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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Onthefringes


    Again, a worthy team performance, again, hard to select only one... Sutton it is for me this week. All round play and goal scored edges him from Jennings.
  2. Lad still growing... Recent scan revealed a nasty hamstring tear. Season more or less written off with aview to being fully fit come pre-season. More than capable to step in for next years' title tilt
  3. ? Yeah, our fine run may eventually come to an end, but, the Craig Brown trademark of setting up his teams to be hard to beat and the prospect of facing Christian Nade would hardly suggest anybody likely to maul us any time soon. We'll be fine, I won't be backing them on the fixed odds like Wednesday and Falkirk away the other week for that matter...
  4. CHANT NOTE FOR TOMORROW: Broony, Broony Sign him up!
  5. Let's not do what the Airdrie do, they do run run, they do run run
  6. We had Faddy and we had Dubo... David Murray's shite at judo circa Hampden 2005
  7. Could you go a chicken supper Bobby Sands? Popular ditty when I were a lad.
  8. Can't disagree there, but, I'd take that every week, especially next season. Win 1-0 every week, we win the league with no reason to fret about Chumpions League places like the mould firm are at the moment. Simples.
  9. Malpas rushed him back from his knee injury at Swinecastle to sit in centre midfield during that fateful campaign, wasn't the same player again. As we've seen McGhee empty an Aberdeen legend and former friend what chance did a fans favourite have here?
  10. Only offering opinion, informed in part. Contact at the pitch designers can help mind. If I hadn't played the class clown at school, I'd never have been involved in formation treatment, soil dynamics, geo-technics, ground stability, drainage and vegetation addition. I now deliver papers...
  11. If I hear that one more time I'll scream... Teams the length and breadth of the British Isles had their 'worst winter in decades' also. In recent times, promoted teams have required to remove their existing pitch, install undersoil heating, construct and extend the playing surface from seed in similar timescales. St Mirren did this on the cheap, knowing it was for 2 years duration and yet no major problems. Difference? Head groundsman claims he "knew the pitch would experience problems". Inconsistent performance by our head groundsman? You still with us? Progressive downturn in pitch quality, year on year. Suggests awareness of their limitations and yet no action taken? Despite what has been said elsewhere, snow and cold temperatures (even at the temperature range experienced) on their own do little damage to the grass whatsoever. The snow was cleared from a good surface on Boxing Day, again, what was the requirement to have them on and the undersoil heating working? Well, when snow acts as an insulation for the period it lies dormant, thaws and our new drainage system would come into play. Our pitch has succumbed to the process of 'leaching' mentioned elsewhere, not of the pitch contractors making either. The pitch dried out as heat was added. To enhance the feeder and keep moisture in the pitch and allowing to bind, why was a sprinkler not employed? I'd suggest inappropriate use down to the groundstaff... Getting the picture? Industry chat mentions a common denominator... In conclusion, it appears Motherwells' groundstaff have a lot to answer for. There is another deep rooted (no pun intended) problem, unlikely to be conqured until our move to the other side of the West Coast Main Line... simplified and shamelessly stolen from P&B* *Why the media and all who follow mention mud, when it's a dry sand based mixture is beyond me
  12. Inside job? An 'unusually high number', how many do the chunts get on a regular basis? Both home and away fans? I'd wager the gate checkers have been dipping in washing dirty cash and replacing with the real deal. Note: All Motherwell undercover agents return to base MISSION COMPLETE (first their ever shrinking finances (£3K a week for Elliott and they don't play him), up to Falkirk to relegate them now)
  13. Not what those in the industry have been saying Plenty discussion here features the same tired adage I've highlighted in italics... nothing forced the club to run the undersoil heating virtually non-stop - we had no games programmed! The undersoil heating wether in use or not did not churn up the pitch and turn it into as mess. It's not unfortunate, proper use and knowledge of the system would have prevented this scenario.
