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Everything posted by David

  1. David

    Offside Goal

    In most instances I would agree, but that disallowed goal was just plain ridiculous. There's no way he could have missed that.
  2. David


    Too right! He was first to every ball, nipping in and stealing it from Rangers players, and doing his thing down the wing!
  3. I knew we were in for a tough night from the officials after Rangers got that free kick just outside our box for Craigan simply standing behind Boyd.
  4. If the players can't gee themselves up for a derby match immediately after playing Rangers off the park, then it's fair to say we have problems.
  5. We can at least take something from the performance. John Boyle has to get Jim O'Brien on a new contract pronto!
  6. I liked Browns reaction at the end. He may almost 70, but he's still got the fire!
  7. An excellent first half performance, but I think another goal will be needed to kill these twats off.
  8. It may just be me, but i'd rather have a player with a bit of talent in the team who can produce something special, even if his tracking back isn't great. We have other players who are more than capable of covering that role.
  9. Yeah, I wouldn't mind going, but £22 is a bit steep.
  10. When we have other players in the midfield who are better at tracking back and challenging for the ball, is it really necessary for him to do the same? If the lad's playing, it's better to use him effectively, isn't it?
  11. It's all well & good sounding the battlecry for support, but I can't believe were charging home fans £2 more for a televised Wednesday night game than we do for a regular Saturday match As for the game itself, i'm hoping to see Forbes come in and do well. I can see both him and O'Brien being instrumental in us taking any kind of result from tonights game.
  12. Then I guess we continue watching games being played out in front of empty stadiums.
  13. David


    It depends really, doesn't it? I never saw the original post in question, but if it's looking to start a rash of tit-for-tat nonsense that's going to clog up the thread then it's removal would be justified. Like I said though, I didn't see the post, so i'm not saying that was the case.
  14. I'm going for a 2-0 win in a relatively dull encounter. Still, 3 points are 3 points.
  15. Surprise surprise, eh?
  16. Sure, there are a few people just moaning for the sake of it, but surely some constructive criticism isn't a bad thing? If it results in suggestions and ideas down the line, then i'm all for it. If everyone just came on and posted "that's an excellent idea! Well done!", things would get boring in a hurry.
  17. It may just be me, but I can't get anything on that link. EDIT: It's working now.
  18. Like the fella said, it's better than having the place lie empty on a Sunday, isn't it?
  19. Don't take my questions regarding the screen as a criticism mate, I was just curious. I've not got the best eyesight in the world and just didn't fancy the idea of sitting at the back trying to squint all afternoon!
  20. I'm not too keen on sitting in a bar watching a game that's being shown on a regular 19 inch telly thats stuck up on a wall. Is it a big screen or what?
  21. There's every chance that they may do that if they get a good turnout for the away games, isn't there? I don't think this weeks game was advertised very well, but would hope that the next away game will provide a better turnout. Again, does anyone know what size of screen the game is shown on?
  22. It would appear that the people running this read the board, so if you have any ideas to get the word out, fire them into this thread. Every little helps, and all that...
  23. With the January window bringing us the signing of Ruddy & the duke until the end of the season, plus a stable management team, it looks as though everything is in place for the rest of the season. The question is, where do we finish? Have you been impressed enough in recent games to see us finish top six, or maybe even top four? Or will the arse fall out of our campaign once the novelty of a new management team wears off? On a side note, anyone who votes for option 5 will have their email address posted on the forum and be subjected to all manner of slightly dubious newsletter subscriptions and the like
  24. What size are the screen(s) in the bar?
  25. David


    Christ, there' s a good chance we'll not be getting a game today, eh?
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