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Everything posted by Desp

  1. If his wife plays at centre-half, I'll go.
  2. Which is what he should have done three years ago. He's spent three of his peak years playing against part-timers and plonking his arse on the bench. No doubt he's got himself plenty of cash out of it, so i'm sure he won't be too downbeat. I always felt he had the potential to go far, though.
  3. See if you actually want to have a discussion on the matter, then you won't get very far with nonsense like that. Having read your posts on here, I have no doubt you are a Motherwell fan. However, I also have no doubt you prefer Rangers over Celtic. Why that is? I'll leave that for others to comment. Each to their own. Your last sentence though, seems a bit 'victimy'. Very similar to a statement I read the other day, in fact.
  4. "Tiny minority" I see some things never change. Absolute heads gone. They've taken the Victim F.C mantle, and by fuck they've ran with it.
  5. C'mon now, Bingo. That's you, isn't it? Keep the spreadsheet updated for your one square meal every 10 days ya skinny bastard!!
  6. Going solo? Is this the beginning of the end for the podcast version of the nWo? I'm going to pinpoint when Sparra bought a fancy new microphone as to when the band started to implode... #TeamBusta
  7. I mentioned this last night to my dad, that there was no appearance from him at any of these events (that I'm aware of). Didn't he have quite a big fall out with the club a few years back? He went from running the bars in Fir Park to having nothing to do with the football club. A real shame he couldn't make it along.
  8. Desp

    Mark McGhee

    Are you going anywhere nice on holiday this summer, Joe?
  9. You've had one there...
  10. Are you able to read? Wire in if so.
  11. Desp

    Bob Mc Hugh

    Only if we can get Stevie Lawless back too. GBNF.
  12. Textbook management from McGhee. He knows they're not leaving (Hammell, Lasley & McManus especially. Samson & McFadden nobody is bothered about). Make the players feel important, but ensure he has as much of his budget left as possible.
  13. Been a while since we've had one like that.
  14. Desp

    Safe Standing

    Yes, do go ahead and tell us all again how you verbally abuse the stewards at Fir Park for simply doing their job. #AMF
  15. Pretty much. I believe if this season's Top 6 finish in the Top 6 again next season, then it'll be 19 home and 19 away for all. Side note that with Rangers effectively taking Dundee Utd's "seeding", this would be the first time there could be three OF games at either Ibrox or Celtic Park, providing both teams finish in the top half. Although I think we all know what the chances of that happening are. We should change the league to how they work it in Belgium. They've got their heads screwed on as to how to work a straightforward league set-up...
  16. Yes, you're correct. We're only guaranteed 18 home games, however, there is a chance of having 19 or 20. I take it there's none of the league cup group matches included in the ST? I would hope there is some sort of offer for ST holders for these games otherwise the crowds will be grim.
  17. Paul Dixon is an interesting one. I remember his Scotland debut and he looked decent at that level. It's the question of whether he's simply regressed as a footballer in the last couple of years, or is he playing at the level of his teammates around him (i.e shite). I can't see Motherwell having both Hammell & Dixon in the squad though.
  18. Desp

    Safe Standing

    What the fuck is unsafe standing? If someone could point out where I've been going wrong all these years, I'd appreciate it. There's not exactly a shortage of space on matchdays at Fir Park. If a supporter wants to stand during the game, there's places for them to do so without hassle. A complete waste of money (money we don't have) bringing this into Fir Park.
  19. Is there any other team, in your opinion, who isn't overly physical?
  20. This is true for me as well. I gave up my ST last season (2014/15), but fully intended on going to the vast majority of games. I think I made it to less than half of the home games. Granted, the absolute shite on offer from the McCall and Baraclough sides wasn't exactly a great incentive to go along. I think if you wake up on a Saturday morning, and know you have a ticket for the game, you're 99.9% certain to go along. It's much more difficult to convince yourself to part with £20+ from your wallet when you really don't have to. I got my ST back this season, and will carry it on next season. P.s not sure if I'm looking into it too much, but with the design of the poster, is it suggesting there will be three kits next season? Home, white away and blue third?
  21. You would think Cadden would be right up Ricky Sbragia's street. He's tall and he can run fast. What else do you need?
  22. Stopped reading at Scott Brown (Aberdeen). Pile of shite.
  23. I assume you mean Murrayfield, and not the training ground of Rangers? Aye, I've said for years Hampden should be scrapped. Unless you're along the touchline, it's horrendous for watching football. Doesn't the SFA contract with Hampden come to an end in a couple of years? I'd like to see us share with the Rugger and play the Scotland games/Cup Finals there. A country of this size doesn't need two 50,000+ national stadiums.
  24. Aye, the miracle of winning more points than eight other teams in the league.
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