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Posts posted by ML1

  1. I don't know what the fussing over O'Brien is all about either,


    Obrien 76 appearences - 4 goals , two coming in the one game against Killie


    Darren Smith , less appearances , only around a measly third of the number of starting appearances with a return of twice as many goals.


    I know Smith wasnt rated by many on here , O'brien IMO was a complete fraud of a footballer.


    Hopefully we arent about about to see the collective theory that 'we'd be as well with nobody out there than those two' put to the test ?

  2. Going to miss him :lol:


    Fair enough on a personal manlove level if thats your thing


    But if John Boyle shows the same ambition that seen him shell out on Porter and Jutkiewitcz then there's no reason why we cant go down South and find someone else who will just about guarantee goals in the SPL


    Cheers Lukas , we done each other a turn.

  3. Forbes has easily been the biggest let down of the season for me.


    His debut season , around 9 goals from midfield in about 25 starts and he's been the biggest let down of the season ?


    What were you expecting from him ? :lol:

  4. It's all good and well if you can skin a player or two, but if you can't stick a decent cross in at the end of it then it's a bit pointless.


    One for the stattos - how many assists have all our players together got this season, and how many of these has O'Brien got? I'll guess at less than 10%. I may be wrong, but I doubt I am!



    Shhh man , he's our most creative player


    Im sitting here pondering at when he's been at his most creative. On the occassions when the opposition have been down to ten and theres been space for the type of player some folk inexplicably think he is ? Against Welsh part timers ? Inverurie ? The SFL sides we've faced in the cup ?


    So many to choose from :rolleyes:

  5. Why would you rejoice at arguably our most skillful and creative player leaving?!?!


    Because id argue that he is a complete fraud and i'll gladly see someone else come in and see if they can give us more , which IMO wouldnt be difficult at all

  6. Just so long as 1000 weans on freebies dont get to clean up in the ballot in the case of another Stranraer/Inverurie/Nancy ticket scramble !


    The club are to be applauded . The interest free options will be a help to a lot of folk.


    And for any dodgers getting a student one or one in their da's name , dont go moaning when we've nae money to buy players

  7. O'Brien is probably the best player we have in the team, i love how everyone turns against the players when they are linked with a move elsewhere. And who mentioned Foran in the same sentence as O'Brien? :huh:



    Aye quite right mate , other clubs valued Foran , he's managed to cause problems and even score against first division sides at some point in the past two years when he's faced them and managed 20 odd goals in 90 odd appearances for us. So no real comparison to be made



    Like i said , he's no great shakes but he brings something productive to the team. That makes him more use than OBrien.


    OBrien has done no more for the team in his time than Darren Lee Smith has , why arent the lunatics shouting out the asylum windows for him to be snapped up by a Premiership club ?

  8. Aye we're struglging to hold onto him because he's pure mince so we are! :huh:



    We didnt struggle to keep hold of him in January , in the past others who were out of contract in the summer went for sizeable fees in the January before.


    Foran is one of them , O'brien isnt a 1/4 of the player Foran is and Foran isnt half the player some on here think O'brien is.

  9. Mid table League One though. Must have a wee bit more ambition football wise than that.


    Probably , if he lets his head get filled with battered shite thats said about him on here, Unfortunately for Jim if it is the case he has nowhere near the ability to fulfill his ambition :lol:

  10. now, I as much as anyone thought fraser had a howler on Sunday, but just a reminder that he won man of the match on this site not too long ago...





    Surely we establshed LONG ago that the voters on that poll each week made as much sense as the revellers at a 4 day Miaow Miaow party ?

  11. When I started coming regularly to Motherwell games in the mid eighties I went home happy if we scored a goal! The idea of qualifying for Europe or even finishing in the top half of the table was pie in the sky and it seemed most seasons were a relegation battle.


    I've said it before and I'll say it again, the last 10 years, when taken as a whole, has probably been the clubs most successful period since the 1950's/early 60's.


    So I think older fans will probably have a bit more perspective than the younger fans. In a way you can't really blame them if having only seen Motherwell as a reasonably successful club they have higher expectations because they never really known a sustained bad period. Hopefully they'll never have to!



    During the period you started going Aberdeen were among the cream of Europe , Chelsea and Man City were mid table/relegation and Motherwell being able to take loan players from the richest league in Europe at a price Aberdeen said they couldnt afford was the stuff of fantasy. Football changes


    I agree this is probably as successful a period as we've ever had and a fair whack of our support (mainly on this site) expect far too much but i dont accept we should be happy to avoid relegation because of where we were when John Chapman was chairman or that i've more right to comment than folk spending their hard earned week in week out just because i watched us in the first division

  12. And I say to the plethora of negative posters of Tuesday night .... if you want to support a team you expect to win trophies every year then best go support someone else. If you want to support a team who'll guarantee you European football every season then best go support someone else. If you want to support a team who'll guarantee you a Top-6 finish every season then best go support someone else.



    Were you at the game on Tuesday night ? If you were then fair enough. If you werent you're just another on the list who sit on here taking a pop at folk who shell out pretty serious money to go follow their team


    I wasnt there on Tuesday as i was working and havent even made the effort to see the highlights. But if someone spent the best part of £50 on just getting there and getting in and thinks we shouldve done better then i'll hear them out , not tell them from the comfort of the big chair in front of the fire that they arent real Motherwell fans , and they've to fuck off and follow the Old Firm...

  13. See that's what i love about steelmenonline - i list a whole raft of reasons that covers what I think are all the scenarios.


    Doesn't matter what you or I think whether we're scum or holier than thou.


    It's a factor for some people and I know this for a fact.


    My opinion on it - and where I stand on it wasn't part of my post



    i did say "those" rather than "you"



    or id have had a right go :P


    If someone gets up of a morning and says i dont know whether or not to go to the game this afternoon , i'll be associated with some of the lesser behaved sections of our support then they are a prime , prize, grade A , fud.



    Thats my opinion on it

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