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Posts posted by mfc

  1. that was one of the worst games ive seen for a while but the win and another clean sheet more than makes up for it.we seem to be more resolute since broon took charge cause thats the type of game we wouldve drawn earlier in the season

  2. This. Plus, I think potential signings would want to know who they are playing for/being coached by - is it Brown/Know or is that just for the rest of the season (if even that long) and some new boy comes in that maybe doesn't fancy these players and dumps them. This short-term outlook will affect our long-term ambitions, and at a time when money is tight.



    your right about that mate i heard craig brown mention a few days ago that hes been talking to a few agents and its the first thing they ask him how long is he going to be manager for and of course he cant tell them.hopefully we can get a couple of players in but you can see how some players would be put off with us having a interim manager

  3. How much did Hertz get for Berra?


    Reynolds is worth a million at least. I think he will be offski though.


    im sure it was £2.5million berra went for.i agree we should be looking for atleast a million for reynolds we turned down that fae rangers two year ago so to take anything less now when hes a more improved player would be daft

  4. Well they dont walk out on other clubs with the same regularity they do here.


    mcghee is famous for walkin out on teams to join another,malpas has been sacked from his only two goes as being a club manager so i think youll find were not the only club these guys have left

  5. Your fuckin right i have an issue with Boyle. This is the latest in a long line of incompetent

    fuck ups on his part. I am royally hacked off with the stewardship of the club since Boyle bumbled his way in talking about the "NEW Motherwell" and then taking a club in the black deep into debt. I am not sure that Gannon was even sacked, I have a feeling that he walked. Anyway we will find out soon.

    I have never believed or stated he is Machiavellian - I dont thinks hes that clever. He is an opportunist but certainly not a long term planner. There is no plan other than to make money for Boyle and then get out. The club is still up for sale is it not?

    And if you believe that there is some long term goal here to make us a force in the SPL then you sir are delusional.



    you really do talk some shite.there is no money at our club to have a long term plan let alone make us a force in the spl end of story

  6. No they didnt ALL get 2 seasons. Only 3 out of seven were here for two seasons and only 1 was here for more then that. Not sure I can be bothered repeating this again so I refer the right honourable gentleman to the answer I gave some posts ago.

    What Im looking for is some stability and 8 management teams in 11 years is NOT in any way shape or form stability. Brown is interim so doubtful he will be here long term so we are looking at 4 different management teams in the space of 1 year. Even the most optimistic Boyle fan must admit that this is NOT stability.


    burma your saying we have a problem retaining managers have you ever thought thats know all down to the club eric black left when we went into admin,butcher done a great job with us but his time had come to an end and it was best for a new manager to come in.malpas made a c**t of it and had to be sacked and then mcghee was desperate to get away from us so boyle done the right thing and got a good bit of compo for him.im sure theres more to the gannon departure than we know about but going on whats been mentioned so far then i dont think boyle had much choice other than get rid of him.

  7. Yeah it would be for Boyle. But when Gannon asks why there was no money for him to replace the players he doesnt rate and is told no chance. Then Boyle sees a golden opportunity to make himself some cash he dives in. Fantastic move. Not only do we NOT strengthen the areas we need to but we lose a manager and we sign no one in the transfer window. No manager in place til after tthe window closes im willing to bet.


    John Boyle is a rich man for a reason. And its not because he has the best interests of motherwell fans at heart.


    so are you telling us that were signing ruddy permenantly cause you seem to think you know everything thats going on behind the scenes at fir park

  8. Yeah cos the chairman should be the one who determines where the money is spent on playing staff. not the manager. that would be silly Especially when hes looking to pocket a percentage of the profit. Masterstroke by Boyle. the man truly is a genius at lining his own pockets. :notworthy:


    it would be a masterstroke if boyle was to pay the money and sign ruddy permanently and then sell him for a profit so he would be a genius

  9. My apologies. In my defence you write as one. Your still a short sighted fud though.

    Im actually quite pleased that Flow doesnt bother with me. I havent bothered wi him for years. All Fur coat and no knickers.


    As for your assertion that Gannons deadline passed today, which you admit is a guess, well if thats the case then why dont the club just come out and say that?


    i bet youll be glad when your back at school

  10. Yes because your remit tells you that. Ask a Charlto fan, ask a Partick Thistle fan and ask a Southhampton fan all teams who are worse off than us but the fans have got BEHIND their team and now they are reaping the reward. Why? because they showed patience,


    charlton,thistle and southampton there fans have never booed there team at the final whistle before if only our fans were as good as theres

  11. shocking performance theres no other words for it.the lack of fight in the team right now is a worry and we need to forget about fair play awards and how many few cards were picking up and develop a tougher side to our game.as for the booing at the end of the game totally justified imo when u have to pay to watch that shite

  12. weve had a really tough run of games of late with hibs,celtic and rangers and were still in 5th place so its no all doom and gloom although todays result is hard to take.weve got games coming up that we should be looking to win and with a few players back fae injury we should start picking up points again starting next week against st johnstone

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