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Posts posted by Kmcalpin

  1. 55 minutes ago, grizzlyg said:

    Tam Cowan on radio saying he heard Bair could be off to Bristol City for £750k, if true then that is cracking bit of business but obviously would miss the big man,  will wait and see if any truth in it

    If true, we should hold off until the summer to find out if any other raptors circle. On the face of it, a good deal, with the proviso that the devil is in the detail.

  2. 38 minutes ago, FirParkCornerExile said:

    that ignores the fact , irrespective of league position nearly every year where we've not had a good cup run , semis at least, or transfer fees, the club incurs losses. Finishing in the top 4 also costs money because there are far more win bonuses to be paid. If new money is not forth coming or we don't get decent transfer fees each year the cost / budget to finish tenth a few cup games gets more expensive each year because operating costs and salary expectations increase each year. That budget for tenth and a few cup games also excludes the cost of punting a manager if we hit dire straights. I've said before the fan model is perfectly workable but without new money the level at which the club operates year on year gets harder to sustain when variable income streams do not materialise. Its basic economics. If revenue streams don't increase and costs do something has to give. Sure its not a worry as long as we get cup run money and transfer fees none of which are any way guaranteed. People can disagree but to me we do operate a bit on a a wing and a hope in terms of expected income.

    Agree 100%. Football in Scotland is constantly changing and moving forward and not always for the best. Clubs at our mid table level like Killie, Dundee and St Mirren are "finding money" from somewhere, albeit that might not be from sustainable sources. Its becoming harder to compete with them. So, in order to stand still, we have to increase our income.  Transfer income is not gauranteed and can be unpredictable.  Young players are now moving on earlier for meagre compensation as the big boys of world football get greedier, and the authorities simply stand aside meekly.

    Fans too are changing and are becoming far harder to please and demanding. Many younger and middle aged spectators have been weaned on a diet of English Premier League football and that is now the standard, to which they are accustomed. 

    As a club we have to update, modernise and increase our income streams sonehow as you rightly point out. Nothing is permanent but change. 

  3. 59 minutes ago, StAndrew7 said:

    This is it exactly for me. The club has always (since administration etc. anyway) operated under a model where we need to sell a player every other year to keep the books balanced, or sell a Turnbull every three or so.

    Good post. 

    Irrespective of how its been achieved, ie through development of the Academy, we have always been a selling club. Whatever investment model we adopt in future, that will never change. Thats not to say, of course, that we shouldn't maximise other income streams. Of course we should.

    • Like 1
  4. 42 minutes ago, Pepper said:

    If those in charge of the Club are so in favour of retaining fan ownership why did they effectively cut the Society out by seeking direct outside investment that would likely require the Society to relinquish majority control?

    We'll find out details in  due course, so need to get our knickers in a twist just yet. 

    With regard to your point, we should all remember that, as things stand, Society reps on the board outnumber other directors by 2:1. However thats a good question. The 2 Society members on the Board, Douglas Dickie and Tom Feely are effectively wearing 2 hats. By default, the Society wasn't cut out. 

  5. Vale beside Bair please, not behind him. 

    Not confident about this one as Aberdeen seem to know how to beat us this term, with us holding on for a draw after being 3 up last time out at Pittodrie. They may also have a new manager bounce, if there is such a thing.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, steelboy said:

    I don't think the budget is the problem. This season we had Lamie, McGinley, Maguire, Tierney, Butcher, Obika, Wilkinson, Shaw, Elliot, Souare, Mahon and Halliday contributing basically nothing. Our top earning players like Kelly, O'Donnell and McGinn kept two clean sheets all season. Slattery is another top earner who contributed nothing after the first international break. Nicholson is unfit and other than a flurry against Livi away added nothing.  

    Spittal will be away and it looks like Mugabi as well. 

    Tierney is the only one of those players under contract for next season. We probably have the biggest scope for a squad overhaul we've ever had this summer. If as rumoured we are going to sign Halliday despite the overwhelming evidence that his legs are gone then it's a bad omen that Kettlewell hasn't learned his lesson from Obika. 

    The budget available isn't in question for next season but we need the manager to prove he can bring in permanent signings who can play 30-40 games at a consistent level. Bair and Davor are the only two proper signings he's made who have had a positive impact and even then they are nowhere near consistent as well being technically limited. 

