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Everything posted by gaz7

  1. Agree with some of that but a lot of our fans are blaming this that and next thing for not going when I feel we need to take some of blame ourselves. Imagine if last 2 games were your 1st games at fir park? Was it enjoyable ? We got beat 1-0 and drew 1-1 so really tight games and other than young team cheering us on creating atmosphere the reaction of some of the crowd made it not a happy experience. Take responsibility for your actions as if you are moaning all game any new fans will I'd think not want to come back and it becomes contagious. Poor form a factor is always going to be a case for us as we are generally not very good if wer being honest and that's experience of nearly 40 years saying that going to fir park. Hibs poor form is similar to us but it doesn't look like it's stopping them.
  2. Of course we can beat them as they are not on a great run either. The difference here will be the crowd as id imagine they will have a big support and will be in fine spirits certainly at the start. If the moaners and whiners in our support continue then in effect all they are doing is helping Hibs as it certainly does not give ours an extra spring in their step. Everyone is entitled to their opinion and quite rightly so but a wee question I would ask is ........ If you were at a game watching your son/daughter/brother etc playing for a team would you bawl and shout at their team mates that they were pish if they werent winning? I would imagine other than total imbeciles the answer would be no as you want to encourage all in your family members team to win. If we get beat at full time and easily then yes show your displeasure but if you are going to boo our players when game is on and tell them their pish during game then quite frankly stay in your house at the weekend as I think the majority dont want you there. Sounds harsh but if opposition fans are criticising our players during a game our fans would stand up for our players and that is what needs to be done here. Ive read on twitter that some arent going to hibs game. Bloody hell if any Motherwell fan is not going to a 1/4 final at home in scottish cup coz the football is shite then I am struggling to find words to describe it plus we have 3 exciting games (maybe not football wise) points wise to decide top 6, then hopefully 5 games to decide europe. We have now this chance of something special where at start of season after league cup games where I was really thinking relegation could happen. We might lose sunday and then not make top 6 but its not happened yet and might not!
  3. Away for wknd so not at game yesterday but by god reading this the now is horrendous. My sons who were at game said atmosphere was terrible and his words "would put you off going" .wev only missed 3 games all season and generally enjoy it despite results or football on show so for him to say that hit nail on head. Not one player has had any praise whatsoever on here re yesterday but stats show again we were better team. I as much as everyone am disappointed with football but it is certainly not any worse than Robinson's 352 with Carson hitting balls up park all day and andy rose and mchugh in midfield. That football however got us to 2 cup finals which covers up all flaws. I can honestly see some trouble happening between our own fans soon due to negativity which would be terrible to see. Players are becoming scared and that will only result in poorer performances. It sounds simple to say but we do really need to stop the criticism during games and support the team starting right away against hibs at wknd. A win there and we r at Hampden and the feelgood factor returns with 3 games to secure top 6 .
  4. What a stat that is and shows how scared teams are to lose. Even Hearts who are comfortably 3rd best resort to time-wasting etc when they go in front and makes games poor and frustrating. Last night as you say the atmosphere from some certainly in east stand was becoming quite toxic and although result is main reason it can also be heard more when atmosphere is not as gd due to no away fans. The young team tried their best at start and fairplay to them but with no away fans to compete with if you like it becomes quit and people's moans seem louder. I feel if for instance if that was against say hibs and we had those chances ( goss sitter shields sitter van veen sitter. Woolerygd chance and goalmouth scramble at end) the crowd would have been more supportive but coz its county we just expect to roll them over and usually it doesn't happen. God forbid if some on here and elsewhere get their wish to move the young team out the bottom corner as fir park would not be a gd atmosphere to watch a football match. No songs or toing and froing with opposition fans to non stop moaning about our own players unless their winning would drive a lot away.
  5. I think most say it doesn't work due to the football on show is poor although I am with you in that it has got results. This type of 433 is how Alexander wants to play and outwith glasgow 2 or whenever he has switched to back 5 to close out winning positions there has not been 1 other team that has dominated us this year that I can remember. I would like a 433 like either of glasgow 2 play with ball players in midfield and exciting wingers but unfortunately our players aren't that good so we play percentages that has gotten results. Some say midfield isn't working but that is I think because the midfield doesn't play how that particular poster feels a midfield should which is also how i feel which is maintain possession create chances dominate the ball etc rather than just compete. The only time I can remember in recent years doing that is 6 months of turnbull gorrin and campbell when we were playing mostly bottom 6 teams at end of season then 1st 6 to 9 months of donnelly campbell and polworth before covid. Those midfield also struggled against glasgow 2 and against others who played more like our midfield of today. On Saturday for instance our midfield were more than a match for Ferguson and mcrorie who would likely get into every midfield in country other than glasgow 2 so that tells me that it is working in the eyes of the manager.
  6. Haha canny be arsed looking up topographically but a great word . Shows how far wev come when we are criticising today's pitch in comparison to late 07/08 or roughly whenever it was. Like partick thistle last week that was the definition of coo park.
