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Posts posted by Kmcalpin

  1. 1 minute ago, supermarv said:

    I feel this is where Motherwell as a club lack a little. The likes of hearts, st Mirren etc seem pretty proactive in getting pre contracts tied up nice and early where as we don’t. 9/10 we are half way into a window with half a squad. It worked out very well when getting the likes of Declan Gallagher in early etc. Just think for us to progress as a club with financial constraints we have that it’s best to get out early and get they deals done before others, I totally understand a lot of players will want to wait until the summer as there may be better offers but clearly some players do go for it.

    Some substance in that, but having the money certainly helps. A lot though, is to do with final league placings. Hearts and St Mirren both kow they won't be relegated whereas we don't yet know for certain. This uncertainty will colour negotiations.

    • Like 1
  2. The latest VAR controversy is only serving to highlight long standing problems with the SFA. Its up to the clubs themselves to sort this out. The SFA officials are servants of the clubs and should only be carrying our their wishes and administering, not managing, the game itself. I get the respect employees, including referees, bit and have no problem with that.  It should  be a bit like a local authority. The officials are there to carry out the will of the constituents through elected members.

    There is a problem with VAR, but in my view its only about unnecessary lengthy delays and technical camera issues. I agree with those who say that if its not obvious within say 30 or 45 seconds then let the goal or whatever stand. What is the problem, is the standard of decision making, as someone on P & B said. Thats what the SFA needs to iron out but it has shown no desire or ability whatsoever to do so. I'm pretty sure that if they were to analyse the lead up to most goals, they would find some kind of technical infringement, especially at set pieces. The problem is that these incidents are being viewed inconsistently. The handball rule is a complete farce. 

    The fans are the lifeblood of the game and football is an entertainment industry and so the SFA should remember that. In the case of our letter, and indeed any letter, the SFA should publicly acknowledge that its a genuine grievance; investigate it; take any appropriate action to raise refereeing standards; avoid future occurrences; and make their findings public.  Referees should be respected and protected but not at the complete expense of the game. In that respect, on the field dissent needs to be punished more severely but thats another issue.  All we're likely to hear from the clubs' servants is some kind of slap down for daring to criticise referees.

  3. So, our goal was ruled out for deliberate handball! What a farcical decision. 

    100% behind the club in writing to the SFA. Maxwell needs to remember he is a servant of the clubs  as he is a paid official. We'll await developments with bated breath. 

  4. 50 minutes ago, dennyc said:

    I was talking to a Hibs fan yesterday who informed me that their American investor (Foley) is actually introducing £6m per year for each of the next 5 years. I had not appreciated that the deal involved such an annual input. Also, a colleague of Foley is in discussion regards the input of a "one off" £10m. Only time will tell, but the terms they have negotiated don't appear to threaten the assets the Club owns or intrude massively in day to day operations. Fans will talk about "feeder" clubs  but there is no evidence as yet to support that, and even if it is the case, where is the harm in players switching Clubs given that rules exist re value for money. As we have seen, non affiliated loan deals can cause bigger issues.

    If something sounds too good to be true it probably is. I must admit to being very suspicious about Hibs' deal. I just don't believe that the philanthropists have appeared and are giving Hibs money with no strings attached. Dundee United and their philanthropists come to mind.

    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, wellgirl said:

    Yes. There was a list online a couple of months ago showing decisions given that were later shown that shouldn't have stood for all the spl clubs. Think two penalties for us. 

    There was indeed. One that was mentioned was a decision to rule out a Hearts goal at Tynecastle. Its also important to note that the scope of the "review" was limited to decisions made, not those that were missed. The list was a sample and as such "hand picked". There was no mention, for example, of the last minute penalty claim against Aberdeen which was missed because the cameras were switched off before the end of the game. I would take that list with a spoonful of salt.

    • Like 2
  6. 1 hour ago, FirParkCornerExile said:

    We will not beat Dundee in Dundee nor St Mirren at Fir Park. Top six will be done and dusted by the time Hibs come calling. If we lose to St Mirren and Ross County beat Aberdeen its a real bun fight for the play off spot.