  14. Jennings for me, main reason we bossed the midfield even in the early stages when cHibs had 5 strung out there.
  15. Aye, fight the good fight, keep that Rangers shop in business.
  16. Firstly, in reply to weeyin, Comparison you say? What of our near neighbours? Removal of their all weather surface with tarmacadam base and other hardcore type layers prior to installation of formation, undersoil heating, topsoil and the lush surface they have enjoyed since in similar timescales. Secondly, in reply to deaddogman... Bearing in mind the original specification as to what was required was scaled down... only thing I'd debate was depth of substratum actually renewed, but, I'll bow to your superior knowledge. Were the covers on during the heavy snowfall? Haven't seen evidence to show they were... What was the requirement to have them on? Well, when the snow acts as an insulation for the period it lies dormant, thaws and our new drainage system would come into play. The snow was cleared from a good surface on Boxing Day, again, what was the requirement to have them on and the undersoil heating working? I'd suggest inappropriate use down to the groundstaff... hell, they're qualified... Baldy Shaw? Andy Russell? Weren't to my knowledge, but, consistently had a playing surface comparable with the best there was. Getting the picture? Industry chat mentions a common denominator Bully for you! Ooh! Can't count? Get you. Maths and English wasn't the first two at our school given, survival took the place of that. Must have been truant or in the remedial class when meteorology was being studied. The broader base to your retort was taught by the finest Geography teacher with a caliper (others on this board will have too) funnily enough, in the Geography Department. I knew the winter kicked in 5 months post pitch renewal, I wouldn't have expected winter to be upon us the following May/June/July some 12 months later which I alluded to, hence, the LOL emoticon. Inconsistent performance by our head groundsman? You still with us? Progressive downturn in pitch quality, year on year. Before the sycophants arrive, I understand no games have been postponed due to the pitch which could suggest otherwise... I seen what you did there... ya cheeky wee rascal! Changing an informed point (yes, relevant qualifications in geo-technics, industry contacts in pitch design and turf management help) by personal slate in an attempt to ingratiate yourself with aw the mile-oots, wank-jobs and bullied at school fucking bangers who frequent here. Can the admin add a 'wanker' emoticon? It should suffice as it'll help the cooler than thou not wishing to cut and paste quote and spurious claim from others not so cool.
  17. Another bravo!!! We understand the fact that we renewed the pitch in the summer, grass and erm... not all as you put it. Yes, we had the severest winter in years, undersoil heating worked, drainage worked. Covers necessary? The length of time the covers lay on the grass all but killed the new grass? Down to the groundstaff and inappropriate use is it not? Our pitch was laid in the summer and the winter hit just 5 months later! Naw! Geography not a strong point when you were at school? Summer, Fall, Winter... You wouldn't expect winter to hit 12 months later would you? Other pitches? It's a clutching at straws that! Not our concern except when the 'slag everything Motherwell bandwagon' is in effect. If our pitch was renewed two years or so ago and the SPL clubs renewed theirs in the summer then ours would be in a far superior state? Willing to wager that we will have the best surface in Scotland? Eh? I'd keep my hard earned in my pocket if I were you... Our pitch has succumbed to a process mentioned earlier, not of the pitch contractors making either. We've mentioned also the pitch required feeding, a task undertaken by running heavy machinery over what is in effect a sand blanket, hence, the tyre imprints. The pitch was dried out as heat was added. To enhance the feeder and keep moisture in the pitch and allowing to bind, why was a sprinkler not employed? Again avoidable, tut, tut Mr Groundsman.
  18. Well, those with a fondness of egg chasing and grown adults feeling each other up in the scrum are permitted, even when viewing the match! On a serious note, A yes for me if it's worked under the same regulation as enjoyed across the border. Works fine there, isn't allowed within the viewing area (differs to what the usual suspects in the Scottish footy media would have you believe, well, on the account they've never tested sitting with the normal rank and file) and a welcome change from the normal dirge and lack of facilities prevalent in Scotland. Facilities wise, only certain grounds could offer this in Scotland. Ibrox, The San Giro, those in Edinburgh, Paisley, Falkirk and Perth to name a few. Ourselves? South and Cooper Stands. East Stand at our current abode wouldn't allow, concourse not ideal in the Main similarly ruling Tannadice out. Our near neighbours? Least said about that shower the better...
  19. Onthefringes


    Yet again, another 'team' performance. Choosing from that 11 was tough, Jennings for me. When Ale shakes his shorts prior to washing them this morning I wouldn't be surprised if Steven Davis falls out.
  20. Not one to change a winning team myself... likely introduction of our loanee McGlinchey?
  21. Aye, bravo. Go on, tell us how we all got him wrong when you were right all along... Zzzzzzz
  22. For what? Processes not correctly followed would negate any claim by the club, no?
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