  7. We definitely deserved at least a point today and possibly a victory . They were always going to be trying a wee bit harder due to new manager in and I felt mcrorie made difference for them in midfield. If brown had been playing I think we'd have run over top of them. Our midfield whilst no superstars look like they enjoy a battle and ohara again was good with some gd runs with and without ball and some balls into some dangerous areas. Yes I would have taken van veen off too but he obviously told bench he could play on and luketti said same on radio after match. Woolery was good when on and I think it was due to him staying wide on touchline where he can isolate full back and take him on rather than being narrow and too many bodies round about him. Big bevis deficiencies defending full back area we're to blame for goal but that is what will happen I'd imagine as he has not played a lot of games there. Some saying not a lot of football and unfortunately that is way we play but I felt today as well the pitch was in worst state for a while which can only be expected due to weather recently. It looked very bumpy and grass long down wings. Aberdeen didn't look anything special and neither do hibs d utd st mirren or rest challenging for Fourth and if we can keep that team with the same bench reasonably fit then there's no reason why Fourth shouldn't be achieved. Even third as hearts are now mibby having their bad spell but 9 points might be too much. What was up with sol going off? His passing was terrible but he was winning all balls near him so I don't know if he was injured.
  8. Yep that was funny. Looks like he has gd 1st touch and direct with some gd turns on show yesterday. Our midfield yesterday was well on top and certainly played the conditions. Ohara some gd runs and passes donnelly snapping into tackles and goss with again good passing and his corner for goal was excellent. Van veen was also great and was my mom. We can produce performances like this now and again here's hoping they become more frequent and I think a settled team will help but not sure if Alexander likes settled. Fan forums are all about debate and opinion and mostly guesswork whereas the manager is making choices on 5 days training and any wee niggles or personal issues etc with his players. Gave me hope again yesterday after last few weeks. Hope it's pishing down next round as we seem to do good in bad weather.
  9. Great analogy and I agree with every word of it.
  10. Was an embarrassment again today. Defensive formation was miles off it as gave abada, ralston and rogic all room in world down right as Carroll was always too high. Don't know if that was order's or he was not fit enough to play up and down? Midfield other than short spell before their 1st goal got totally dominated .Celtic movement is a level I can't see our players getting too but they never even got close. Slattery a couple of moves and cornelius 1 gd pass I think and that was it. Van veen totally isolated due to no midfield support and he got no change from their 2. In games like that the gk is generally best on pitch and kelly was definitely that. We r 4th and that sums up scottish football. Outside top 2 rest of us are really poor. We used to give them a game but not now. We are kidding ourselves on and although some say we are 4th our budget is miles behind etc etc That was also case years ago but we did compete. What's our best team? I don't know and more importantly neither does our manager. Mibby the enlightened can help out.
  11. It's you that's still going . Actually whilst I never made it as not good enough played with full internationals players that moved for millions and coached by internationals and European trophy winners. But there you go smart arse. Run along .
  12. I'm bored reading your stuff now but I'll respond. Its obvious now you have a bee in your bonnet about our midfield due to I think you are either a friend of cornelius or his family . Fair enough if you are but no need for you total slander of anyone else opinion. I'd want a young motherwell boy in team as much as anyone but he's proven nothing as yet on pitch that I have seen. You seem quite annoyed.
  13. All you come back with is cheap jibes. You don't know me or background . Run along.
  14. Not one of our midfielders are in celtic players class. But other than goss or slattery who is miles better than donnelly? Maguire attempted 6 passes last Saturday v hearts before injury and 5 of them went to hearts players. Mcginley is easy target and obviously Alexander rates him above Carrol who has seemingly turned into prime Roberto Carlos since being out team.
  15. He seemed to do OK season before last after gorrin left playing at base of 3 with campbell beside him and polworth further forward. I think he was our top scorer at one point.He then got injured start of last season and been stop start since .He also got in the NI squad playing there so he must have something about him. There is no way he's a defender as too slow for full back and not physical enough for centreback. Slattery is our best midfielder easily then goss then toss up between donnelly Maguire or ohara. Young cornelius might come on but still a lot to prove obviously. Our midfield is poor skill wise but Alexander sacrifices that over endeavour unfortunately so his midfielders are what he likes I think.
  16. Yes playing mugabi at striker is huge risk but it is not nonsensical as he has shown albeit a little that he can offer something. Donnelly when playing at base of midfield can do what's required and he has a gd shot but in Alexander's 433 he's been playing at right of 3 and your right he is too slow and not mobile enough for it. Can't recall any of our midfield going beyond strikers all season they are all workhorses with little creativity from any of them. If we play 433 like we have done all season before Tuesday then I think celtic will rip us apart out wide as we are so narrow and they ripped rangers apart on Wednesday who also play that formation with better players than ours so that's another reason for my 541. I am having to guess what you suggest we do with players available so that's why it is actually difficult. Why not just say what team you would pick then all on here can also discuss it? You never know it could turn into a good discussion .
  17. No correct hes certainly not goodwillie level but the divide it would cause imo would certainly not be worth it. Plus I personally do not think he's got it now.
