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We're On The Ball


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Everybody knows by now that if you stand up you run the risk of getting lifted.


I was always against the all-seated stadia and no-standing regulations, and would welcome back a section of terracing. However, I also know that until that happens, I stand at my own risk. I don't condone any heavy handed tactics by the stewards or the polis. If that happens a formal complaint should be made to the club and the authorities.


It seems like every other week, however, that people are posting how surprised they are someone got chucked out for standing. If you want to try and change things, there are more constructive (and likely more successful) ways to tackle it.


I couldn't agree more. You've summed up this whole thread in 3 paragraphs Weeyin.

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Really, really surprised at you saying that Fritz!


And you are 100% out of order getting personal with your comments about Leeann M... If anything, she is the most forward thinking, reasonable Safety Officer we've had! Unfortunately, people can't see the amount of work she does behind the scenes but rest assured, very few people work harder and are fairer than her!



Surprised? I'm 100% out of order? Feel free to have a word in my shell like tomorrow, be it, in person or over the phone and point me to the error of my ways, genuine request, not a 'step away from the keyboard' minute and no raised voices either.


You know the circumstances regarding my post. A little investigation from the legal advice sought had the club treading a very, very fine line which differed from the alleged 'protocol'. Half a story I'm afraid for board users, but, cannot and will not divulge further. The member of staff you mentioned was also in dispatches.


Well said 'Flow .... totally agree

Totally agree? Is your name Leeann M? You don't know me from Adam...

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Surprised? I'm 100% out of order? Feel free to have a word in my shell like tomorrow, be it, in person or over the phone and point me to the error of my ways, genuine request, not a 'step away from the keyboard' minute and no raised voices either.


You know the circumstances regarding my post. A little investigation from the legal advice sought had the club treading a very, very fine line which differed from the alleged 'protocol'. Half a story I'm afraid for board users, but, cannot and will not divulge further. The member of staff you mentioned was also in dispatches.



Totally agree? Is your name Leeann M? You don't know me from Adam...

Are you one of the guys that belted the auld boy :unsure:

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Ah think this is all getting slightly OTT. I understand why people are mad or angered including myself to an extent although I now sit in the main stand where problems are not as common from what I have seen. Hopefully the club have recognized the posts on this thread and are prepared to take in the issues raised.

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When I go tae the fitba all i'm interested in doing is watching the bloody game, and if I have to do it sitting down then so be it. Those who want to stand during the game take the risk of being chucked out, and the fact folk are still surprised at this amazes me. Does it really matter how a steward asks you to sit down? The simple fact is they are in the right and they're not even obliged to ask you to do so. In fact they are perfectly within their rights to chuck you out without even giving you a warning. The rules regarding standing at games are well publicised - it's not allowed end of! All this talk of it having an adverse effect on the atmosphere is a load of tosh imo, can ye no sing whilst sitting down like? The real reason why there's a pish atmosphere at Fir Park is cos it's only a third full most of the time, and the majority of those are still sober!

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As for the original poster... Wanted to see the Rapid fans? Arse. Why complain about the policing and stewarding when you ventured well out the way to attend the San Giro tonight where policing and stewarding is notorious beyond belief? Shown your true colours methinks. You should have been at training m'lad and you know it! ;)


He wasn't the only one... Your little cohort will be outed anaw! Ultras my hoop! (nae pun intended)


Uddingstons' Andy Jack is the head Ultra and you knows it...

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MFC have a company that are doing Stewarding from now on!!!!!!! as MFC cant afford all the costs and is cheaper to tender it to a company.


MFC only pay the Turnstyle operators, then they join in Stewarding at the back of the stands.


Oh no they don't! :huh:

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