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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Although a poor spectacle in the demand for excellence that is top flight Scottish footy, we still had plenty of positives to add to the three points. Not a poor performer for me throughout, Reynolds for me, Craigans legs if truth be told, but assured and a great footballing head on one so young. Rangers shouldn't fancy their chances this coming Wednesday...
  2. Bravo! More holes in your argument than swiss cheese! You've stated you are by no means a gardener - are you a member of the groundstaff? Simply needs time to set in roots? Which it hasn't had? It's had more than most... Again, upon removal of their all weather surface, our near neighbours constructed a pitch in less time, barring minor issues with undersoil heating have a surface of decent quality. Think of a new golf course? Couldn't think of two surfaces so different by comparison. Saying that, a member of the groundstaff mentioned before on this 'ere board the credentials of our current head groundsman, "Did you see Hamilton Golf Course about five years ago?" It is winter, no sh*t Sherlock! Nothing grows? Use of undersoil heating systems naturally has the root system thinking it's growth season. The pitch required to be fed, as mentioned by the groundstaff... we utilised a tractor on a sodden surface! Usual vantage points in the East Stand will unlikely make out the tyre tracks, my higher than normal vantage point yesterday witnessed tracks that resembled the best ever demolition derby and not that of motion to feed the pitch. If it's the same next year? After the budget demand of last summer, all that piss about percentage sand/soil mix and special grass type and alleged levelling of the ground (that's right, we've a level pitch with a 1:26 gradient )? Understanding of light issues created by South Stand construction, but, it was built nigh on 20 years since! Progressively got worse year on year with current staff, you wouldn't keep throwing money at tradesmen who keep faltering on their work in your house would you? We need the spring and quick? You need the raw materials to add to the foundation... Grass? It ain't there! As for the game and not the green green grass of home debate. I'd take 1-0 victories every week as I would have pre-match yesterday. Win 1-0 every week and you win the league! Simples. Just couldn't seem to build up a head of steam going forward, never felt under pressure even as they added bodies to their attack in injury time. League table doesn't lie, Hamilton are piss. Did I hear correctly on the radio, the dug out swinging nyaff said they battered us for half an hour? The Mickey Weir in Hamilton must have taken a leap in grade and quality...
  3. At a reported £3000 per week too!
  4. Tard. It's obviously working... if it gives me days out like I had yesterday! Tax evasion? Power to him I'd say. On a side note: Instead of inane rambling, tell the masses how much you like The Prodigys' new offering - I am the portacabin firestarter... available from no good record stores and most shit ones!
  5. Onthefringes


    Jennings for me. At the heart of everything we did well. On a great team performance, not a weak link throughout, a notable shift from Mark Fitzpatrick - kept the balance we required in midfield I mentioned last week and nullified Derek Young (I know, I know it's only Derek Young, but, he has hit a run of form of late for them) as he had done with the likes of Alan Hutton in the past.
  6. Onthefringes


    Hammell for me too. Following up from a solid performance on Saturday past.
  7. This is where we lose the balance of our midfield methinks. Not a pro-Forbes slant either - his best work seems to be off the ball at the moment and only recognised by looking at the bigger picture. 2 out and out wingers? Not how Craig Brown sets his teams up, we look organised, hard to beat as is his forte. The introduction of Humphrey has been to create impact.
  8. Well, some have qualifications in this field The pitch required to be fed, same for all other clubs, ecology that one. Use of undersoil heating systems naturally has the root system thinking it's growth season. Use of tractor on a sodden surface? Folly. Increased task maybe, this could have been handled manually. If remedial work was required, could the area between the South and Main Stand not be utilised as a nursery patch given the same processes of the pitch last close season with turf of similar quality? It worked before... To align with current industry talk, understanding the first winter was to be difficult and we'd have problems, particularly if it was harsh which it has proved. The pitch has succumbed to the process of 'leaching', whereby water has been standing then draining too quickly. With incorrect use of surface protection or warmth causing baldness just like in yer average follically challenged fellow. Totally avoidable, tut tut groundsman. Anytime you want, he's proven he couldn't put a nut in a monkeys mouth. Again.
  9. Onthefringes


