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Everything posted by Onthefringes

  1. I clocked this little gem... Deary me, big opinion of himself has 'more seconds than the town clock shitty panted' Imrie...
  2. Little or none of them going given the cancellation of the bus this morning... next week at Morecambe is their planned return.
  3. Enjoyed the Friday night fixtures, but, early Saturday evening kick offs will rule me out on occasion given the shift pattern required in my line of work. Surprised that Polis Scotland will wear this. Can't see the usual deflection when the Shettleston Harriers misbehave at their next match after a day on the lash... Saying that, Polis Scotland maybe then leave the loyal orders in peace.
  4. Nae really fussed seeing as it's the first match. Be a good test, with the weather playing it's part, all about getting match fit prior to Europe.
  5. Kilts you say? Our only issue... It's not a wedding, it's Motherwell we're going to see. Mitch get the job done, plenty of takers if you're not man enough
  6. Bully for you, not an issue for those I'm travelling with or I.
  7. Be as well nipping over to Belziehill Farm... Plenty to choose from around the Frenchgate and town centre and the odd one on what would be a brisk walk to the ground. Surmise we'll head for town centre then taxi to the ground where we'll also have a beer there as some of the laws for enjoying yourself inside sports stadia differ to the draconian thinking up here.
  8. Doubt you are in the minority there with that proposal, the very point was raised and noted by the board. Given there is no requirement to pay annual subscriptions I'd like to see this progressed as a viable revenue stream.
  9. Personally I'd vote for decorator to represent the club at the jolly draw in Nyon. Given he's represented the club at every European fixture EVER... and that includes Albania for those who didn't know. He's got pictorial evidence to prove it too #GrimmyforNyon
  10. Staying you say? He wasn't signed in the first place given they couldn't register any contract and then were again placed under transfer embargo unless the goalposts have been shifted?
  11. The fear? Do yourself a favour...
  12. He did a full pre-season at Dalziel Park last year and he benefitted right enough... Money aside, he never kicked a ball in anger for months. He'll have a head over heart decision to make very, very soon.
  13. Granted. He was still a wage thief.
  14. Relegated? Not quite seeing the other teams strengthening... Same old, same old Aberdeen already laying claim to 2nd place on signing some erm, quality. Deary me, not one would make it into our top 11 as it stands! In fact, who out of all close season signings by others would we have? I'd surmise many on here would say none. Going quietly about our business is how we do it. Early yet, given it's Monday before the window opens too. Additions will be made and Daley aside, each McCall signing has contributed.
  15. Costa Geriatrica Take it the kids will be away at Cowdenbeath?
  16. Aye, we know that. He's slotted in there well after an indifferent start., but, has he the minerals to be the attack minded full back we'd expect? Doubt it as he's slower than a week in jail (I'll ask makaveli for his thoughts) and could be a rape and pillage (could ask makaveli for his thoughts on that too ) for the opposition next season...
  17. From this to the following conjecture... Right, so you've a link to the player in question... Similar to a claim I heard that Craig Samson had discussions with us (he allegedly asked Mr McCall for a guarantee he would still be manager which Mr McCall wouldn't, when in fact he hadn't spoke to anybody at the club which I've had confirmed by the player himself) I'd wager Lee Miller wasn't directly involved in speaking to anybody at the club either. Some of the chat this close season has been diabolical, a source we've never had reason to disbelieve previously was even misled a few weeks back that Higdon had resigned and that was prior to the manager being interviewed at the Blades and Henrik leaving for pastures new. Personally happy with how the club has gone about their business so far with more to come in hope rather than expectation.
  18. Lambert was a sh*t Jamie Dolan Oor Jamie had mastered the art of the holding midfielder long before Lambert made it fashionable...
  19. Having seen her at many under 20's games in his last season... he's his maw's double! A sniper wouldn't take her oot!
  20. I know, hence, he responded with 'This'. Wind your neck in...
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