    I agree with most of that. Not convinced by Davor though, but thats balanced by Paton, who has done a job.  To be fair, he's brought in some decent loan signings: Vale, Gent, Spencer, and Biereth, although he got his fingers burnt with the latter two.

    Halliday? I just don't know,. I wasn't as concerned as many when he first signed but he hasn't really worked out.  Now is that down to lack of fitness or his legs going? Maybe  a bit of both. I just hope SK knows. Midfield is an area we definitely need to strengthen  for next season.

  7. 2 hours ago, Stuwell2 said:

    As for what other clubs are spending if we ignore Celtic, Rangers, Hearts, Aberdeen and Hibs who all appear to be well above us, then I’m talking about the other premiership teams and Dundee Utd - apart from Livingston. 
    In 2023 Kilmarnock and StJ appear to have wages of just above £2m, StM £1.7m, RC £1.5m and Livingston £1.3m. I couldn’t see the Dundee clubs on my quick search but given they have backers I’m guessing (forgive my guessing and correct me if you know them), Utd will be spending as much if not more than us and Dundee will be slightly behind us.

    For the year ended May 2022 our total staff costs were 5.2m. Now that includes all staff of course, although the playing side will account for the majority of that. I'm sure I read somewhere that Killie's budget was about the same, as was St Johnstones (their average player salary was below ours but they have traditionallly carried huge squads). Ross County's would likely be above ours as would both Dundee clubs. SK mentioned last year that Dundee "blew us out of the water" when offering a player terms. United would likely have had a player budget about 25-30% above ours. 

    Educated guesswork on my part.  

  8. 20 minutes ago, steelboy said:


    If you look at the EPL Man City, Liverpool and Arsenal were the three bookies favourites and the last match between them was two Saturdays ago. Man City have an extremely easy run in for their final 7 games. 

    I don't remember too many Spanish Classicos in April or May either. 

    I generally agree with some of what you say, but not over this.  However, its wrong to solely blame the SPFL, although they do deserve some criticism. Police Scotland will already have made its feelings known and the Scottish Government (it doesn't matter who is in power) will also be monitoring the situation. Sadly sectarianism is deep rooted in our society to such an extent that it mustn't be discussed in public, let alone addressed. We're still in the dark ages over this.

    Sectarianism is at the root cause of this.

  9. The team of the mid seventies was the best Well team that I've seen since I was taken to Fir Park as a toddler. It had everything, although it might  be frowned upon by some of today's fans. 

    Football was a lot simpler in those days. Limited TV coverage, less exposure of English football and more limited fan expectations.   

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, robsterwood said:

    Personal opinion but I'm not that interested now finishing 7th or 8th or 9th. I know money means a lot to club but to fans I'm not interested now and season over. Splits not a great idea. Means seasons finished and clubs in top half sometimes have less points than bottom 6. Think we're safe now points plus goal difference. Wil be back at league cup matches.

    I think we're almost safe but won't take it for granted until we're mathematically home and dry. If, as seems likely, we play Aberdeen, Hibs or Ross County away first, and suffer a loss, which isn't beyond the bounds of possibility, there will be a few squeaky bums on here and elsewhere amongst our support. 

    The sequence of the fixtures will be crucial. We don't want Ross County away as the first fixture. To be fair, none of the other 4 teams will either.

    Our season isn't quite over yet.

  11. 46 minutes ago, Mad Dog said:

    That's harsh mate, I accept that Spittal hasn't been as influencial in the last two or three games but to suggest that it's because of his move isn't acceptable. He's still working as hard as ever and who was it that got his head in the way of a certain goal at the back post?

     His drop in form might be down, in part, to the formation SK is fielding. Move Vale up beside Bair and slip Spittal in behind them. 

    • Like 1
  12. 10 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    We'll likely draw our way to safety and finish on 42 points. 

    Yes, we'll finish above 11th place by a good 2 or 3 points. Pre split points tallies pretty much what I thought they would be. A win against Livingston and a draw against St Johnstone should be enough  

  13. 13 minutes ago, wellfan said:

    Nicholson was pretty crap yesterday, but he's a LM and Kettlewell put him at RWB, so I’ll cut him some slack. He’s not shown anything to suggest he’ll be an able replacement for Spittal, but I imagine Kettlewell will offer him a deal anyway.  

