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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. Your inane post is based on conjecture! Nobody denied there was damage at Douglas Park so not quite getting your question on an anti-Motherwell agenda? I know best? Well, working from an informed position given I was there, I'd agree. No better and no worse than anybody else (minus the usual sycophants) who follows the team so you can cut the legend chat out.
  2. Wind your neck in, you could at least have told the truth. A claim of 'ripped up seats' is bad enough. Then the 'jumped by a group of Well fans'?
  3. The Dutch fella was trying to swap shirts with Hutchison before the end of the match... touch of the Kris Boyd about it, given the ref had stopped play before the opposition player headed into the net, thus, no goal disallowed.
  4. As mentioned before, I'd wager more who were at the match would corroborate, we created a lot on the break and had about as many chances as they did second half even with all their possession and pressure.
  5. Don't believe everything you hear and as for the highlights package only showing 1 attempt at goal in the second half...
  6. Fair assessment, a desrved win none the less. Paying particular attention to that statement in bold-I'd say better chances, so failing to see how Derek Adams saw the match pan out.
  7. No problem, thought I heard similar at Monday's meeting...
  8. In between playing truant and gluesniffing I could still determine £30 off a £300 seat for £300 initial membership doesn't equate to a 5% discount though... By dismissing your analysis, a Society member who renews is paying £50 for a £15 season ticket discount with the excess £35 funding benefits whilst nice to have availability of are rarely used? So championing the society benefits long term and the club don't incur costs is such a bad thing?
  9. Always taught never to 'assume'... quite obvious though.
  10. Sanctimonious piss. Incorporating a Nazi/Saturday Service style 'S'? Emulate casuals? Deary me... Your tapping into a subject you clearly no little about. Don't believe the hype? Best decision of Leanne Dempsters' tenure has been to embrace the notion of a new generation looking to add colour and volume to our support. From a group numbering in their tens to one of hundreds, they've made a good fist of self policing that some holier than thou can't or won't see.
  11. No it isn't m'lad... Speak to Alison at the club.
  12. The next statement from the bog trotter brigade is awaited with interest...
  13. Shut up you twonk. Motherwell should be fined? For what? Selling match briefs to urchins who don't keep to the terms and conditions clearly marked on the tickets? As for your last observation... Most clubs deal with situations like this in private, Hamilton bucked that trend with spurious claim to the media last week.
  14. Tucked up in a position of relative safety and not directly in front of the offenders as their tactic depended on stewarding by an outside party. Other supports home and away are not handled in similar ways...
  15. Not just a Motherwell phenomenon, now eating into our 'hardcore' support- difficult to tempt them back I suspect.
  16. That wasn't the case... Watched from afar.
  17. Roll call? Unless circumstances change I'm heading up. I'm kinky that way.
  18. Quality over quantity, it's always been that way
  19. Sieb, Vigurs comes up against stubborn defences week on week and doesn't break them down so I'm not quite following your train of thought. Yes, Stuart McCall needs to shoulder some blame for not playing to his strengths, but, can good players not adapt? He's a player who arrived with better stats than he who joined The Rangers- 9 goals and 9 assists. Milk turns quicker, very one paced which is slow, awareness that rivals McHugh and an unwillingness to defend when required... base line attributes I'd have thought? Could well have had his best performance in a training game against a Newcastle reserve side- was a fine finish to a good move as I recall. We were on the end of a shoeing when our opponents upped the ante though.
  20. Frying pan and fire spring to mind. One bright spot from last weeks's debacle was his omission. Don't think I've been as disappointed in a signing as much as I am with this fella given the heralding of his arrival.
  21. In the first week of December? Turn it up.
  22. Commented on by more than a few at the match, the rotund chap in the picture is the one and same from the ineffective stewarding company who were at St Mirren earlier this season...
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