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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. For all the Daily Record 'exclusive' slant... Believe there are more to go, but, ALL CHARGES NOW DROPPED for what was their profile case. Let's welcome the kid back into the fold
  2. Got ye. Wasn't making much progress in an erm, 'progress' meeting so playing about with the new phone
  3. Pardon my ignorance, who or what is getting drip fed our way?
  4. Imagine if Fashanu played for them then...
  5. Engage. typing. brain. before? We'll have ballsed up in defence, yet, by your logic 'This one has score draw written all over it'
  6. Highlights don't highlight the lead up to Hibs corner kick award for their equaliser either. So far out the ball boy nearly took a touch! Game changing decisions...
  7. Bang on the money. Contender for post of the year
  8. Is boycotting away games not the de rigueur? Away attendance has dwindled for a long time and for varying reasons. Shit polls and the thinking behind them? Think we're losing focus on the term 'support'...
  9. Eh? 'you're money' 'your money' I know Bob Malcolm used to, but, does James McFadden play the drum? It's the team I go to see... No hiding the fact, poor decision from Hibs with even poorer reasoning behind it. The drum adds to the experience, but, it's not the be all and end all for some. Just feel the Bois creativity can rise above this and do what they do best.
  10. Admirable stance, but, not attending because of a 'ridiculous decision' made by Hibs is a little ridiculous in itself no? They are trying to silence the away support, this big group you speak of, can drive the team on in other ways... Act up, play up, take the piss even?
  11. Agree with your point, although not to piss on your parade, Craig Bryson followed a path from Clyde to starring at Derby via Kilmarnock and Scotland recognition on his release from our club.
  12. Now, just a thought... Given the current clamour to give some of our younger players game time - why then some notable posters on this very thread bemoaned the fact youngsters were introduced as certain favourites and senior members of the squad couldn't cut it under the fabled Jim Gannon? Man was a visionary I tells thee
  13. Understand and can empathise with the viewpoint, my point was made from opinion of parents who's kids are involved at opposing teams rather than those attached to Motherwell and, as I said, I'll reserve judgement till I see for myself. Got the impression under the car salesman that too many kids thought they had made the big time by just being involved at academy level and/or securing places in a flawed elite system. If Scott Leitch is imposing a harder edge, that's his prerogative. Leading to better prepared prospects? I'm all for it and kudos to him. He certainly hasn't offered an attitude not becoming his position anytime I've spoken to him.
  14. Understood. We're on the same wavelength.
  15. Various moves at differing levels will have affected stability, latest changes will again take time to bear fruit. Had heard Stuart Ogilvie has returned to the club in a scouting role, decent pedigree by all accounts and highly rated in those circles, perhaps Noah Dosser can confirm? Worryingly, Scott Leitch doesn't seem to be covering himself in glory given behaviour from leadership positions to players and parents in recent months. All be it, information was offered by parents who were on the receiving end of defeat, I'll reserve judgement till I see the nephew play against Motherwell in the coming weeks.
  16. You can't defend the indefensible. Straw that broke the camels back for me last night.
  17. You can't stop progress If the locals don't roll with it, the club will roll right over them. Additional lighting and access didn't stop the construction at the new Daisy Park facility (probably helped, the Earl Haigs securing a new school as part of the deal mind) and lighting didn't stop Braidhurst being refurbished alongside those Airth Court penthouses either. Interested in the stance of our local council given their ownership of a white elephant facility around a mile or so away...
  18. To be fair, was the best lager I tasted over there
  19. Inverurie. For those who travelled alongside... I salute you. Couldn't bite my fingers!
  20. All very admirable, but, until the match day experience is comparable here to that of down South and further beyond, I doubt there will be any change.
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