    I also thought Halliday was crap as well yesterday when he came on, although he’s confirmed as ours for next season. Davor and Miller are ahead of him in the pecking order, and Paton will likely be as well once back from injury. 

    Midfield already looks to be a potential problem for next term. Spittal is leaving and Miller might too. Paton is ok but injured. Slattery - injured but who knows. Davor - flatters to deceive and lightweight. Halliday  - not fit but not impressed either. Nicholson - who knows. Tierney  - not fancied by SK. Maguire - leaving?

  14. Any views on Sam Nicholson? The quiet man of Fir Park it would seem. He'd hardly played any football for a while before joining us and has only played a few minutes here and there since.  Fitness is not surprisingly a problem but he's looked fine in flashes.

    Should he be offered a new deal? Would he be a replacement for Blair Spittal? Didn't quite understand his role yesterday as a wing back when he came on.

  15. 16 minutes ago, grumpy said:

     Even Collum didn't manage to ruin it completely.

    I'm normally critical of officials, but yesterday they got it pretty well spot on. Only point of contention might have been the booking of Bushiri. Although close to the incident my view wasn't clear.  BBC seemed to think it was debatable. For once, well done to Collum, Ross & Co.

  16. 1 hour ago, Ya Bezzer! said:

    Was talking to some Celtic supporters this week about Theo Bair and said he must be the biggest player in the league.

    Well I wanted to know for sure....so I did the research.

    Top Ten Units in the Scottish Premier League (height x weight, goalkeepers excluded).

    1. Theo Bair (Motherwell)

    2. Ricki Lamie (Dundee)

    3. Cameron Carter-Vickers (Celtic)

    4. Michael Nottingham (Livingston)

    5. Leo Balogun (Rangers)

    6. Dante Polvara (Aberdeen)

    7. James Scott (St Mirren)

    8. Stephen O'Donnell (Motherwell)

    9. Charles Dunne (St Mirren)

    10. Dan Casey (Motherwell)


    A very onerous assignment you set yourself. Well done. Theo will certainly be in the mix. Some surprises though.

    Joel Nouble? Liam Gordon? Stuart Findlay? Tete Yengi? Alex Lacovitti? I suppose we could all nominate a few candidates.

  17. 8 hours ago, texanwellfan said:

    At some point we will have to go for it. I think we looked like we wanted to make sure we didn’t over commit in attack and let hibs break. 

    Very much so. I wouldn't have advocated a Charge of the Light Brigade approach, but oh dear we looked very reluctant to commit fully to attack until the very late cavalry charge. We seemed to lack self belief, we we dug deep and showed character to snatch a late levelller through a fantastic Blaney strike.

    The wind certainly spoiled proceedings but I thought Hibs coped better. That said they were pretty toothless and had to rely on a very soft penalty (apologies BBC) to score.

    Although the players put in a lacklustre error strewn perfomance, I thought our starting line uop was wrong. Bair was, all too often, left isolated with Vale completely wasted in a wide, deep role. Please, please him alongside Bair in the remaining fixtures.

    Hibs began to exert prerssure after the break and you could feel we were going to concede. Maybe around the 55 minute mark was the time for change. I'd have hooked an out of form Spittal for Nicholson at that point. I didn't see the point the point in taking off Vale later on and bringing Shaw on. Nicholson for SOD??

    Gent was my MOTM and it was a shame that all too often, no-one was there to get on the end of his crosses. Kelly too had a good game. Spittal is not performing at the moment and maybe its time now to bring in Nicholson, depending on what his position is with SK. Davor to me flatters to deceive. A busy player he isn't a great passer of the ball and is a bit lightweight, as we saw today against bigger and more aggressive opponents. 

    Plenty of police activity and blue sirens post match with the odd sight of Police horses going through Brandon Parade. No doubt some after match action.

    Again apologies to the BBC for spoiling Hibs' day.

  18. 51 minutes ago, star sail said:

     Hibs supporter and Aberdeen supporters have every right to be pouring over the post mortem this evening. Two relatively massive clubs in our league who have underperformed yet again.

    As Sportsound kept telling us ad infinitum. Had I not been at the game I wouldn't have known who had spoiled Hibs' chances of top 6 spot.  Very inconsiderate of us not allowing them to win.

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