  18. Saying I'm talking shit? It's my opinion and I stand by it Uber fan? I'm no better than anyone but I was saying how I couldn't understand people's negativity. I agree there's a big difference in chasing games to whole games but bevis has caused problems and we are really struggling for goals so I think he could do it. We will disagree on donnelly. Yes he can be slow but he is by far not worst midfielder we have. If you can't show your team then I will presume you are not as knowledgeable as you would like to believe you are. It's a football forum for god sake and obviously there will be some amateur wish lists but people with your knowledge can of course put us all right. So come on what's your team and reasons?
  19. sorry to get involved in a discussion and if it offends you then you can always not come on here. uber fan lol what the fuk does that mean? Im a fan putting across my thoughts on how i think we can win. .Mugabi as strike v livi caused problems and again on tuesday night . Donnelly is determined and can stay in middle. Whats your team ? If all you can do is come on here and slag people off I suggest you Fk off!
  20. Griffiths? really. I cant believe some who I consider on here to be fair and reasonable contributors in a discussion would have him. He has what i can think of top off my head been shown to be a racist and engage in sexual discussions with 16 year olds plus every celtic manager in last 3/4 years has not had anything positive to say about him. I do not know anything about his mental health but his last manager Lennon has his own mental health issues and that did not stop him from slating him so that suggest to me something different to griffiths opinion. He is in my opinion a waste of space who whilst a good player in years gone by previously he has little respect for anyone as shown over the same years gone by He would split the dressing room and the fans and create divides all over the place with peoples opinions so its a no way from me.
  21. yep im with you on this yodo. He causes problems and we are a team that play off 2nd balls so why not as im sure any balls we can muster into box they would be scared. What about Kelly sod sol ojala carrol mcginley donnelly goss slattery van veen bevis Basically the same formation as tuesday night where i did feel after first 25 mins we started to get used to shape van veen would be playing where tierney came on and where shaw was before him and him and slattery would have to be told if their full backs push on which they will then it is their responsibility as well as looking for bevis knockdowns.. The middle 3 defenders and 2 sitting midfielders need to be very disciplined and stay in middle. We play for free kicks and bombard them with high balls every opportunity from wide areas when possible. I really think this would work as other than celtics 2 cb they are small all over the pitch. I think everyone in our team would be 6ft. Plus all you fans that are predicting a gubbing? I have no idea how you can watch a game of football if you feel that way. If we were playing peak barcelona tomorrow I would still have hope and through no normal reasoning other than I am a football fan and saw loads of shocks over the years. We have been poor v them for a long time but ............... Cmon it can happen.
  22. Yes I'm same and difference of opinion in our team is always hotly debated but hopefully we will always prevail but been going since 85 and it's only happened once. Good discussion and hopefully Alexander will prove my opinion right at end of season.
  23. Yes I agree a foreign name can carry a bit more clout but and it's a big but we all love our own and if sod had sols personality he too would be loved more. Most on here have been praising lamie recently before break and rightly so but if someone interacts with crowd like sol does then obviously people will show more love. Yes it clouds judgement regarding football ability but no one on here is CEO of apple so we can let our judgement be clouded if that player shows same love for us as we do for team..
  24. OK I'll make it easy . If we are defending balls into box lamie as gd as sol. Passing long balls lamie better. Any striker running at defenders Sol easily covering his team mates Sol again easily. Lamie done OK but he can only play in 10 yard squares I feel. Now if the game was only in those squares he could match anyone as he is strong and determined but he cannot cover or defend outside those areas as he is too slow. All just my opinion . Plus why are you so quick to dismiss his connection with fans? This is what football is all about. Players that get involved with fans imo should get talked up same as grimmy he gets us as a club and as a town and it winds me up when some on here are dismissive. Yes if they are poor we can talk about it but every single player in our team gets it at some stage but the singling out is terrible at times I.e odonnell and mcginley etc. Some on here ask how odonnell can play like he does for Scotland and not us? Lol. He can pass to mctominay.mcgregor.mcginn gilmour etc for Scotland. Quite simple when you look at it
  25. Cmon I think your being really harsh. His tackling is better than lamie and he is also more mobile. He will like all our players have bad games and he sliced the ball 3 times early doors today and his passing is certainly not as gd as lamie but overall only one winner for me A big problem I see developed by Alexander now is his loyalty. He picks same players if we dont get beat game before and he as much said that through week.I know that is a great trait for a manager to have but imo for instance without bevis or ojala we have no aerial threat at set pieces. Carroll was good today but I think ojala or bevis or both would improve team . He doesn't know his best 11 . We are a team that has a lot of experienced pros but not a lot of skilful players. All midfield are workhorses and that's it. Van veen and Roberts best of forwards but play for themselves as seen with free kicks today. We are missing watt big time. In saying all that still 4th and other than 2 glasgow teams we are more than a match for all but I'm now concerned with our you 6 aspirations due to lack of goals. Good atmosphere 1st half today but when they scored 2nd it deflated us and our fans leaving always gets me mad. There's 20 to go and your leaving. I don't get it as I'm sure their checking phone for score till end of game.
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