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Everything posted by wellfan

  1. Thanks to Pie & Bovril, I think my suggestion of 40+ points being the magic number is a reasonable assumption. P&B: “How many points needed for a top six place this term? Here’s the 6th placed team and their points total at the split going back the previous 9 seasons. 22-23 St.Mirren 44pts 21-22 Motherwell 40pts 20-21 St.Johnstone 40pts 19-20 n/a 18-19 Hearts 50pts 17-18 Hearts 46pts 16-17 Partick Thistle 41pts 15-16 Ross County 43pts 14-15 Dundee 44pts” https://x.com/pieandbov/status/1763127542486126811?s=46&t=wehikD-exiutCByWu64YEQ
  2. I've resigned myself to accepting that Spittal will move elsewhere, and fair play to him, he's earned his move and payday.
  3. Yes. It's not beyond the realms of possibility, as Kettlewell isn't some sort of unique budget team manager messiah.
  4. Our second-half performance last night suggests that it won't be 10-0 to them anymore. I still think they'll win, though, but I’d be pleased with a hard-fought and turgid draw.
  5. I hear what you're saying, but my calculation factored in Dundee (6th with 32 pts) and Hibs (7th with 31 pts) each having 6 games to go, over our 5 to go. Let's break even and call the magic number 40 pts.
  6. The starting setup wasn’t quite right, but he got the subs right at the right time and it changed the game. Social media is a sewer for illiterate morons with zero grasp on reality. Miller is class, and he's only going to improve. We best enjoy him while we can. Now, to beat Rangers…
  7. Read my other posts and you'll see that I haven't dismissed the draws. I've acknowledged that they've helped with our league position. You can have your broken record view, and I can have mine. Take your tedious Socratic questioning and personal abuse elsewhere.
  8. We could also have someone other than those you mentioned, and already be in the top six. Both alternative scenarios are equally valid, but we chose to stick with a manager whose win percentage is currently 21%. If you like that, so be it.
  9. With 5 games to go to the split, what are our chances? Looking at previous tables, a team seems to require anywhere from 40-50 points to get into the top 6 by the end of matchday 33. And looking at the table right now, you'd imagine the magic number will be around 43-45 points. We're on 29 points now, with 15 up for grabs, so the top 6 is likely out of reach unless we win a lot and those around and above us lose a lot. Nonetheless, matchday 33 against Hibs could be a cracker. Rangers (A) Aberdeen (H) St Mirren (H) Dundee (A) Hibs (H)
  10. Vale changed the entire dynamic of the game. Thanks to Gent for selling the loan move to him.
  11. Welcome to the forum, Thelonius.
  12. Whichever way you frame it, 6 wins in 28 and 2 early cup exits is a poor return for any manager. He likely wouldn't be here now if it hadn't been for his secret extension. We'd also be worse off in the league if it weren't for those around us being equally rotten at times, but they won't always be. So no, I won't drop it because I don't want someone with that record at my club long-term. If you do, fine. And yes, it was a great result tonight in the end. It was a game of two very different halves.
  13. Massive result. We need to back it up now.
  14. Yep, and that's why so many of us rightly moaned about and questioned Kettlewell's starting lineup.
  15. He helps us keep the ball up the park and away from our generally honking defence. It's that simple and he's great at it.
  16. https://x.com/scotlandsky/status/1762958776024309868?s=46&t=wehikD-exiutCByWu64YEQ
  17. Today should be the last time Kettlebell starts with Bair up front on his own. We need to play our attacking game and keep it away from our defence.
  18. Nice movement and cross for Vale though.
  19. Yep. As soon as we stop playing our attacking game we have to play our defending game, and we all know what happens then.
  20. Agreed. I've posted this several times this season.
  21. https://x.com/scotlandsky/status/1762949246309859379?s=46&t=wehikD-exiutCByWu64YEQ And https://x.com/scotlandsky/status/1762954523004305787?s=46&t=wehikD-exiutCByWu64YEQ
  22. Spittal. Our most important player. Let's hope we dig deep to keep him.
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