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Posts posted by Well-Made

  1. So to say that Nijholt is the fans choice is lacking any foundation. And I hope Well-Made is joking when he says that this site consists of "all the genuine and hardcore" fans. I know many who have been lifelong (and I'm talking 40-60 odd years) fans but have never been anywhere near this site. I'll give you the benefit of my doubt as I don't think it's valid to be starting a "who is a more genuine fan" debate.





    I think you can safely say I was joking.


    I still haven't made up my mind who I want to be the new manager.


    I can see why folk are interested in Nijholt but doesn't make me jump off my seat. Having said that neither have any of the other names mentioned.


    Two years ago I was excited when Gary Mac's name was mentioned but after his comments then I can only see him coming here to put himself back in the management window.


    I have a sneaky feeling though that the only way we'll get an experienced manager is if he's out of contract as JB could put extra money into his wages packet with no compo to pay.

  2. Maybe this thread should say, he's the favourite amongst folk that post on the internet.


    I think saying he's the fans favourite based on a poll on steelmenonline is about as legitimate as the trust believing they speak for all 'well fans.



    Sorry but Steelmenonline is all the Motherwell fans, all the genuine and hardcore ones anyway. As we have more power than the Trust, in fact more power than John Boyle it's only right we are listened to.


    Our poll says that Nijholt is the man for the job so that's who we want, alright??????




    Seriously though the papers report that Nijholt is the fans favourite so it must be true. ;)

  3. Going by previous appointments we can surmise that the next manager will come from the following

    Out of a job :-

    Gary Mcallister etc etc

    Or within the club:-

    Stephen Craigan only one who comes to mind


    Boyle will not pay any compensation so rule out:-

    Nijholt, Jeffries Reid etc


    Nijholt is out of contract, he has left\is leaving Red Bull.

  4. This Setanta carry on could be a blessing in disguise while we still wait for a new gaffer.


    Billy Reid is in the papers today saying he knows who he wants to sign but can't do anything until the Setanta stuff is sorted out as it will affect his budget.


    Other one David Lilley at Killie has been told he can find another club as the one and only offer he was given has now been pulled from the table.


    I also saw yesterday that Dean Holden is looking for a new club after Falkirk released him. His family are now settled in Scotland and he'd like to stay but may end up going back down South. Although 2 clubs in the SPL have expressed an interest.


    Not sure if either these would be seen as signings we'd get excited over but if Quinn\Reynolds\McLean are away they may be worth considering.

  5. The Daily Express today reports that McGhee and Leitch have agreed to reduce their wage demands from Aberdeen to the same basic they are on at Fir Park. This is to allow Aberdeen to match the £200K compo.


    Other things to note, it also reports that we are looking for £200K for McGhee and a further £50K for Leitch but Boyle may settle at the £200K for both.


    McGhee has already looked into resigning and getting the move that way but has been advised against it.


    My thinking on this is that McGhee's hands may be just as tightly tied behind his back at Aberdeen as they are at Fir Park. Especially if he is having to drop his wages to allow the compo to be met. It means that there can't be a lot of money about at Aberdeen if they can't match our asking price and knowing McGhee's history with us he'll look at bringing in a couple of players are above the normal wage level of the club. It's then he may find out that the promises made by Milne and Miller are just hollow promises.


    I think on this move McGhee is letting his heart rule his head and he is making the wrong move. Having said that I no longer would welcome him back into the fold at Motherwell if the deal was to collapse.


    It may be a different kettle of fish if he's the one that realises that he is letting sentimentality get in the way of his career but I'd always be wondering when the next opportunity to get out was going to come along.


    I hope things get sorted out today Mark and I thank you for what you have achieved at Fir Park over the last 2 years.


    All the best for the future and hopefully we'll be able to show you how good a football team you could've had playing on the new pitch under our new gaffer. Especially when we gub you every game.

  6. McGhee made the comment that he didn't like putting people out of work hence not taking anyone with him.


    On this occassion there is no-one to put out of work. He has to build the backroom staff himself. Hence the easy option of taking Leitchy with him.

  7. Not sure about the rest of the questions but I'd probably treat the fans in the same way as past boards, I mean after all we don't really need the Motherwell fans so I'd give the whole ground to the Old Firm, the South Stand, the POD, DC and East Stand.


    Same with any other team that I could think of fleecing in the same way.


    This way they'd all have a perfect view of the 20 180" Wide screen TV sitting on what used to be the park.


