent sum, by our standards (500K) if reports are to be believed.
  20. Thankfully the quietest exit to an Old Firm match we've ever experienced - hardly a soul around when we left. Surprised at the lack of Police cordon, perhaps a late decision taken on the basis of how few Rangers fans actually turned up - so much for the bravado of the last week and how they would have to be admitted because of the numbers who would travel. Lessons can be learned, but the most important one is that with the correct ticketing arrangements in place, we can provide our team with an advantage at home. Well done the club. Anyone aware of what happened with the young lad being treated by Ambulance staff for a head wound at the Cooper Stand exit?
  21. The "90 in 90 highlights" posted earlier in the thread are absolutely superb. The reaction of the commentator as Bell punches thin air is priceless.
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