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Everything posted by Kmcalpin

  1. Kmcalpin

    So It Begins...

    Technical question here. How does any water get from the surrounding soil/medium into the actual drains? If there are holes/slots in the drains wouldn't the surrounding medium particles block the holes/slits?
  2. Fair enough. Glad you've got sorted.
  3. How do you mean its "flawed"? If its the inability to renew family tickets online there may be a good reason for that. Perhaps Leeann or Flow could explain.
  4. I see - so they wouldn't approach MFC first for permission to speak to him?
  5. Firstly, £1.5k per week is a decent wage for an SPL team outwith the current top 6. In other words, the Pars are continuing to pay some of their players decent SPL wages. Not sustainable in their position. Its highly unlikely that the usual suspects (Killie, St Mirren, Hamilton, Falkirk, St Johnstone, Dundee etc) won't know about this level of player. If one club knows about an available player you can rest assured the rest will as well. I would think it'll be unlikely that we'll sign anyone in the summer that the others aren't aware of. There are exceptions of course. Players like Scott MacDonald, Richie Foran, although unknown to you or I before coming to us were well known to the other clubs. These days agents will send out blanket mailshots to virtually every similar club in Britain, or perhaps further afield. Teams as diverse as Crewe, Grimsby, Wrexham and Dundee will know far more about our own under 19s than Well fans will.
  6. St Johnstone was looking at Gallacher but the Pars are looking for a significant fee for him and he's on substantial wages. Given that they've discontinued their interest. If Dunfermline want to trim their outgoings they're going the wrong way about it.
  7. The Courier - Dundee / Dundee United The Scotsman - Hearts / Hibs The P & J - Aberdeen The above newspapers are the last places that I look for unbiased reports concerning these teams. Whilst they do have inside contacts no doubt, they have a habit of telling their readers just what they want to hear. Take any of their reports with a pinch of salt.
  8. Yes and no. Yes, he was at Hibs but no - he was sent off for a VICIOUS tackle on Jim Paterson (no rashness about it despite what Murdo McLeod said).
  9. Does anyone have a decent photo of the riot police in Nancy they could send me? If anyone can oblige please PM me. Thanks.
  10. Hopefully someone will win it!
  11. Is it possible that Willie Miller & Mark McGhee are not on each other's Christmas card list?
  12. Still go for it Brazilian. I'm sure the site's supporters will do their best as they always have done.
  13. I've been led to believe that if the two of them met in an Aberdeen bar it would have been pure coincidence, Jim. If MMcG was ever to return to Pittodrie then a few fences would have to be mended.
  14. Totally agree Melvyn. Paul Quinn was far from being our worst player today and he, at least, showed some will to win. Looking back over the season its our left flank thats cost us most goals, time after time after time. If opposition managers can see it why can't we? The defence must be rejigged for next season as we've lost far too many cheap goals. That should be our number one aim. We also need a left sided midfielder who can defend.
  15. Its not all his fault. Our defence made sure of that today. However he was possibly the most talented player on display today, on paper. In theory a real matchwinner capable of setting the game alight. The trouble is he rarely if ever does, and is all too often overshadowed by those with lesser skills
  16. Spot on. O'Brien and Hughes looked very impressive but didn't actually do anything. The latter will not be missed next year. At times our build up was so laboured and slow that by the time we approached Killie's box 10/11 of their players were organised and waiting for us. Where was O'Brien's and Hughes' guile?
  17. Kmcalpin


    Main Stand was terrible too.
  18. Being honest both Hammell & MacLean had nightmares today. Looking to next season Hammy is simply not up to holding onto the left back spot and a 12 month deal for Brian MacLean seems like his last chance to prove himself.
  19. Kmcalpin


    As always Paul Quinn & Davie Clarkson worked hard and showed a bit of passion but my vote goes to Jamie Murphy. He looked livelier in his short spell on the pitch than the others did over 90 minutes. It was very hard not to be impressed by the Kilmarnock defence but they did look vulnerable to a bit of pace on the deck. Somewhat sportingly, we chose not to press home that advantage until Murphy's appearance from the bench. Hopefully the SFA obsever will have been impressed by that display of fair play.
  20. After his performance today I wonder of his offer of a contract has been withdrawn?
  21. As we've established on these boards may times the club does not control the Police. Its the other way around.
  22. From what I can gather Alan Combe is definitely out and I can live with that as I don't particularly like him visiting Fir Park. Fraser Wright is being rested due to his disciplinary record.
  23. For me its a toss up between Chris Porter's red card against Hamilton in the CIS Cup or Davie Clarkson's red card at Parkhead. I'll settle on the latter.
  24. Facinating isn't it? A 9 year old kid from Wishaw is on the radar of English clubs, Aberdeen and Falkirk. It just goes to show these outfits have an intelligence network that Mossad would envy.
  25. Kmcalpin

    Lee Beevers

    Yes he is guaranteed regular European football with us.......once every 15 years.
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