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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. I had assumed when we signed Jules on loan then he was going to be a step up in class from our own young players. I know its early days and he may get better, but if we are taking a risk on a young player Id rather we developed one of our own rather than another clubs given that only one of those options is likely to make us any money. If Tait is fit, play McMillan at left back. He hasnt let us down there.
  2. Hi Jay, I'd like to know if the money being pledged to the society is still ring fenced and only being given to the club when required as a loan and being repayed to the society when available. I was one of the original members but hadnt signed up to pledge any more money until Les' double your money offer. Happy to do this short term as I see the benefit for the club. But it would be nice to have some re-assurance that our cash isnt disappearing into the club never to be seen again. Prudent budgeting and accountability have to be part of the model going forward if fan ownership is to be sustainable. All the best.
  3. It was inevitable. Hopefully we can now get more positivity coming from the stands. Now the players have no excuse. Its down to them now to keep us up and show they deserve to be in the premiership.
  4. Wasnt a huge fan of McGhee coming back but was willing to give him a chance and after last season genuinely felt he would turn it around this season. I reasoned that he was an experienced manager who had been reasonably successful and we were unlikely to get anyone better. Whilst I still think the last part is true I no longer think he has it in him to keep us up. He has to go if only to see if someone else can get anymore out of the squad. Unfortunately I fear bringing a new manager in and offering a new contract isnt going to be financially viable in long term due to the fact that if we fail and get relegated we will have to re-assess our business plan which wont include paying a manager premiership wages. With that in mind Id give the job to Craigan in the interim with Robinson as assistant (sorry but I just dont see Robinson getting a reaction out of this squad). Crags would have the support of the fans. He has the respect of the senior pros and he is tough enough to give the younger ones the boot up the arse some of them need. Once we know what league we are playing in next season we can look at it again.
  5. Wasnt a huge fan of McGhee coming back but was willing to give him a chance and after last season genuinely felt he would turn it around this season. I reasoned that he was an experienced manager who had been reasonably successful and we were unlikely to get anyone better. Whilst I still think the last part is true I no longer think he has it in him to keep us up. He has to go if only to see if someone else can get anymore out of the squad. Unfortunately I fear bringing a new manager in and offering a new contract isnt going to be financially viable in long term due to the fact that if we fail and get relegated we will have to re-assess our business plan which wont include paying a manager premiership wages. With that in mind Id give the job to Craigan in the interim with Robinson as assistant (sorry but I just dont see Robinson getting a reaction out of this squad). Crags would have the support of the fans. He has the respect of the senior pros and he is tough enough to give the younger ones the boot up the arse some of them need. Once we know what league we are playing in next season we can look at it again.
  6. Havent listened for a few weeks. Good episode. Pretty balanced coverage of the McGhee situation and some interesting thoughts on Robinsons return. Could we be looking at a Robinson / Craigan partnership next season? Probably needs its own thread!
  7. I think if the referee missed the tackle and didnt deal with it the compliance officer could intervene retrospectively. However, he saw it and adjuged it a yellow card so not sure that they can now. It would effectively be criticising their own ref, which managers and players have to tred carefully around.
  8. It was a dangerous tackle. Studs showing, straight leg, waist height. Much worse than McDonald or McHugh and probably more reckless than Lucas. I dont think there was intent but he is still extremely fortunate to get away it.
  9. Craig Clay for me. Much maligned on here but thought he showed a lot of composure in tight areas and allowed us to play our way out of trouble at the back and retain possession where a big hoof forward would have handed it back to Celtic. High risk strategy at times but got away with it for the most part.
  10. Im going to hide in a dark room with no telecommunications. Wake me up when its over!
  11. I usually quite enjoy Mixlr. As others have said, its sometimes the only way to hear the game live. Today was OTT however. The reaction to the red card is ridiculous when you see the pictures and the constant harping about Hamilton parking the bus is chronic Old Firm patter. Accies are fighting for their survival. Perfectly entitled to try and win the points any way they can. That said, injury time equalisers are something special so I cant criticise the goal celebration! Hopefully they read this and tweek their coverage accordingly as its a great service they are providing for us fans that cant get there every week.
  12. I thought Hammell had a pretty decent game. He was calm and assured on the ball albeit not troubled too much defensively. Tait had a much harder task v Hayes on the other side.
