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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/2021 in all areas

  1. How come Hamilton are allowed to have their regular home support at the game?
    9 points
  2. Oh shut the fuck up, you got your pound of flesh.
    4 points
  3. Am beelin'! I cannae be expected to interpret nuance right now!
    3 points
  4. Utterly abject. Whether you have a day or a month to prepare for a game if you have a goalkeeper who gets beaten at his near post with a fairly routine shot, and almost jumps out the way of a shot hit virtually straight at him, you are on to a hiding to nothing. And that's before you get to defenders losing the ball in the air and strikers that have gone 180 minutes without finding the net against the worst defence in the league. If Accies had anything about them they could have easily matched or surpassed that 5-0 from a couple of seasons ago. There have been a number of games where we've shot ourselves in the foot, spells in games where we've looked a bit sorry for themselves when it hasn't gone our way, but that was a perfect storm showing virtually nothing, gifting goals and just looking like they didn't want to be there. Piss, piss poor!
    3 points
  5. We need a Captain. For all Gallagher is a decent player, he isn't a leader.
    3 points
  6. Purely for starting that absolutely awful goalkeeper
    2 points
  7. After a deep breath, the reality really does come screaming home. The rot set in at the start of the year. I wrote on hear calling for a statement of strategy from the board / Robinson when we sold on Turnbull and received the money from Scott, which I think we were entitled to as a fan owned club ie. What did we intend to do with our biggest transfer fee/fees? Instead, we got White and Lamie. This is a situation that is 100% of our own making and goes beyond Robinson into a lack of strategic management at board level. We should/must have the financial power to get ourselves out of This mess however that starts with a vision and a clear statement. I won’t hold my breath however I would like to hear from Burrows before the weekend is out. What’s the plan? If the plan is to support Lasley (who has been a great club servant and should be treated properly) and bring in a couple of loanees then the clear out needs go much higher than the dugout.
    2 points
  8. A few thoughts after that today. Chapman and Mugabi are simply not good enough and should not be see again in a Motherwell shirt, not their fault but they belong at a lower level. Depending on how long Carson & Fox are out, we need to bring in 1 or 2 goalies. 1 with some experience. Presuming Gallagher & O’Donnell don’t leave, a defence of those 2, Ohara and Carroll should be more than good enough to keep us up. We need an attacking midfielder to play alongside Campbell and hopefully Donnelly. A defensive one as well if Donnelly not back this month. Although McGuire needs another look at in that position whilst Donnelly is out. Need a goal scorer and a winger to play with Watt. Long and Cole maybe be good enough as replacements but not as starters and the less said the better about Seedorf and Hastie.
    2 points
  9. You will be visited by the ghosts of 3 ex managers - the ghost of ex manager past, the ghost of ex manager present and the ghost of ex manager by the end of the season.
    2 points
  10. 2 points
  11. His one and only chance for me today. Goner
    2 points
  12. Main worry now is if we give Las the next 3 games, we end up further adrift and little chance for a new manager to make changes during the transfer window. I have watched that today and have been left wondering what manager would want to take over with the goal of keeping us up with that shower of crap. Clear out needed but who is going to take them. Mugabi is a bombscare, h ecan have a decent game one week then crap for the next 3. Grimmy probably needs to move on now. O'Donnell I imagine will be away if he want to keep his Euro dream alive Hastie needs to be sent packing If Seedorf can't get ahead of Hastie then bye bye. Polworth either needs to step up or leave Cole, Long not doing the job and shouldn't have been brought back.. Especially Long.. he's only here cos he didn't get any other offers. I love Carson but think that the injury earlier in the season has probably done him. So not sure how much we can rely on him for the rest of the season, Chapman not good enough so we either need to use PJ orget another keeper in. Big job now for whatever sucker gets the job.
    2 points
  13. Can’t blame Lasley for that. He has inherited a shit fest. Mugabi and the Goalkeeper were not even Sunday league level. Our recruitment this last year has been absolutely farcical.
    2 points
  14. Polworth is only good when you are on a winning streak, he is not someone that rolls sleeves up and battles
    2 points
  15. Another reason we need a new face in as manager. When you hit these patches it's more about confidence than anything else. A new gaffer with no baggage or history with the current season is needed to inject a fresh approach. There's plenty of good arguments that we need to strengthen the squad, but the core of this team should have enough to be a middling Premiership team.
    2 points
  16. He's got to sub Mugabe and Chapman to at least prove he's watching the same game. It won't make a blind bit of difference up top mind you. We have no cutting edge.
    2 points
  17. Mind how Gallagher said the players were all up for this game? In a league that contains power houses such as Accies, St Mirren, Livingston, Ross County you’ve surely got to fancy you’re chances of not being relegated? This team is going down however. Worst I’ve seen in years. They have absolutely noting about them at all. Nothing.
