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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. I liked Curtis Main. Hard working no nonsense front man, but not a goalscorer. For me there's no doubt he would be an upgrade on Obika, Bair & Shaw. But not so much so that we should be looking to bring him back. Unless we were moving one of the others on of course. We need to target our resources at the weak areas of the team which is clearly Midfield, RWB and potentially LWB and CB depending on other ins an outs.
  2. Some Hibs fan on Pie & Bovril as far as I can make out.....
  3. How is that possible if we have signed a contract for a season long loan? I guess Arsenal are more than entitled to recall him, but would be surprised if its to loan him straight back out again. Unless Hibs are offering a fee to sign him permanently?
  4. Our financial circumstances were very different last time she was at the club and I recall a few who were supposedly ITK not being too complimentary about some areas of her performance. That all said, she presided over some pretty successful times and was integral in the transformation to fan ownership. She clearly loves football and has an affinity with the club. We could do a lot worse and the fact we really need to fill the vacancy sooner rather than later makes the prospect interesting at least.
  5. Dont worry bud. I saw what you did there! 😉
  6. I think what we have is serviceable if we give them some protection from midfield. Davor is helping in that area but he cant do it on his own. Unfortunately Spittal, Slattery and Paton are very similar players. Tidy going forward but not great defensively. Will be good to get Miller back, but he is still young and has a lot to learn. A prime Peter Hartley / Tom Aldred type would be good, but Im not sure we are still able to shop in that market. I did also forget to say I agree re a quality RWB with pace. Max back on loan would be awesome.
  7. Spittal has been our most productive midfielder this season and probably last season too. Id cut him him some slack for yesterday. Id be pissed off getting played out of position, chasing my tail for 90 plus minutes only to lose an injury time equaliser. Id also take him off set pieces though. So.........😆😆😆
  8. The vilification going the way of referees, the SFA, SPFL and every other league club from Rangers fans since their club died has been off the scale. To suggest that only Celtic do this is preposterous nonsense.
  9. I wouldnt say we shouldnt sign another CB if one of better quality than we have was available, but if one isnt, Im not sure we need one. Butcher will be fit by the restart as should Blaney. SoD and McGinn have proved to be worthy replacements. I think we have plenty of cover there. My main hope would be another holding midfielder to help Davor out, a wide player and another striker. Im interested in the Furlong chat. Not sure how ITK that is but having him and Gent dovetailing could be quite exciting. The KVV chat is probably a non starter due to the wages and Ive no idea if it would work but the thought of him Bair and Biereth starting up front does quite excite me. Probably put our limited resources to better use elsewhere but at least it would be box office. Could be a fun couple of weeks.....
  10. Not for me. Nothing against him personally. Just dont think he would be a good fit for us on our budget.
  11. I think this is definitely the case. I would have probably have gone 4 at the back and played a 4-3-3 but not sure that would have looked a lot different in and out of possession. We were down to bare bones yesterday so getting a point was pretty good, a win would have been quite incredible.
  12. He is not going to be off the wage bill until the summer though. Should be just tell him not to bother coming in?
  13. Maguires loan is up. He hasnt been playing. Unlikely Kidderminster will renew. If they dont he will be our player until the end of the season. Not suggesting we renew his contract as we all know he isnt what we need long term. But as a bench player if you need fresh legs to see out a game like yesterday? Id have had him on instead of Paton or Slattery. Not an impact player for sure. But he could fullfill a role while he is here.
  14. That would be sweet! Dont all ex-players score against their former clubs? Or is that just us? 😆
  15. Maguire would have been handy to bring on yesterday when we needed fresh legs to close the game out. He isnt the answer long term. But when you have a threadbare squad that requires employing your most productive midfielder at RWB, I dont think we can be sniffy.
  16. We have been chasing games because we conceed cheap goals. Not because we cant score. We are 4th top scorers in the league. But we have the worst defence. How would KVV help that?
  17. Bit of a mixed bag today as a number of players did some very good tgings, but the same players also made some poor mistakes. I went for Davor, because despite some of our fans thinking he was out of his depth, he clearly wasnt. His attitude is first class and he does a lot of simple things well. Made less errors than Bevis, Gent, Spittal or Paton who would have been the other contenders imho.
  18. The inference is though that if we still had KVV we and Kettlewell would be fairing much better. Given that keeping goals out this season is our problem, not scoring, makes that patently false.
  19. Replacing KVVs goals hasnt been our problem. Keeping them out has. So your logic is poor.
  20. We have only lost 2 of our last 8 and one of those was against Rangers. Your welcome.
  21. Would have taken a point before the game and it was probably the correct result over the piece, but it does feel like a boot in the baws in the circumstances. Injuries and suspensions continue to limit our options (and our chances) but the manager and the players continue to find ways to grind out results. Thats a good trait to have and the players are 100% still with the manager. Didnt fancy the line up when I saw Spittal at RWB and I think Hibs took advantage of that for the first 30 mins. But it was actually the manager switching Biereth back into the middle and Bair wide that seemed to change our fortunes. Immediately our press worked better and the shape of the team gave more natural protection to Spittal who was getting roasted. Great goal again from Theo and for the remainder of the game I thought we were far more competitive. Obviously we tired towards the end and the inevitible happened. I suppose the manager could have thrown some of the youngsters on, or even Nathan McGinley, but the ones shouting for that would be the very ones calling for the managers head had those changes resulted in the same loss of 2 points or even all 3! The amount of reactionary nonsense on here never ceases to amaze. We have now only lost 2 of our last 8 games and one of those defeats was to Rangers. We are well in the pack going into the break with a chance to get some players back fit and bolster the weak areas of our squad. Yes we have our deficiencies and the manager makes his mistakes. But the players are still with him. Maybe some of our supporters should be too!
  22. Signing Furlong in the last window would have made sense. He obviously had a better offer at Hull. Doesnt make any sense now, unless Steelboy is right and we plan to employ Gent as a winger. Long term Wilson has to he the answer. Much like Miller, he didnt look out of place in the League Cup. Definitely has potential.
  23. That seems a bit odd. Im sure they need the money same as any other club. I see they've just released another batch of tickets. Seems we sold out our original 800.
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