    I think we're more than capable of drawing with St Mirren and Hibs. Can't see Ross County beating Aberdeen. Don't forget St Johnstone too as they don't have an easy run in. 

  7. 2 hours ago, TheoBair14 said:

    See Kevin Van Veen scored brace for Kilmarnock in there development game 

    Would love to see Van Veen back to Motherwell on the summer playing next to Theo Bair 

    Killie/Bill Bowie are running out of time. £6K per week for no goals so far and only 8 games to go. 

  8. In principle, VAR is a great idea and I fully support it but not the way in which its being implemented. I didn't know for example for there are more cameras in some stadia than others...thats simply not fair.

    VAR is throwing up many issues, that have been identified and discussed on here. What hasn't changed and is now being thrust into the spotlight, is refereeing inconsistencies.  One specific example is the handball decisions in the Ross County and Aberdeen games. Now which is it? If the ball hits another player's hand/arm (i.e. not the scorers) on its path into the net - is that a legitimate goal or not?  Yes or no? 

    In this particular case, I  see no reason whatever why the SFA, this morning,  cannot accept and acknowledge that this was an issue on Saturday (I pick my words carefully so as not to criticise officials) and issue a simple statement to clubs, fans and the media to clarify its position. All it needs to say is whether such an incident should be classed as a foul or not. That being the case, was their guidance on this followed in games by officials? As its stands, everyone is confused by this particular issue. 

    Will it happen - NO!

  9. Just watched the TV highlights and agree about the VAR calls. VAR would work fine its the officiating and inconsistencies that are ruining it.

    From admittedly limited highlights, our defending looked horrendous yesterday and not just at the goal. The common theme is Aberdeen players being allowed time and space to do pretty much what they wanted in and around our box. From what I saw, Aberdeen did look better organised defensively than us and made us work hard for any effort on goal. In the coming close season, our defence needs an overhaul.

    Against my better judgement, I watched about 15 minutes of the Wolves V Coventry game and the contrast with our defending was immense.  The game was faster and far more physical with both teams working damned hard off the ball to close opponents down and deny them any space.

  10. Some good discussion about SK on P & B. Like a few others, I don't know what to make of him. He's clearly got something about him as he's a good man manager. Even during our long winless run he never lost the dressing room. He's also a good coach as we've seen with his nurturing and development of Theo Bair. 

    However, he does overthink things at times and overcomplicates matters. At times his personnel selections are baffling, such as yesterday. He's not the greatest tactician in the world either. 

    I just don't know what to make of him!

    • Like 1
  11. Its high time the SFA made public to all and sundry, its interpretation of the rules and VAR and how they're passed to officials. I'm thinking here of handball, "clear and obvious error", added time.

    In terms of added time for example, what is the SFA's stance? Has time wasting got to be clear cheating? Persistent? How many warnings do culprits get?  How much time is added on for substitutions? How much time for goals and VAR checks?  I get that injuries are different. All this  shouldn't be beyond them. It would also take the heat off them and their officials

  12. Top 6 is beyond us and even before yesterday was always going to be a huge ask. 7th spot will also be very ambitious and I think 8th is a more realistic target. Thats about our average historical perch. I think Aberdeen will have just too much about them and will claim that though. In their last 2 games they've tightened up considerably at the back as we've seen.

    I can see us scrambling 2 points from our next 3 games. St Mirren will be a tough one - don't expect them to come to Fir Park and play open exciting football. They'll sit back and fight for supremacy in the midfield. As we saw yesterday, thats not our type of game. If we score first though, that might help us considerably. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, wellgirl said:

    Not everyone on the bench gets brought on. How much game time has Elliot had for example? Or Van Veen at Killie. It's clear KVV has had fitness issues but he's still made the bench every week since he signed for them. I think this is just unnecessary nit picking. 

    Van Veen hasn't been played much by Killie admittedly, but he has been brought on 6 times from the bench, including when he was first signed and today.  

