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  1. Yesterday
  2. I was thinking more in terms of the Society having learnt lessons, but of course you're right. I'm much less hopeful of the Chairman having learnt his lesson about bringing colleagues, the Society, and we the fans on board. The Society must take a more active and direct role in negotiations, although I don't know quite how that will pan out with Tom Feeley and Douglas Dickie still on the EB. With regard to the latter 2 EB directors, their positions must be clarified asap.
  3. It's something around a single entity owning 75% and legal issues around that with the structure of the Well Society, or something along those lines. Bit of a murky legal area I believe but I'm no expert.
  4. Thanks for that. Makes their vote even more unacceptable to my mind.
  5. I'm virtually certain that Douglas Dickie and Tom Feeley were Society directors before joining the Executive Board. They were not elected to the latter in their own right. They sit/sat on the EB as representatives of the Society.
  6. Just in case you forgot what happens when you feed the Bair
  7. The WS' shareholding went below 75%.
  8. https://find-and-update.company-information.service.gov.uk/company/SC005702/persons-with-significant-control I still don't understand what happened in 2021.....
  9. https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/document-api-images-live.ch.gov.uk/docs/GDwmOD6IGNvZPhn8irKP1FdkBU1Q5Hl8IrZplaOfRn0/application-pdf?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=ASIAWRGBDBV3BTBGJMM5%2F20240613%2Feu-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240613T211134Z&X-Amz-Expires=60&X-Amz-Security-Token=IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEPj%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FwEaCWV1LXdlc3QtMiJHMEUCIESjE49IjW%2Bn3P8Y5csuwomAFL0PJeDZKh1GAjiVdbYKAiEAgvcVdRnHhKGcfN2z6l8azWRrHgdlDxU9XhOoTpGkxt8qwwUIkf%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2F%2FARAFGgw0NDkyMjkwMzI4MjIiDDbRMfAV2xuD33UI%2FCqXBYmnfMqd%2Foj8Ahpmi55QpND855IN4eA8zFAg6ky6GJx0kjBn4x8H6uk9VN9yFvFga53w0edTQYP5auFOFbXJgvjtyiVvZ1RGhnWHdMWhrsa3Nwk7LFJD1RX%2F0tLV5NGMx3wKoRr0GNUx2MzQ27HeVLkbohpe67nMizck6O0KF%2B16cOb46wmS2CnNDQtnjsSXSxHeiPhAWfua93hNT5z%2FRyMmYJnrPT1UNcXovaFR7gNcHpTCrHxkDVOr%2BNUWFBEVQz7kntZNyCq9LQas8KkO5%2B2SkGCuPDcOvEz3IC9OSCNWogTXJWxLIuIR%2F%2FRqTCy3jDp7kSKd%2FlWi%2Bxt5Zc8DXzO%2BCFdlOBFlZnenfWjqVTQA6nlQ23HShHlic3S2aH8Vz23l2Qj9z4nX3bJaAmsIaXmup4IlMVEr8VObAtkFk%2FPb%2FzuUKgjfjieihdm8%2BBt7Q1LjoBgHe53xRvCWh6VOz%2BcX561Gjy7NJWq%2FyRN9vUV6qE5Q6EsZqqesYr7btrw5ozd5S%2Bh3zPnq%2Feijg5euCIL4fsaJu0ZY6VupT8TvpUdY3YDXeq4q8Lb64mbO9QesKGxI8%2FtwKpjUDCBHdSG%2F4%2Ba4cER4plW%2F3dpYb5mEF4OACUhi8JWJHR7Zor9zp9Q6W9GBdiUoDnPLk1%2F%2BTnqXoJS0ntlJA%2BvTdIMJcdDIs6eEafmDv70KqUUtkljZKi1CcOtHiD0N6%2BQu%2BxMcgYIYq0wPjP6pI14KlbucNLCUwXMMCtrsTX2cf0e109Homvfckq5dIl9B1PjOSf3YY%2B1Yi5OlkEOMRKkzVqOFozhXD46eUvxVEe%2BqsbBQOAjPjKpSgtJ8OO4f5%2Br389k%2Bxv6G8C2bYi47ZHEamtgdv3r92SEQnmi3YcwQAjDAnayzBjqxAVDEm30Xxt5t8FdPK93oLpSDSITNCJmnKmOFMqjKq1fKZq5vHCnGmUQyuq4nlkvtxDZ0HRIOIXsn5K6NCe8OpxpUAraLX3%2Fufn3%2B27Vxc%2FRcbNZmbGg7nsp7Q9VkYDdDgKo2P3dUOYl3to5Or9pXDr%2F8Fr58Ven7qdAJD7ILJhJN0WKLB85wXIx5%2F%2BVPamtTTBg0LzQOvBdbWy0lDj3sH1ctnZSqlK6OhIkNMtpOEVO2wA%3D%3D&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&response-content-disposition=inline%3Bfilename%3D"companies_house_document.pdf"&X-Amz-Signature=5dfb8fca8ff656685b54db270cb995e5cc1eb782e7780713910245ed2b750c86
  10. It looks like the people who are Co chairs of the well society board get the positions on the MFC board. But - there's nothing online that I can see that explains that either - if that is the case. All it says online is that they are both MFC directors and Co chairs of the well society board. What was confusing me is that both Feely and Dickie are MFC directors - which did make me think they must have been voting in their capacity as MFC board members - but it looks not. In regards to Dickie. He's been involved with the Well Society since 2016 and Feely has been involved a similar amount of time I believe.
