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Everything posted by Spiderpig

  1. Spiderpig

    New Songs

    Esteban who ??? what a great piece of business he was, is he permanently injured or just pish ? either way singing songs about him is just wrong
  2. + 1 Since i started going to Fir park nearly 40 years ago i waited for Motherwell to win something big, then in 91 we won the cup, the next challenge was Europe and get past the qualifying rounds and into the tournament proper. After knocking on the door against AS Nancy i really thought we would take the step into the group stages against Odense and we fecked up. We missed a big big chance against a very ordinary team to raise not just Motherwells profile but scottish footballs as well. It took me a few weeks to get over that game, still we need to make sure we are in there next season for another attempt, as the Fanzine says " Waiting for the great leap Forward"
  3. I hope John Boyle has more sense than that, the two of them had a chance but f*ck*d it up big time, 1 decent season was all we got, although i think that a lot of that was due to the way the team responded to the O'Donnell situation rather that any tactical expertise from McGhee and leitch. Brown and Knox wont be there for ever and i am sure Boyle already has idea's about replacing them when the time comes, but please not this pair of Fud's
  4. Totally agree, they should be encouraging their local club to use the facillity, Oh sorry i forgot its North lanarkshire council, so i suppose the wee ginger ar*e and his celtic team will have a block booking
  5. Celtic will be seeking clarification from God about the weather, they think the snow is to help Rangers through their injury crisis. Conspiracy what conspiracy, The truth is out there.
  6. Its official McGhee has been sacked, the FUD deserved all he got what a waste of space according to various media reports Billy Stark and Strachan are being quoted for the job.
  7. I watched the game top class stuff from Barca, but Real madrid were utter sh*te, even Motherwell would have run them close no game plan other than assault messi at every oportunity, no committment after Villa's goal they seemed to chuck it. But i agree with the original post, Jack and Victor should sit the team down with a DVD of the game and let them learn how the beautiful game should be played, we are never going to have the talent at that level but we are capable of the workrate, organisation and the commitment, which should be ok for the SPL
  8. Taking the "popegate" e-mail thing aside, Hugh Dallas will be a loss to Scottish football and the SFA. He was one of our better refs and is highly regarded by UEFA/ FIFA. The SFA have dealt with this issue very badly, we have enough problems with refs without forcing some to retire and sacking others. But that said change was needed the referrees were accountable to nobody, so they have done what they liked for years, so if the result of all this is a restructured SFA, better refereeing standards and a better dialouge between clubs and match officials then i welcome it. However the first thing the new kick ass SFA should do is deal with Lennon, Reid and Hooper at Celtic, set an example and get some of their authority and respect back
  9. Is that the Motherwell game live on sky on the Sunday ?
  10. Sorry i forgot who we were playing this weekend
  11. Why ? are Lithuanian refs any worse than Scottish ones, or do you just not like them
  12. Looks like a bunch of European mercenary refs will be in charge this weekend, if there is another disputed decision against Celtic will they seek clarification from the SFA or UEFA
  13. My thoughts as well took me a few days to get over that
  14. Why all the worrying, half of the Dundee team will be gone in January, so if they are still in business they will have a team of reserves and boys on the field. Even if we lose Blackman etc we will still be too strong for them. Looking forward to a good away day and a comfortable win for the well. :wank:
  15. I think that the refs want the SFA to do what they should have done weeks ago and take a firm stance against clubs and players ( ie celtic ) who have been calling them cheats and biased etc. We have had no meaningful statements from any of the Fuds on the SFA executive or from the invisible man that is the chief executive. They had the power to resolve this issue and they have done nothing about it, they are Sh*t scared of upsetting Celtic, so they let them get away with doing what they like.
  16. Totally agree the SFA are run by the Blazers from all the wee diddy teams like Brechin, Clyde, etc who are only interested in their free trips abroad and not paying into matches, they dont give a feck about the state of the game. There has been a deafening sillence from Hampden throughout this whole sorry affair, McDonald should have been sacked immediately, Celtic and Neil Lennon should have been charged with misconduct for calling all refs Cheats etc, so i am with the refs on this one. However all it does is feed all the conspiracy arseholes at Celtic park and gives them further justification. We need to clear out the whole SFA and get people in who are experienced at running a multi million pound business, or football in scotland is F**Ked
  17. The miss at Hibs was bad, he should have done better from 2 yards out That said i think he is a good player and given time he will be a real asset to motherwell. The whole team were poor against St mirren, We are missing lasley in midfield, Hatley cannot play there, so until Lasley is fit i would have a middle 4 of Humphrey, Jennings, Forbes and Gow that would give us a bit of pace down each side. Murphy was poor on Saturday but if Blackman stays beyond January then that could be a good pairing up front, with Sutton as an option.
  18. Away to Dundee once again we get a dodgy draw, but they will have half a team by then so we should pump them easily, our away form is not too bad.
  19. The SFA are not blameless in this situation they should have dealt with the whole Dougie McDonald episode better, he should have been sacked, and never allowed to referee another match. That said the SFA have not had the balls to stand up to Celtic and deal with their players and management calling them cheats, biased etc. The Celtic board are guilty as well as they have constantly refused to critise their manager, who if he was an ordinary fan and acted like that he would be in the jail. The other clubs should get together and force the SFA to act and get this crap sorted out, for the sake of the game
  20. Agree with this one a good away win is on the cards, we are playing well just now, Blackman and Humphrey are on fire
  21. I think the only people who are likely to buy the half season ticket are regular attenders to Fir Park, so they will probably know about it anyway .i dont think many people would buy someone a season ticket without asking. So the adverts might not bring in enough revenue to justify the cost of putting them out. On the general point though i dont think the club advertises itself enough outwith the web site, they could probably do a lot more locally, papers, radio etc. We need all the supporters we can get so increasing the advertising budget might be a good move.
  22. Spiderpig

    Stevie Kirk

    I dont agree with the "curse" tag but it is unusual for 4 players in the same team to have died at a young age, the 91 cup final team never played together again, as Boyd went to Chelsea before the start of the next season. Another squad member Colin "Psycho" O'Neil had to retire early from football due to Injury so you can see why the Curse label is used. This might be a job for Mulder and Scully
  23. very harsh i think he is beginning to come on to a bit of form, he needs games to sharpen up, that said it was a bad miss on saturday but every motherwell player has been guilty of that at some time. Motherwell just need to find a bit of concistency and string a run of wins together we managed it last season about this time, no reason why we can't do it again.
  24. If we are serious about finishing 3rd or 4th this season theses are the games we need to win. I think we will win, but if St Mirren put the shutters up like they did against celtic then we might struggle as we never seem able to break teams down. Can anyone confirm if the game is all ticket or pay at the gate ?
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