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Everything posted by santheman

  1. santheman

    Smoke Bombs

    I was certainly surprised at the attitude of some of the stewards even before the game started. I think back to the first game of the season when we were welcomed with open arms and everyone couldn't have been more helpful from the locals to the police. I got a completely different vibe this time, maybe they have experienced some bad incidents from other teams and decided that all visiting fans are the same, I don't know???
  2. Totally agree!! We SHOULD be buzzin about this game. This forum SHOULD be up to about 10 pages on this thread. We SHOULD be expecting a massive crowd with Inverness bringing a good following. BUT None of the above is happening/will happen and I don't really understand why and it's not just us. I look into other SPL teams forums and its much the same there despite the competitive nature of the league (leaving Celtic out of the equation) A major bout of apathy in the game just now. I can only hope the game is a belter and the ones who do go get their moneys worth.
  3. I'd go for that. Games against Accies and Airdrie actually appeals to me at this moment in time
  4. To be fair a was a bit pissed when I wrote it Plus I,d just read 22 pages on P&B about reconstruction and my brain was hurtin
  5. No points for a 0-0 draw 4 points for a win 1 point for a scoring draw No loan signings allowed At least 7 home grown players in the starting 11 15 minute sin bins for yellow cards Standing areas with a bar Maximum £15 entry Who needs League re-organisation
  6. Right, all we need to come up with now is a song with a line in it that rhymes with "Higginbotham"
  7. Falkirk fans on P&B saying he was a very good player for them and would have him back in a minute.Dosen't mean hes better than what weve got right enough
  8. Well at least we won't have anything to talk about after the summer when he's away (at least I would be if I were him). As in the words of a famous song "You don't know what you've got till it's gone". As for the prick who tweeted that, if he is indeed a Motherwell fan I would ban him for life if he can be identified.
  9. Just back from the game and still feel gutted at coming away with nothing. Celtic started strongly and for about 10 mins it was like the Alamo and young Kerr was getting ripped apart down the left by Samaras but we eventually fought our way back into the game. Thought Hately had a great game today and was unlucky with the penalty although big Forster psyched him out a bit with the hysteronics before the kick. Got a bit of abuse for missing it but I think it was general disappointment and not really aimed specifically at him. Deflects from the fact that we were denied a stonewaller later on but as McCall said on Radio Clyde "You don't get two penalties at Parkhead" Support from the fans was brilliant and good to see McCall and the players coming over to acknowledge the fact. Considering some on here were predicting a pounding we done no too bad.
  10. Feckin just go for it 3-4-3.If we get beat 4-0 who the feck cares. Better than the usual dross we serve up at the piggery
  11. I would class myself as a semi regular poster who wants to read and talk about the team and I don't mind reading criticism but despair when that criticism crosses the line into abuse.God only knows what the players must think when they look in here which they will invariably do from time to time
  12. Can't think of a result that has pleased me better in ages. See when we keep the ball on the deck,run at teams and resist humping it long all the time we look a completely different team.6 or 7-1 would have flattered them they just couldn't live with the pace and movement up front. Great to see everyone getting behind the team for a change, hopefully this forum will be a less depressing place to visit now Still LMAO at auld Broonie on sportsound deftly deflecting the fact that his team were totally humped and saying it had nothing to do with him having his best 4 midfielders out injured. Felt quite embarrassed for him actually (well I didnae really) Think he should get a job as Donald Trumps PR guru when he retires.
  13. One positive from it was Stephen Saunders getting 35 mins in the second half (and the 2nd goal). A big negative was a serious head injury to the young Motherwell No 9 who collided head first with a hoarding behind the goals at the Cooper end. Medics worked on him for about 15mins before they could get him onto a stretcher and into an ambulance. Looked serious and I hope the young lad is ok. 3-0 down we pulled a goal back before half time. Second half we dominated but could only score with a minute to go through Saunders and too late to snatch a draw. VERY young team plus Omar Daley. Saunders shored up the defence when he came on and hopefully its a step to his full recovery
  14. Hopefully the Midden wont play like they did at Parkhead and venture into our half now and again. Feeling quietly confident about this one.
  15. I haven't missed a game home or away(European games excepted) for 3 seasons and I can definitely say the atmosphere and backing at the away games is far better and supportive than at Fir Park. You get the odd negative shout etc of course but nothing on the scale of what you hear at home games which sometimes actually makes me cringe. I just cannot understand why some fans can be so negative and abusive towards certain players. If they shouted what I've heard at games at someone in the street on a Friday night they would be lifted.
  16. I've actually resigned myself to the fact that we're going to struggle at home for the rest of the season as its obvious most teams know how to nullify us and we just cannot unlock a packed defence and midfield. Whether the playets are just not good enough or the tactics are wrong or a combination of both I dont know,but the longer it goes on the more threads like this will appear which will do us no good in the long term.I know its frusttating but we just have to keep on supporting the team and the manager otherwise apathy sets in and we start arguing amongst ourselves and that soon transfers itself onto the team.
  17. I've said it in quite a few posts now that there is tremendous scope to enlarge the membership by offering longer payment terms rather than the current 4 payments. I've spoken to quite few people who aren't yet members and there is definite interest in being able to pay 12 instalments of £25 as that is affordable to many people in the current climate. I know some will say just pay the £25 into an account every month and transfer it every 3 months but I think the temptation for many would be to "dip in" to it for other things and it would go on the back burner so to speak. A monthly direct debit would concentrate the mind and wouldn't be missed as much. Feel free to shoot me down
  18. C'mon guys, Wednesday afternoon and no-ones posted up anything about the game 2 0 Well
  19. I personally think that he's a player who really needs to be in the thick of the action where the ball is and I think thats why he looks a bit disinterested out on the flanks I've seen him playing for the u20's a few times and when he's been played through the middle, he genuinely looked a different player to what you see most Saturdays. Looking for the ball and taking players on would you believe. Just my opinion mind!!
  20. See what happens when we stick to what we're good at !!!!
  21. These stories have been circulating on and off for months an the news that we are going to post a loss for last year and rumours that the European games didn't generate as much cash as hoped all go to fuel these stories. What I would like to see is the board coming out with a statement to the fans about the current state of finances to either put an end to them or prepare us for what potentially lies ahead.
  22. It is when you,ve got two central defenders who really aren't all that good in the air.
  23. Thats what pisses me off most. Corners should be whipped in at pace right on top of the goalie with someone standing right in front of him just like my old School gym teacher taught me.
  24. Bit of a long shot but I don't suppose anyone who was up at Perth on Saturday found a cd player and headphones in the disabled toilet?. My wee guy left them (gutted so he is) and they weren't handed in so if anyone can help please get in contact.
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