  13. Thought, the goals aside, we were actually pretty decent first half and a bit unfortunate to go in behind. Missed Lasley 2nd half and the decision to replace him with Thomas effectively surrendered the midfield, so wasnt a surprise to see Aberdeen dominate after that. Not really sure any of the other options on the bench would have changed things but it wouldnt have been my first choice. Aberdeen were deserved winners in the end but we largely beat ourselves. Too early to be panicking just yet but its the same mistakes week in week out. It needs to stop soon.
  14. Has to be King Louis for that first half performance. Thought McManus was immense first half as was Cadden. A tough 2nd 45mins but everyone put a shift in.
  15. Totally support this decision. Easily the most significant figure in the history of our club. Important to recognise that and as others have said, ensure that younger fans get to learn about it.
  16. I understand the risk attached to transfers and have no problem with that. But there should be a clear dividing line between the Society and the club when it comes to finances. If the club want to spend some money and the society lend it fine. As long as its paid back eventually. Otherwise how do we ensure long term sustainability? Some transfers will work, some wont. But overall the business model we operate should be discouraging some of the reckless spending we have seen on players during both Barraclough and McGhees tenure.
  17. I take your point. However, the original purpose of the Society was not to be an endless revenue stream. It was to build a fund to ensure steady cashflow at times where funds were tight. My understanding was that funds would go to the club at certain times and be returned to the Society when available. If the club is run on a sustainable basis then the amount of money should grow rather than diminish. Its just not clear right now to me that this is still the case. If its not then the Society and the Club have to be clear about it. I certainly wont be putting any more money in if its not going to be paid back to the Society. Given how we've pissed money away in the transfer market in the last 2 years you would be mad to sign up to bankroll that. There has to be some accountability on the clubs part to run prudently.
  18. Got my bookazine today. Had a quick flick through. Delighted with the quality. Very impressive. Looking forward to reading it. Well done folks!
  19. Some well thought out posts bringing some balance to the debate. Im not a McGhee hater, and was willing to give him a chance despite the nature of his exit last time round. I thought he did well last season to turn us around and I guess I, like many others, expected him to build on that and for us to enjoy a relatively successful season. The fact that this hasnt happened and that the managers faults have been laid bare is probably the most exasperating thing for most fans. When that happens most supporters will revert to their default position on the manager. Ive no idea where we will finish this season. I think it will largely depend on whether Mark McGhee can play to his strengths and control the urges he has to overthink things. Playing our best players in their natural positions is a good start. Whether injuries and tactics will allow us to keep doing that is another matter. I agree that McGhee is probably as good a manager as we can attract at the moment. The Ross County game has bought him some time. Hopefully he will learn the lessons from the last few weeks and we can continue to play positive attacking football for the rest of the season. If he does, we will win more than we lose in this league. If he doesnt, he will be out the door sooner or later and we will be back to square 1.
  20. He was only about 5th or 6th best player, but as you say, had a really good game. His best in quite some time. Benefited from being played through the middle right enough.....
  21. Thanks for this. I think my concern, before putting any further money in, would be that the club doesnt become a bottomless pit. If the money given to the club by the society is never paid back, then where is the incentive to manage the finances wisely. Im not in favour of the Society just becoming another "income stream" as after a while it just becomes part of the operating structure. To me that leaves the club at risk if fans thereafter can no longer afford their direct debits.
  22. Surely if the Society only has £20k currently in the bank it means that it has lent a significant sum to the club which will be returned to the pot when available? My understanding was that society funds were for interest free loans to the club for cash flow purposes as we dont have access to an overdraft?
  23. Very difficult choice. Lucas was head and shoulders above everyone first half but unsurprisingly faded 2nd half as he ran out of steam. Lionel was great 2nd half but quiet first half. Cadden had his usual solid performance but feel he needs to back himself more when he is one one one with the opposing fullback. Went for McDonald for motm as he was involved in just about everything good we did today. He was an absolute nuisance to their defence from start to finish in the way Dougie Arnott used to be. Brilliant.
  24. Nearly didnt go today. So glad I did. I wouldnt have believed it otherwise! As others have said, it shows the difference when the manager keeps it simple and plays everyone in their correct positions (bar Ainsworth who was outsanding) Moult and McDonald have a great understanding and with the support from Cadden and Lionel, County just couldnt live with us. Clay and Lucas kept it simple and retained possession well. Lucas played with his head up the whole game looking for a forward pass. What a difference. The defence did ok but there were still a couple of sticky moments from set pieces and backing of players encouraging shots from distance, so that lesson still hasnt been learned. The starting 11 deserves the chance to go again next week.
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