    No-one, including me is saying that the decision to favour Ferrie over Moses was a game changing decision, but it was an interesting one nonetheless. As such, its a perfectly legitimate subject for discussion under this game thread.  The game threw up all manner of issues, all of which are worthy of discussion.  Its all about opinions and its perfectly fine to agree to differ.  

  14. 6 minutes ago, wellgirl said:

    Completely disagree re Ebiye. Irrespective of the mistakes Kettlewell made today think he knows better than us if someone is fit enough to be brought on. 

    If that was the case, and he was so unfit, what was he doing on the bench in the first place? 

  15. 13 minutes ago, wellgirl said:

    I understand the point you are making but some folk have been shouting all season to get Ferrie on. We can't have it all ways. 

    There have been one or two but many more have commented that he's nowhere near ready. We saw a few cameos of him early in the season and quite a few thought that he wasn't ready. At that time he looked to be way out of his depth. 

    He then went out on loan to a lower league club at Stenhousemuir but failed to make any impression and hardly got any game time. He then returned. 

    Now I don't understand why Moses wasn't given any time today like 15 or 20 minutes. Although he hasn't played for some weeks, he's played more than Mark Ferrie. I'm all for giving young lads gametime but it has to be in the right situation. Today only served to prove that young Ferrie should be nowhere near the first team squad for his own good. He needs time in the gym and a loan spell at a lower league club where he can get playing time. I don't know about Dylan Wells. One of a number of odd decisions from SK today. 


    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  16. We play our most attractive and effective football when its an open game and we're counterattacking. Our defence is shaky at the best of times and needs serious attention, as does (to a lesser extent) our midfield.  When teams score first against us and then sit in we struggle.

    We obviously got it wrong on so many fronts today, but it was still a close game and there's no need to panic as long as SK learns lessons. He watched Aberdeen on Wednesday and so knows how they play so its his reaction to that, that was remiss.  

    • Like 2
  17. As said elsewhere, fielding a 17 year old, albeit a very talented one, behind 2 attacking central midfielders was a huge risk. Also  I thought the McGinn at LWB, was a failed experiment that had been consigned to the dustbin of history. SK does half overthink things at times. 

    • Like 2
  18. 44 minutes ago, Throughthelaces said:

    mark ferrie needs another year at least of development  football no where near first team ready and our manager should see that.

    Good luck to the lad, but a few of us have said that for some time. He couldn't get a game for Stenhousemuir whilst on loan. I suppose today, we wanted a striker on the bench and he fitted that criterion.

  19. Still a lot to play for in the remaining pre split games of course, but I think we'll be good for finishing the penultimate section of the league in 9th spot and we should hold onto that position post split. To do that, we need to pick up 2 more points in the remaining 3 matches and we're capable of doing that. Draws against St Mirren and Hibs should ensure that and a win, although unlikely, would mean we exceed that target.  My guess after 33 games  is:

    Aberdeen 8th on 37 points

    Us 9th on 34 points

    St Johnstone 10th on 29 points

    Ross County 11th on 27 points

    Livingston 12th on 17 points.

    A few months ago we'd have died in a ditch for 9th or even 10th spot.


  20. Disappointing, but not surprising result. Beforehand, I had this down as a stick on draw. The warning signs were there on Wednesday evening at Dundee when the home side threw the kitchen sink at the Dons and scrambled a win through a penalty. Still, the coming break will give us the opportunity to get a few injured lads back fit (and also to pick up more injuries in training).

    Disappointing to hear of dubious refereeing & VAR but to be fair its not common to get much in the way of decisions against Aberdeen.  Dundee stole our good luck in midweek. 6 second half subs equates to 3 minutes added on time taking nothing else into account.

    Our starting midfield did look a bit lightweight and, like Grizzly, was surprised at Davor's omission. Maybe he wasn't fit or we just assumed Aberdeen would roll over in midfield. Who knows. 

    At the end of the season we may view today's result somewhat differently.

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