    In the meantime every Motherwell fan will be sitting inside the new 20,000 seater ground in their luxurious leather chairs with personal service provided by a good looking member of the opposite sex (or the same if wished :) ) Their will be 4 standing areas available, all on top of each of the stands with a bar for those that so choose. Please note however that there will also be 50ft Perspex wall all around so that no accidents can occur and no bovril can get spilt onto the picth.


    The kids would have their own area with XBox's, PS3's etc all available pre match, halftime and post match so that the parents can "watch" the game in peace and enjoy a few sherberts.

  8. STV believe the compo has now been agreed and McGhee will be unvieled later today.




    McGhee expected to be announced as Aberdeen boss

    STV understands the former Dons striker will be named later today after it appeared the club had agreed a compensation package with Motherwell.


    11 June 2009 09:46 AM



    Mark McGhee is expected to be announced as the new manager of Aberdeen later today after it appeared the club had agreed a compensation package with Motherwell.


    STV understands the former Dons striker will replace Jimmy Calderwood who quit after the final SPL match of the season despite securing a European place for the club.


    McGhee is one of the hottest properties in Scottish football management and was one of the early favourites for the vacant manager's job at Celtic with Gordon Strachan personally recommending his former teammate to the Parkhead board.


    Before moving to the SPL two years ago McGhee has spent his entire managerial career down south with Reading, Leicester, Wolves, Millwall and Brighton with mixed success.


    But since moving back to Scotland with the Lanarkshire club in 2007 he has been a revelation . He guided the Well to third place in his first season in charge and although the 2008/09 season was more of a struggle, they still finished in seventh and secured European football through the fair play league.


    As a former Aberdeen player, McGhee can expect to be a popular choice amongst fans in the north east after playing 164 games in a six-year period at Pittodrie.




    Last updated: 11 June 2009, 09:51

  9. Scott Burns at the Daily Express is reporting that McGhee will be unvieled as the new Aberdeen boss today.


    "Talks over compensation have been going on for six days but McGhee will rip up his Fir Park contract if a deal to satisfy all sides fails to be reached"

    It's expected he'll move to take Klimpl to the Dons as well.

  10. Chris Sutton....wasn't he looking to get back into scottish football?


    The Daily Express reports he has thrown his hat into the ring.


    The post above about him thinking it over and giving an answer on Wednesday seems about right to me.


    Now that West Brom are playing hardball with Celtic over Mowbray and Lawell is saying he won't be held to ransom I reckon MMG still thinks there is a chance he will land the Sellick job and is holding out to see what happens there.


    Whatever it ain't doing us any favours and I'm getting pissed off with all the hanging about. Either say you're staying (unlikely as far as I'm concerned ) or F*** off and let us get on with it.


    Come on Luc.


    He better not be hanging around. Another story in the Express is that Celtic could wait until the end of the month before getting Mowbray. Apparently, Mowbray and co. go onto a reduced contract due to West Brom being relegated. This means that the compo will come down to £1 Million instead of the £2 Million that is being asked for just now.

  11. Setanta Saved?


    For a while anyway!!


    This is from today's Rancid


    Struggling Setanta thrown a lifeline at 11th hour as SPL hopes to avoid meltdown

    Jun 10 2009 Keith Jackson


    SCOTTISH football may have been spared a catastrophic meltdown scenario at the 11th hour last night when crisis-hit broadcasters Setanta ditched plans to call in administrators.


    Record Sport can reveal the top flight came within a couple of hours of financial disaster but they were spared from ruin after crisis talks were held in London at a meeting of the Irish Satellite firm's top brass. It had been fully anticipated Setanta would go into administration this morning and that the company's staff would be given the devastating news at a series of meetings with management.


    That would have led to Setanta being taken off the air immediately and would have wiped out the £134m bounty which has been guaranteed to the SPL over the next five years.


    But a dramatic U-turn was made late last night after a rescue package was proposed which may stop the broadcaster going to the wall for the time being at least.


    It's now expected the ailing TV company will announce today their intention to battle on back from the brink - news which will be welcomed by Scotland's top 12 clubs who have been anxiously preparing for the worst.


    By yesterday afternoon many club bosses were bracing themselves for the news Setanta's devise was inevitable and that the SPL would kick off next season without a TV deal for the first time since its inception in 1998.


    However, it is as yet unclear if last night's dramatic developments can save the satellite firm in the long term - or if it's simply a stalling tactic.


