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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. Marvin played well but Moult was MoM for me. He led the line superbly and his work rate was superb. Youd never have known he was carrying an injury. To last 90 m8ns and get 2 goals, cant ask any more than that.
  2. Always thought Chalmers had the look of someone supremely lacking in confidence. Maybe not surprising given his injuries lack of gametime and the poor form we were in at start of the season. However, if he hasnt been able to impress the manager enough in training to get a start on front of Marvin then I think its fair to say his days are numbered. Anyone know when his contract is up?
  3. Sounds from reading that, that he feels fans were too comfortable with him owning the club that they didnt need to step up. By transferring the shares he is changing that dynamic and basically challenging the fans to make it work by making fan ownership the only game in town. From some of the posts on here it might already be working.....
  4. This is a pretty significant change of direction 14 months into a 5 year plan. I fear there is a lot more to this than meets the eye. Deeply concerning......
  5. First time Ive gone for null vote. No one deserving of it today Im afraid.
  6. We were very poor today. The pitch didnt help. Ball bobbling all over the place, but some of our players look as if they'd never seen a football before. The long ball hoof from the centre halfs is also brutal to watch. We started very slowly but as the first half wore on started to get more of a grip of the game and after we scored we looked on the ascendency. Then we switch off defensively leave Cadden exposed, dont close Wotherspoon down he has all the time in the world to pick his spot and Ripley not paying attention beat at front post. Terrible goal to concede on stroke of half time. As for second half, less said the better. Our decision making in the opposition half is atrocious and our inabilty to close games out laughable. One parting shot for Bobby Madden. Terrible terrible performance. Murray Davidson allowed to foul with impunity all afternoon and his general inconsistency over what was a foul and not a foul was so frustrating. That said, we did more damage to ourselves than he did.
  7. Whilst I agree that Pearo hasnt been great recently and Im not averse to dropping him if we can come up with a formation that doesnt weaken us tactically, I really dont think his performances are down to poor attitude. He has never been that sort of player. It could be that he has been playing carrying an injury. He did go off injured in the Thistle game. Folk need to consider these things before deciding he isnt pulling his weight.
  8. I tend to agree with your first 2 paragraphs but the 3rd is a bit harsh. Without the Bois Fir Park would have been like a morgue yesterday. We havent exactly been taking the league by storm for the last 18 months but they still turn out and back the team from the off. Maybe they should have stuck around yesterday and tried even harder to generate a response from the players when we were up against it but that relationship also has to work 2 ways. The Bois make mistakes and get things wrong at times but I couldnt honestly blame anyone for leaving early yesterday.
  9. Big concern for me yesterday was the number of unforced errors. Players seemingly incapable of finding a simple pass. Our set pieces were also truly pathetic. If you cant do the basics you give yourself no platform to play, regardless of tactics or how big a dick you think the manager is.
  10. Went for Ripley. Kept us in it first half. No real chance with either goal. Cadden was our best outfield player (not difficult, granted) He at least tried to drive us forward 2nd half with little or no support.
  11. Gomis for me. Nothing flashy, but strong and composed in possession. Did everything he could not to give it away, sometimes with very little help.
  12. Really liked Gomis at Dundee United. Surprised at Hearts letting him go on loan. Good short term signing and replacement for Grimshaw. Should also allow us to rotate Cadden as and when required.
  13. Anyone got a box of tissues handy? Just made a mess........
  14. Yes. No way they are gonna win 6 games more than us between now and end of season.
  15. I dont doubt it. I was just thinking back to the roasting Phil got in his first game against Kenny McDowall. He battered him that day. But like I said, Phil learned from it so you could argue it did him some good. I suppose the game has moved on as well. McDowall wouldnt have got away with half the stuff he did that day if he was playing now.
  16. Having heard the press conference, pretty sure Lionel will start. Think there is a fair chance Laing will get the other spot given all the talk about physicality. Not sure exposing one of the young boys to such a physical encounter is the right way to go. Although it didnt do Phil O'Donnell any harm!
  17. The nutmeg near the end was pretty good
  18. Id be more than happy if we get through the window without losing anybody. Good to see Ainsworth and Thomas get game time today. Shows they are still in managers thoughts. Get Grimshaw extended and Id be confident going into the run in with what we have.
  19. Thoroughly professional performance. Very welcome after a string of poor cup performances. Some really good passing football at times, although tried to be too intricate at times in the 2nd half when a simple ball or shot would have resulted in more goals. Cove werent as good as I thought they might be but they never gave up all the way to the end. Nice away tie to somewhere off the beaten track please.
  20. Voted McDonald. Mostly because Pearson and Johnson were subbed early. All worthy candidates. Also thought Lasley was outstanding. Never stopped running all day.
  21. Its bizarre watching him. For someone who clearly has a bit of pace about him he seems to never quite get near enough to the ball to do anything with it.
  22. He certainly had a right ding dong with Robinson during the East Fife game when the wee man clearly didnt rate the instruction being offered. However, as above, I doubt thats something that would come into McGhees thinking. He has gone out of his way to give most of the squad a chance to impress since he came in.
  23. Id like to think that with our decent form and a sensible pricing structure we could get a good crowd for this. We used to always get good crowds for the Scottish Cup 3rd round (in old money) and with it being put back to its traditional place at beginning of January Im really looking forward to this. Love to see Faddy getting a wee cameo too.
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