  11. Cheers. I was thinking that loyalties might lie with whichever Board they were appointed to in the first instance. Trying to find a reason for them going against the majority view of the Society Board when voting on the Exec Board. Also trying to convince myself they might not just do what the Club Chairman dictates. Alternatively they might be privy to information that has not been made public. Hopefully all becomes clear soon. The Club update perhaps.
  12. All I can see online is that Dickie has been on the board since 2016 and Co chair of the well society board since 2016 as well. And Tom Feely is also Co chair of the well society board. I was also wondering if Dickie was on the MFC board first or if he was on the MFC board because he was Co chair of the well society board.
  13. I'm still interested in Barmack. But negotiating with a newly appointed board. I expect McMahon to resign very soon.
  14. If someone has a bit of time it would be really interesting to look at the memorandums and articles of the club. That should unlock the power of the shareholders (WS) and what they can do from this to change/appoint a board.
  15. Absolutely. It feels like Liz Truss has taken over the club.
  16. We're what, not even 6 months on from the Chairman and ex-CEO having to clarify if our manager had a contract beyond last month or not? I would argue that lessons haven't and will continue to not be learned by the Chairman and some members of the Executive Board based on this whole debacle. Who on earth thought announcing a deal as important as this one should be done with such a God-awful statement, structured appallingly and essentially written to try and pull the (wild sheep's) wool over our eyes? I am very much looking forward to the statement and what it says, although I doubt it will say much of anything (perhaps naively @steelboy?👀😂), but I'm sure it will if Barmack's position has changed and as steelboy has already mentioned, to see if our outgoing Chairman is willing to say what he really thinks of the WS and the club's future. This is particularly pertinent because he said at the AGM that his preference is for the WS to succeed and the club not to need any external investment... How can it possibly do that under these ridiculous terms?! My one comment to back up what others have said throughout today is that this all feels very business like; the first offer is shite and was always going to be rejected... Erik tweaks it to retain 51% for the Society and then that appeases enough people to get it through, because it's a big headline change. This all happens when the basis of the value of the offer is still absolute shite, but is brushed past by enough people because "yay, fan ownership!" etc. Oh and the statement will absolutely mention Liam Kelly earning his fourth Scotland-bench arse splinter tomorrow night.
  17. I'm not convinced they even voted in accordance with their own personal viewpoints. Were either on the MFC Board prior to being placed on the Society Board? In which case one or both might just have elected to vote with their original buddies to whom loyalties still lay. Might explain why neither has outlined their reasons for ignoring the views of the Society when it came to that vote. Just a gut feeling on my part though. But I was not surprised at how Dickie in particular voted. In hindsight two existing Society Board members should have joined the Exec Board with two of their existing Members joining the Society Board. Two voices on each Board providing the thoughts of the other Board. Might still have been a 5-2 Exec Board in favour but at least the Society stance would have been recorded for all to see. Similarly I would have understood the 2 Exec Reps voting 'No' in a Society Board vote. Apologies if that does not make too much sense. I know what I mean, but explaining it is a challenge. Somebody else will likely put it more simply.
  18. No Scotland no party 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
  19. Sing along...."no opinions....no forrrruuummmmmmm.......no opinions no forrrruuummmmmmmmm"
  20. Aye it'll definitely be Jim McMahon trying to salvage his position. We'll see if he has the balls to say what he really thinks about the Society.
  21. I hope this update will include the up to date financial position which I believe was used as one of the main reasons for the low value placed on the Club. If it does not, then it should do as the Financial Secretary openly introduced that factor without actually quoting figures. So, on the grounds of being open and above board the current situation should be no secret. I'm pretty sure the potential investor will have seen those figures. If not, he is not as astute as made out. It is all covered on previous chat either on here or on P&B if anybody wants to check. I'm far from convinced that the Society will have had much input to the update. Hopefully I'm wrong in that though.
  22. That's true, but the bottom line is that it's fun. I love looking over previous stats and trying to figure out how a player will do for us. It's all part of the fun of the close season and the transfer window, isn't it? Everyone making different assumptions, guessing how it'll play out, looking at previous performance for other clubs and so on.
  23. Yes it increasingly looks like the tail has been wagging the dog for some time. And post NO vote that has to change,
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