    A source told Record Sport:"It's been a quite incredible day. At lunchtime things looked extremely bleak and administration seemed certain.


    "Arrangements were being made to notify the staff and the take Setanta off air. But everything changed later and now it seems there is fresh hope Setanta may survive. This has to be encouraging for all of Scottish football because without a TV deal there is a very real possibility that as many as three SPL clubs would not be able to stay in business and could go under before the turn of the year.


    "We are not sure if Setanta can be rescued but for the time being at least there is some hope. The SPL can only sit, wait and keep its fingers crossed."


    Company chief Richard Sweeney will address Glasgow staff at an 11am meeting today. It was originally expected he would be delivering bad news but it now looks likely his message will be more upbeat.


    Us giants ESPN are believed to have resurrected their interest in a rescue package.


    If Setanta had been taken off air it would have resulted in the SPL breaching the terms of their current contract with the Beeb which is worth an extra £2.5m a year on top of the Setanta jackpot.


    The BBC would have continued to cover matches with commentary on radio and online but the loss of the highlights package - with footage supposed to be captured by Setanta's cameras and then handed over to the terrestrial channel - would have cost the SPL a further £800,000-a-year in lost TV cash.


    There were genuine fears that if Setanta had failed to come up with the final £3m instalment of their deal for the season just ended that at least three SPL clubs could have gone to the wall.


    The situation looked bleak yesterday when the firm- who are also due to stump up more than £30m to the English Premier League next week - stopped taking new subscriptions and shut down parts of their call centres. Anxious SPL bosses Lex Gold and Ian Blair refused to comment but both are aware of the consequences of heading into a new season without any kind of TV deal. And they will know also it may prove impossible for them to come up with an alternative package at the 11th hour.


    They have already had to bail out clubs with a £3m emergency paymentfollowing Setanta's failure to cough up last Monday but most of that money will be long gone before the next campaign starts.


    Should the worst happen, there is still the hope satellite giants Sky could come to the rescue with a reduced offer to put Scottish football back on the box. However, BSkyB chiefs last night confirmed they had refused a £50m lifeline to Setanta.


    Sky chief executive Jeremy Darroch said they were "a broadcaster not a bank" but insisted they had no wish to see Setanta go into administration.


    Setanta had asked Sky bosses for a £50m interest-free loan and in return offered access to the live rights to 46 Premier League games in England next season as an add-on option to Sky Sports.


    Darroch told a Sports Industry Group event in London: "Our job is not to fund other companies. We have been talking to Setanta and trying to work with them and help them. At the end of the day we are not a bank, we are a broadcaster."


    Setanta's subscription services for new customers suddenly became unavailable yesterday. Website applicants were flashed a message saying: "Oops! Something has gone wrong...".


    England's Premier League should not be too badly affected should Setanta fold as they have won only one of the six live broadcast packages for 2010 to 2013.



    Everywhere else it seems that they will go into adminstration this morning.

  12. Off the tv screens by midnight.


    I know what you mean about cancelling. Got in touch with them through their website to cancel about 2 months ago. Heard nothing. Got ed up wiating on the phine for them, so cancelled the DD.


    They called last week and asked me to make the payment plus the next one due at the end of the month. But said I'd still need to send them in writing a cancellation request. They gave me an email address and siad I would get a notification returned.


    I then said to call me this weekend and I'd sort out what I was due, once I had confirmation the cancellation was going through.


    Guess what?


    Still haven't got that confirmation and now they can twist for their money.

  13. The Sun


    FORMER Motherwell stars Gary McAllister, Paul Lambert and Chris McCart are all in the frame for the Fir Park hot seat.


    Well chief John Boyle will start his search for a new boss as soon as Mark McGhee's move to Aberdeen is sealed.


    And Boyle has been alerted to a string of top names who could be tempted back to Lanarkshire.




    Boyhood fan McAllister, who began his career with Well, was interviewed for the job before McGhee's appointment two seasons ago - but opted to stay in England.


    However, he has been out of football since being sacked by Leeds last Christmas and is keen to return to management.




    Lambert, currently at Colchester, would also be a popular choice with the Well supporters.




    And local hero McCart - who heads up Celtic's youth set-up - has a host of admirers inside Fir Park after almost two decades with the club as player and coach.




    Others eyeing the job include two other former Well stars, Derek Adams and Luc Nijholt, while Celtic coach Neil Lennon is viewed as an outside bet with Steven Pressley.

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