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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. m8? Motherwell didn't accept after the recent league cup tie with Aberdeen (where damages far outweighed any alleged damages on Saturday) nor would I expect them to and Hamilton shouldn't laugh it off either. That wasn't the point though and fine well you know it.
  2. I'll bite. Droll, very droll... do us a favour and stop stalking me.
  3. Do you think before you type? That's not the point that was being made. Again, not condoning any kind of vandalism, majority were damaged long before anger & embarrassment kicked in and a result of high jinks given the crowd movement and atmosphere generated in that area.
  4. Value in backing the Shettlestons at -2 or -3? That'll be Santa's trip down the chimney paid for and then some
  5. The weasel Scott Struthers... probably attempting to join another league or association committee as we speak. He 'had a list the length of his arm' on show to all and sundry on Sunday morning at their clubs' pro youth matches with spurious claims of seats being burnt when it looked as if a dozen seats at best were smashed/cracked/displaced. That's from a trusted friend who's kid was playing for them yesterday morning. He did say the amount of stickers plastered all over (as impressive as they were) is their main gripe and how to have them cleared as their own supporters would be none too happy. Again, not condoning any vandalism- puts the Bois in a bit of a predicament, given the club have supported their aims and will now have to appropriate funds we can ill afford. As an aside, any damage appeared to be in the front row which was well within the vision of the many police and stewards who were located there for the duration... why no action?
  6. Another day in folklore ahead! Who checked the train timetable for the 8 minute journey? Wonders of modern technology means the Hamilton Circle line has been powered by electric traction for over 30 years and you don't have to push the trains across the Clyde... Cuts into the valuable drinking time of the beer monsters who will be there Merchandise? Don't suppose those silk scarves will be available? Keep it on the lowdown if you like, still trying to pacify the wee fella, neices and nephews on why Brian McMonagle got a hold of one before them and he can't get it round his neck (before herbal life usage mind). Usual support those in the second to end section
  7. Moore for me given his mature performance on young shoulders on what was a first start. Notable mentions- Lawson who looked settled in a preferred 4-2-3-1 formation and the centre pairing of McManus and Hutchison who nullified any effect of Boyd. Kerr looked assured also. Vigurs? Talked the talk pre-match to the media and assist aside, failed to deliver. Not quite sure what his strength is, thus, struggling to see how we get him there.
  8. Well, it really is easy to comprehend even for you... You claimed 'Canny mind you greetin about mccall n blacks capabilities the last cple of seasons' which was a lie and you called the scruffy one a '...moron' . Need I say more?
  9. Nae upset here, the board could do without lies and personal dislike getting in the way of a good story...
  10. Bigger picture developing here so, get with the programme... DON'T GO
  11. Wind your neck in and less of the personal slate... McCall & Blacks' capabilities were mentioned by the poster on numerous occassions. Granted, differing from many, but, valid all the same.
  12. Well... If the players don't turn it up this week, their post match Dublin jaunt won't be far enough away for a hiding place
  13. Nothing to see here... Impractical, given the existing infrastructure and mammoth costs to level the surface and any required alterations to the seating areas.
  14. Disagree with the notion of moving. The interaction with opposing fans located in the lower South Stand is a big factor and one which would be lost if the move was made. We can draw on similar experience when the Highland teams have their support allocated sections of the Main Stand. There's also the peaks and troughs with the product on the pitch. One of many hIghlights last season was the crowd reaction as you describe versus Ross County in the penultimate fixture where you could see kids from all corners of the South Stand move towards where the action was. Different circumstances mind, on account of the celebratory nature of the match. Possible recreation in one-off games maybe, a long term option I'd wager wouldn't work in the groups' favour.
  15. Same one I mentioned elsewhere?
  16. Plenty would agree, although, Mr McCall hinted otherwise when I caught him on the radio earlier...
  17. Disagree all you like, don't think your claim above isn't too dissimilar to what I said. Agree with your latter statement.
  18. Again, in what way? Understanding Lawson's limited game time, but, Steve Jennings, whilst breaking down opposing attacks can be credited with driving us forward quickly and pressing higher up the field, polar opposite from Paul Lawson. From Sunday's match, a midfield that was set-up not to be out fought and overrun was exactly that, outfought and overrun. Don't doubt there is a player there, but, shoe-horning him and Vigurs into a tried and tested system isn't productive and we've suffered for it. Further to that, McHugh again showed he's no foil for the main striker. His general awareness and off the ball movement belies the fact he scores for fun in reserve football. How do we harness that?
  19. In no way is Lawson a 'Jennings type player'. And that's not a criticism...
  20. On the money with that - the gift of possession by our ex-Ross County star still grates with me though.
  21. Ideal opportunity missed. In our efforts not to be outnumbered and out-passed, we were exactly that at times given Vigurs inclusion. Lawson would have offered the protection that others did not, allowing Keith and Carsewell to press further up the pitch. Bit of belief would be a touch too...
  22. Trialists and youngsters my info too.
  23. That he did. In a vastly experienced Thistle side including Mark Kerr. Trialists from Everton weren't up to much. Know anything of a possible return of Scott Leitch in a youth development capacity?
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