    Can you enlighten us on what happened to the portacabin at the back of the South Stand just after you left the club?
  10. Well, tell your colleague their nose will get bigger! Simple science maybe, but, our problem was totally avoidable. Can't see the pitch designers mischief making can you? Forced into, rather than good to see remedial work being undertaken. At what cost? Further shrinking of the playing budget?
  11. Simple. Don't like the wallbash emoticon and it's the latest in a long line of misguided quote! As I said, it doesn't make it any easier. Realism. A player's current contract are considered for compensation to be calculated aided by combination of length of contract and a few different clubs really wanting the player wouldn't go amiss, I don't think we have a possible bidding war do we? Comparison to a failed summer signing at the San Giro? Fatuity. Contracted to 2011, those in charge of finances will decide if we need to sell him now... We need these players to generate income no matter how harsh it sounds, but, prospects moving for next to nothing must be avoided at all costs. Do we really call the shots? Sad indictment of today's game, players and unscrupulous agent fiends do. Realism. I'd love the club to play hardball, feel we just aren't in the financial position (that includes clout from any perceived position of strength) to do so unfortunately unless you could clarify different.
  12. We all know how it works. Doesn't make it right or any easier, but, time for some to get their heads back down from the clouds...
  13. I'll second that. Although coming onto a stronger game in the second half, definitely not the accomplished performance by Lasley lauded by many on here.
  14. Not spot on at all. Pains me to say it, our nearest neighbours constructed a new pitch from scratch in 2008 and minor mishaps with their undersoil heating aside haven't had the same problems. We have access to training pitches with Grade A certification (akin to Hampden Park et all) with a maintenance budget far less than the one utilised to provide the same facility at the stadium. Why? For the record, our lot played really well on a surface, albeit sticky in places, way above the level of Fir Park yesterday. 8-3 in our favour over Accies
  15. Now, when the pitch designers are raising concerns... Care to explain the process of 'leaching' to the punters? Tut, Tut, groundsman. Totally avoidable, but, hey, you can post hollow claim of trying your best and can only guard against the weather... Money down the drain. Literally.
  16. Most outlandish statemnet (as you put it )? Paul Warnock is going to do "yo police ass muthafucka" when he catches up with you flat feet
  17. 19 games played, 17 starts, 1 goal, 2 assists after 25 attempts...
  18. Erm, naw. Simple arithmetic. Not quite following your logic, but, I'll bow to your superior knowledge, probably have a wank about it too. Kinky that way, me. Drearily commonplace and often predictable? Your top of the charts for that m'lad. No?
  19. Tore them a new arsehole at the tail end of last season I'm sure, 3-1 at a canter in our favour. My worry with current management set-up is the return to the old brigade, most at Inverness would agree.
  20. For your first point, ? Possibility? Yes, of course? As I mentioned earlier, whilst understanding that those who couldn't attend couldn't for whatever reason, if more than 200 COULD be bothered to attend we would have had more than 200 there, simple mathematics? Maybe I should have stuck in at school... As for your second point, again banal reply. It has nothing to do with disagreement. Always lived by each to their own. The pant-wetter moniker is driven by the authoritarians and sycophantic attitude of some regulars to this board on many issues that are trivial to others, but, the need to up the post count deems the pant-wetters righteous.
  21. Jobseekers allowance is the very dab ? Opinions it seems are like arseholes... By rule of thumb, if more than 200 'could be bothered' we would have more than the figure quoted, no? Mind and not fall from your lofty position on yer high horse!
  22. Your right, didn't look like a footballer at all, he was sat at the fron of the team coach on Saturday too.
  23. Have your eyes shut when he was chasing shadows for a spell in the first half? Turned in a fine performance second half mind, protecting the back four, supporting attack when required. On a day when everybody performed, Grammy Coke shone most for me.
  24. Understanding of that, not the point I was trying to make at all. All this talk about the club failing to get exceptional youth players tied down is a lot of rubbish. If the player in question has had his head turned, legally or otherwise, you can offer him all the money and make him all the promises in the world, he just won't sign. As for leaking accurately since day 1, maybe to suit the usual pant wetters... you've got me saying that again... Just feel as others do, in failing to understand how the club are taking the flack from the fans when if they knew the truth, likely it would be Slane himself (and the Shettleston Harriers) who would be getting slaughtered. There's a whole load more to this than meets the eye (Burger jokes aside) I await the truth with relish
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