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Everything posted by wellsince75

  1. He may be stalling to get a perm contract - he may ‘if I’m the best pick then back me ‘ rather than a 12 game contract . a 12 month rolling contract could solve any issues
  2. Whoever the club fancied a week ago should be the appointment we go for. Kettlewell certainly a good guy and fair play for last couple of games, its injected hope into our season. It's certainly a tougher decision than a week ago but I can't believe for one second that he would have been the preferred candidate a week ago. Get him on a pay increase and working brilliantly with the youngsters . Meanwhile bring in who the club believe can move us forward long term.
  3. as auditions/interviews go, Kettlewell has strengthened his position and ours. Massive 6 points. Irrespective of what happens next, massive thank you to this guy.
  4. Thats a vastly improved list from others that have been circulated. Hope we get this locked down in the coming days ahead.
  5. Tonight was never going to be easy or pretty but 3 points is so much better than the usual kick in the balls . well done kettlewell and team
  6. looks a step in the right direction in terms of set up. We'll always disagree on formation + certain players. St Mirren are rightly favourites - hope we at least show some structure and fight.
  7. Wee Nic always looked like a decent left back
  8. That’s a brilliant post - must have missed it previously . pretty grim list of signings , hence why we’re headed down the path we are
  9. Personal view is recruitment has been abysmal . Injuries are an excuse .The players who are injured , none of them were rated as good enough for starting 11 . All of them have significant shortfalls . head of recruitment should be chased out the club . We’re quick enough to sack managers we should be equally blunt with recruitment team . overall we lack quality - that’s why we’ve only won a handful of games in 12 months
  10. That’s the best pre match interview I’ve heard for a long long time from any manager . full of energy , honesty . Fair play to kettlewell - he speaks brilliantly . Be interesting to see how players respond - don’t think he’ll be shy about booting people up the arse when required
  11. Got to say kettlewell spoke really well in his interview . not saying he’s right for the role - but he is in the role and be interesting to see how he sets the team up and who plays
  12. Yes, many of the names mention are the cause of my midweek drinking. The names mentioned are all horrendous. Stuart McCall did a great job for 3 years and then lost the plot. Not sure it would work out long term but agree much better than what's been referenced. We've gone from headlining very credible managers Lennon/Lambert/Ross to the usual nonsense. I rather hope it's all media made up bull swaddle.
  13. Gold Coast Knights ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_McDonald
  14. bring in Skippy Why He was a small striker, who played for the OF. He was a huffy wee bugger. He's been a manager for almost a year. Closest thing to a Tommy McLean replica I can think of. Note to self: Monday night drinking needs to stop.
  15. The last young manager we got from Morton did a decent job Both he and Murray are the type of manager we'd go for (if we got relegated). Bringing in that type of manager just now is too risky. None of the experienced championship managers are people I'd like at the club and that includes Coyle. Coyle did well 20 years ago as a manager !! progressively got worse. No thanks, he pissed me off as a player,(same type of stickability as Watt) no thanks as a manager. For me Jack Ross is who I'm most interested in. Utd fell apart quickly and although sacked from Hibs, he had a win rate of c50%. Other clubs prior he did well. I'd have him in asap and not piss about with interview process , just hire him.
  16. I don't think it would take much to win them over. (if it even exists rather than speculation ) Best manager in last 50 years- Mclean. Best signing in last 50 years - Cooper. Put in contrast Well man - Stevie Hammell, his background was quickly forgotten.
  17. Saw an article that referenced David Healy who's working well in Northern Ireland. In same article it referenced Grant McCann I'm optimistic as plenty of very decent managers kicking around - more so that in August. Time for the board to get something right. They dicked around too much re GA, and SH. Both should have left and been replaced before their respective transfer windows. Last chance saloon (might already be too late) but for the love of god bring in someone who know's what they're doing.
  18. Well said @El Grew. You simply can't make thoroughbreds out of sheltland ponies. Players want to win, confidence is a major factor in all walks of life, football more than most. The habit of winning or losing. What I did like about Maclean's teams back in the day is we would perhaps have 1 or 2 bad games but never 3 back to back. He would fire a rocket up their backsides and I'd dearly love for someone of this capability. What is exciting is some of the names that are being mentioned in the media. Appreciate speculation but likes of Healy, McCann, Ross, Goodwin all have decent pedigree and could be good for the long term future. Hammell's vision about bringing in youth was the right long term plan, we need this vision and a manager with an eye for a player and the ability to flex how we play to find ways of winning.
  19. If there's one thing to pay decent money for it's a manager. Luring quality managers to FP isn't easy but like a few have mentioned there's a few very capable managers out there who'd like to put themselves in the shop window. I'm hopeful that we can lure someone like Lambert, Ross, Goodwin. I don't think we can mess around here, time is of the essence.
  20. I'd like to see a move away from 4-3-3. It's not all about formations , I don't believe we have the players to make it work. Perhaps a 3-5-2. Key is sifting through this bunch and finding the best 11. For me include Kelly, Johnstone, McKinstry, KVV start but who else we pick to get to 11 isn't easy or obvious.
  21. I hope we’re able to solve this quickly , suspect we’ll hear names like Ross , Goodwin , Simo , Lambert and S Mcall all get linked . the sooner the better to give a fighting chance of turning this shit storm around
  22. 100% who id go for st mirren have taken enough from our side - must be our turn to get some of their ex team
  23. Good post, the initial injection of hope, entertaining football wore off months ago. Sad reality is we're getting steadily worse. Regressing from a team who were entertaining , having +20 shots per game . Narrow wins/losses to one of meh. No pressing. No defending. Hopeless on the park and also have a CEO on his way out. Hard to envision anything else than relegation.
  24. I don't see any of them having a future. Goss - very similar to how Polworth was. Decent skill but not enough to offset his lack of defensive skill or effort. Slattery - I'm really not sure what he offers. Don't think he's suited to a flat 3 man midfield. Spittal - I'd prefer Cornelius or Tierney . Not sure why we signed him Overall the balance needs some work. We have lots of attack minded players, for next few games Id prefer to see more in midfield and win the battles. A few mentioned 3-5-2 that flips into 5-3-2. Can see that helping - albeit we need a lot more aggression and effort from the 11 men we send out.
  25. this post could be on either ours or Abderdeens forum Yorky . Completely agree, we need to stop being the gift that keeps giving.
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