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Everything posted by Desp

  1. Gavin Gunning could have all the footballing talent in the world. The thick cunt doesn't have the brain to put it to use, though. His career will go absolutely nowhere.
  2. I'm sure Humphrey done his knee (I think?) a number of months back and hasn't played all season.
  3. Aye, I'm sure he's desperate so take a 75% wage cut so he can play in a couple of qualifying rounds of the Europa League.
  4. He was superb in Football Manager 2009. What else do you need to base it on? Get him signed!
  5. Bannigan & Osman are probably the stand outs on that list, that we could afford anyway. However, I'd imagine a fair scramble from a fair few clubs to get them. Weren't Aberdeen in for Bannigan at one point? Taking the C&A tinted specs off, is moving from Partick Thistle to Motherwell much of a step up? I've always thought Ziggy Gordon was a decent player, seems to be very consistent. Would we attempt to take a player directly from Accies? Wouldn't say no. Also, seems daft after Ainsworth's goal on Saturday, but Owain Fon Williams is a good 'keeper. I'm sure Gannon was linked with him from Stockport in his early days at Fir Park.
  6. Desp

    Mfc Podcast

    Great stuff lads. Really enjoyed that. I take it Busta will be getting sacked from his Podcast duties after his "breed and butter, dipped into curry sauce" admission? Horrendous behaviour!
  7. Good that we're planning on a "worst case" scenario. It's the sensible thing to do. I do think, selling a player for north of £500k would go a long, long way to securing the short to medium term future of the club. That's where Moult, Johnson or even Cadden or Hall will come into play, I think. If you look at the losses the club has made over the last few years, with the exception of last year, the club would have been pushed into profit if it had the benefit of an additonal modest player sale. I've always been very sceptical of the Well Society, but i'll be setting up a wee direct debit today. If all goes well, i'll review the situation in 12 months and hopefully i'll have scope to stick a bit extra in. It's the only avenue we're going down, so no matter your thoughts, we have to do everything we can to get behind it. Edit: Direct Debit set-up. Very quick and easy to do through the website.
  8. When was the last time Aberdeen wore their home kit at Fir Park? It's not something I've ever known before.
  9. Desp

    Mark McGhee

    He'll never be the most likeable guy. He'll say daft, needless things during press conferences that will annoy a fair few. But by fuck, the guy is a good manager for Motherwell. Onwards!
  10. I thought big Kennedy was superb at centre half today. However, you can't not give it Louis Moult. Once again, an unbelievable shift put in. What a season he's had. Unfortunately, I think he'll be playing elsewhere in August.
  11. Were the other nine all 0-0 defensive masterclasses?
  12. We shouldn't be getting into what Rangers fans did that day. There's nothing we can do about that now. The statement issued was spot on. MFC have asked the fans to stay off the pitch in future, and have told you what will happen if you ignore that request. That's all that can be done at this stage. You don't know need to know the ins and outs of every decision made, and the thought process behind them, at board level.
  13. Desp


    Aye, any team that's below us and loses is a bonus. While we can only affect what we do, every little helps.
  14. Afternoon break?? Some of us have real jobs here...
  15. Thoroughly disappointed Joeboy never went on one of his textbook McManus rants. I was hoping that reading material would have seen me through my lunch hour.
  16. Never mind McManus. What's happened to these free agents? McGhee out!
  17. I think we'll start as we have in the last couple of games. Although, if it's not working, there's certainly the option to bring on McFadden for Hammell and go 3-4-1-2.
  18. If the first team are safe from relegation at that point, then Cadden & Hall should 100% be available for the cup final. They'll provide quality, and some big game experience. We should be going all out to win this. I'll certainly be going along for the final. Getting there is a great achievement.
  19. Desp

    Mark McGhee

    I hope none of the players were out on Saturday night. McGhee should have them tucked up by 9pm.
  20. I still believe Top 6 will be difficult to achieve, with the upcoming fixtures. It's a tough four games. Even Dundee Utd are hitting a bit of form. I'll still be happy with anything 10th or above, which I think we'll achieve comfortably.
  21. Nothing worse than strolling to a 3-1 win, eh Juan?
  22. Heard similar around me. With 10 minutes to go, there was a "How kin you no see it McGhee when we kin? Get a sub oan" I'm still not sure what this guy believes he, and others, saw. Even after the goal we were comfortable throughout. Not a failure in the team today. Plus, we saved money in appearance fees by not playing subs. Every penny and all that...
  23. Scott McDonald. Absolutely superb today.
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