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The African

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Everything posted by The African

  1. Final score two nil to the Jambos. Still, an achievement to get to a final and looked like a young side. All about learning from the experienced and pushing on to improve and develop as players. Silverwear would have been nice, but not the end of the world.
  2. Having seen Gorrin play in the A league for Wellington, it was clear that he had ability, but not a given that he could adapt to the tempo and pace of the Scottish game. The dealwe offered of a year with the option of a further year iftargets were met makes perfect sense in such circumstances.
  3. Well, at least heir recent form suggests that we are in with a shout. Reckon we are still playing for seventh placed cash, but points here could go a long way to securing that.
  4. If true, and not in a position to say one way or another, this would be completely unacceptable. It has looked for some time like Scottish football is an utter clusterf*ck. This would surely put the tin hat on it.
  5. While I was a huge fan of Adidas at the time - they made simple styles of kit and for most of the big Europeanteams - it was obvious that we were getting the thin edge of the wedge in terms of design from them. Our of the kits I have actually seen us play in, I loved the All amber Admital kit of the late seventies, the Umbro kit of the late eighties, and the cup final Admiral kit from1991. I also have a soft spot for the Willie Pettigrew sash kit, but that might just be because WillieP was my first real’well hero. Not old enough to have seen them played in, but some of the really simple styles from the early sixties, both home and away, are very much to my taste these days.
  6. I agree that we are probably playing for seventh now. Still, extra cash andan achievement of sorts on our budget and given where we found ourselves at Christmas. Hopefully the break will do us some good and we can hit the form we showed during our winning run. If so, a home win looks more than possible.
  7. This. He always seemed to have a genuine affection for the club. I would also add that, when acting as a pundit for TV, he always wore his heart on his sleeve and was unerringly pro Scotland if it was an international match. I also recall him cheering from the commentary box asJohn Hewitt scored the winner for Aberdeen against Real Madrid in Gothenburg. Seems one of the good guys.
  8. Great result. Whatever happens in the fixtures up until the split, it has been an amazing turn around in performance and results since the winter break. Who would have thought we would be competing for top six rather than fighting for survival?
  9. The Manager of the Month award gives me the fear. Also, I wouldn't pick Hastie, or have I'm in the squad for this. Two reasons. Genuinely, he will not be focused because of all the contract talk, and, tongue in cheek, give him an idea as to what next season will be like on Saturdays if he decides to leave.
  10. I do hope not. As for what it would mean if true, a poor return for us and talent probably wasted at a poisonous club. The one thing that needs to be said though, if this comes to pass, is that all the usual suspects who will blame the Club need to be told to wind their heads in. Young players at our Club are offered an opportunity to improve themselves as players and then go on to make the most of their careers. We can offer no more than that. Ifyoung players do not see it as such and choose to move on, their is precious little we can do about it.
  11. Still, a better result than the one I saw. We lost that 4-0. Both our fullbacks scored own goals. My memory may be hazy, but we may have played in white shorts that night. We were well beaten,but our kit looked great!
  12. If that is the four nil game under floodlights, I was there. Wishart got on the scoresheet but I seem to recall John Philiben’s was a real cracker.
  13. Fair enough. They cannot be held responsible for the weather.
  14. Disappointing outcome, though I suppose a loss would have been worse. Not much we can do about weather, but we had a decent work out and kepta clean sheet against a top six side. Hope they can arrange the fixture for the weekend.
  15. Robinson is quite right to leave things as they stand. You should only fight battles that you can win.
  16. I think we are in the fortunate position of not having to take chances with injured players. If we lose on Wednesday we can regroup over the forthcoming break. Aldred has a role to play beyond this game so not worth the risk.
  17. Would like to think that we can take something from this game to try and get back on track after Sunday. Not going to be easy though. Kellie are a decentside and we seem to be running out of defensive options because of injuries. Right now, I’d take a point and move on.
  18. Well at least that is James Scott off the hook. The f*ck*rs now have something else to get their sanctimonious knickers in a twist about. Good news as I wouldn’t want to see a promising youngster havehis prospects blighted by such a minor indiscretion.
  19. James Scott, in the hope that it makes him feel a wee bit better given all the nasty things that some people may say about him. Congratulations on your first start.
  20. Stop playing silly little games. Do it properly and start learning the flute.
  21. They don’t need much of an excuse. If he gets too irate, you could perhaps ask him, in a quiet and reasoned manner, how he feels this outrageous incident compares with say the abuse of children at Celtic Boys Club? Might bring a little perspective and pour some oil on troubled waters.
  22. Sounds like young James Scott got it wrong. A mistake, but an honest one. He just wants to do well for himself and his team. I am a supporter of fair play and in circumstances like that, we should be giving them the ball back. Robinson has said as much, which is fair enough. The lad will learn from his mistake and, with the support of the club over the next few days, hopefully be stronger for it. As for the rest though, “let them score a goal to make up for it” etc. From former and current professionals like Boyd and McDonald, utter hogwash. Did they get up after winning a free kick or a penalty with a cheeky grin on their faces and say, sorry, it was a dive, have the ball back? Did they let other teams score after they got a dodgy goal that was a mile offside? Aye, sure they did. The most annoying thing about this is that it happened against the most sanctimonious bunch of self perceived victims you will ever have the misfortune to meet. We will hear about this incident until the cows come home and yet any semblance of them retaining the moral high ground lasted as long as it took their fans to jeer and abuse one of our players as he was stretchered off the park with a serious head injury.
  23. So basically they are well overdue? 2-1 to the good guys. Sincere apologies. I got up at 3am to watch the rugby. I had planned on going back to bed but then had to deal with a wandering cow in our garden. I have since been drinking a lot of coffee and am now feeling a little lightheaded.
  24. I always thought McAlister had the potential and Mauchlen was a steady pro already. Was it a quarter million for the pair? Selling cheap again.
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