    2 points
  18. 2 points
  19. heez going out on loan to clyde rangers auld rab finney would turn him into a player
    2 points
  20. I feel for Lasley. You have your 1st game as Manager and you have Chapman in goals and Mugabi in central defence. Like playing with 9 men. In fact it would have been preferable. Would love him to succeed as he has the club at heart. But like many on here I think being Assistant Manager makes u part of the problem. Tommy Wright would get my support but I feel we need a different direction and TW would be too similar to SR. Would like a young exciting Manager who has fallen on hard times such as G Alexander, Danny Cowley or even Malky Mackay. The latter would be a tough one but if Livingston can appoint someone who had a 6 year prison sentence then.... I was a Robbo fan boy but this seasons signings have been awful. We have had issues with injuries but Accies were missing more 1st team players than us. I like Tony Watt. He at least tries but he is not prolific. Someone up there beside him that could score would be great.
    1 point
  21. Thank christ I've read someone else saying this about McCall.
    1 point
  22. Watt for all his trying misses some amount of simple chances
    1 point
  23. Note the smiley Gentlemen, note the smiley! Tongue in cheek on my part based on numerous past exchanges. I supported Robinson to the bitter end, I thought he could turn it around. I still think he could have improved the squad and sorted things out to a degree, That he didn't have confidence in his abilities suggests that my faith was misplaced. I think when our first best eleven is on the park we are better than what we are showing, and I believe with two or three good additions we will show that, but I couldn't possibly argue against the point first game post Robinson our team looked weak both in quality and mentality.
    1 point
  24. i dont see eye to eye with yodo but ffs he possibly has a point were still talking about robbo cause were still getting pumped with the players he signed
    1 point
  25. Yer right Robinson is in the past so is the 3rd place finish and the two cup finals . However what is remaining with us at the moment is the legacy Robinson has left us which is a team full of shite
    1 point
  26. Robinson is in the past. He's been gone what, 72 hours now. Just how long are you going to keep harking back to events that have been and gone. It's all about the here and now. That's how it works right?
    1 point
  27. who signed the shite ???? and realised on wed just how shite they were then bailed to leave it to ????????????
    1 point
  28. When is the light coming on for u ,look your farewell banners were a nice tribute to your God but this shitfest is all down to him and his signings
    1 point
  29. I didn't want to believe our problems were as bad as they were but this is some mess we are in. I think its pretty clear we need a total clear out of the coaching staff.
    1 point
  30. They were limited to a guy who clearly hasnt been good enough versus a guy that we dont know if he is good enough but done reasonably well on loan... ...he went with the apparent safe option of the older guy
    1 point
  31. We need to get the right man in. We can't make a decision in haste.
    1 point
  32. I will take dull now as other option is the championship which is where we are heading unless we get new manager with fresh ideas asap
    1 point
  33. well they feckin better start proving it
    1 point
  34. Dull but sensible choice simply for his ability to organise.
    1 point
  35. After today we need to act quickly. Tommy Wright being the obvious. Knows the league well, has kept St Johnstone out of trouble for years, will bring an organisation and determination.
    1 point
  36. If nothing else, we've put the "new manager bounce" myth to bed. I said in the other thread I wasn't a fan of promoting the assistant to the manager's job in an underperforming team because they were part of the original problem. Nothing here today changes that opinion.
    1 point
  37. Oh but it is a total clear out that's required these guys are some of the worst players we have seen at Fir Park in a long time
    1 point
  38. This supposed 4 game trial for lasley should be binned immediately. All players and coaching staff to be sacked. Complete shambles. We have managed to out do ourselves and somehow got worse. a new man with no ties to Motherwell brought in to make difficult decisions and to clear the decks
    1 point
  39. This should be the last straw,the board should be meeting up at fir park tonight to sort this mess out,we need a new voice in the dressing room and quick.
    1 point
  40. I can see bringing on white if he was replacing Chapman but not as a forward
    1 point
  41. I really hope we push the boat out and pay a pretty penny for a good manager. This is a shambles
    1 point
  42. The board have to get together and act immediately,no harm to las,as it's not really about him but we need a new manager and soon,this can't continue,we have to give a new manager every chance to bring in new players
    1 point
  43. To be fair his options are limited.
    1 point
  44. Is anybody surprised Lasley was part of the SR decision making so did anybody really believe there would be a radical change of attitude / tactics today. We may still win the game but I don't think Lasley should be considered for the job long term, we need a fresh approach and somebody new to get rid of the shite in the team, with a few new faces in this transfer window.
    1 point
  45. It’s uncertain for everyone. Outwith the old firm, we were the ones who finished third (ie wel over budget) brought in a rake from Player sales in the past 12 months and had a million euro in prize money from the 3 European matches. No one other than the arse cheeks if Glasgow, Hibs ,United and Aberdeen had such fortune yet we have regressed big time due to an ill advised policy of pursuing the bank balance over maintaining long term fan acquisition and development by ensuring product
    1 point
  46. Added to the fact he’s shite, it puts him in a footballing realm of his own
    1 point
  47. Personally I don’t mind him getting another shot under a new manager, very much a confidence player so he might see it as a new opportunity, we will see. Delighted to see Carroll start, a proper left back.
    1 point
  48. Mugabi starting always gives me the fear.
    1 point
  49. On early sign of Lasley's suitability for job will be if he selects Lammie. If he does, afraid he rules himself out right away.
    1 point
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