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Everything posted by wellgirl

  1. I wouldn't want Watt back. He fucked off and left us the first chance he got. All the badge kissing and then off he went. Wouldn't say the same about Moult but I don't think he's going anywhere.
  2. It is rubbish to a degree and I don't have a TV so I obviously won't be watching it but speaking as someone who hasn't always had the money to go and watch Motherwell I don't think it's a bad thing that the game is being televised. I don't go to away games because I'm skint and the only games I go to apart from at Fir Park are if we get to a cup semi final or final.
  3. Completely with you on that one
  4. I think we will sign a striker. Its clearly priority
  5. Wasn't planned going back to uni, a strange set of circumstances got me to this point. I don't even remember if Motherwell did a student season ticket the first time I was at uni. Probably not from recollection Plus if you are in a low income and in Scotland and study part time you get your fees paid. Not the only reason I'm doing it but it absolutely helps.
  6. I would say one would do barring injuries but I'd be amazed if we don't get a forward in before the transfer window closes. I'm sure Kettlewell knows it's priority. Just gutting that Mika got recalled
  7. I am too. Don't think that Im not. Ive been going to Fir Park on and off (when I can afford it) since 1987... Showing my age now. So I'm aware of the rollercoaster. Irrespective of different opinions on here I'm sure we all want the best for the club. Just sods law that when I got a discounted ticket this year (student) we hit yet another rough patch.
  8. Ill do that ... Absolutely no bother at all
  9. I didn't actually think mentioning his name would provoke any kind of reaction. I've already said that I was making more of a point than that
  10. I'm not sure I was talking him up. My point was that I think that we've been too hasty in letting managers go. Thats managers plural. Not just Gannon. However. Given that it's a forum where people can express their opinions surely I can express mine? My point was more about Alexander and Kettlewell than it was about Gannon. I could have mentioned Baraclough as well although I believe he left by mutual consent as did Alexander and Robinson. Hammell too. My point was more that I believe Alexander was hounded out and I don't want to see that happen to Kettlewell. I've mentioned Gannon once btw ... Some people have been calling for Kettlewells head on a weekly basis
  11. Don't think Biereth was a waste of time.
  12. I do know that Gannon was a bit of a hothead.
  13. I am aware of how tough things are for Motherwell just now given that we don't have as much money to spend as other SPL clubs. Seem to have quoted you twice by accident there
  14. I'm going to agree with you that I think Burrows needs to take some responsibility for the state Motherwell are in just now. I personally think as a club we've shot ourselves in the foot too many times by getting rid of managers that were doing an ok job. I don't think we should have sacked Gannon and I also think Alexander got hounded out (and that's a huge reason as to why I don't want to see Kettlewell go through the same thing).
  15. We got Mika on loan and he turned out to be an asset. Why shouldnt we be able to attract a striker given that weve signed other players in the transfer window? I completely get the point you are making but other clubs were after Halliday and we got him. Money isn't always going to be the only consideration that will attract players to Motherwell.
  16. I personally think Kettlewell should be given another year if we stay up which hopefully we will.
  17. That's Oli Shaw returned to Barnsley.
  18. Seems like a very good signing
  19. I really like Spittal. Same with Slattery. Both get an undeserved amount of stick in my view
  20. Just saw the free kick on twitter. Was excellent
  21. I think he's very underrated and for all his faults he scored two goals. He's an asset to Motherwell as far as I'm concerned.
  22. Agree. Good to see Kettlewell praising him after the match
  23. Yeah. Seriously. I get the position we are in but writing someone off after one game is ridiculous.
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