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Everything posted by Kmcalpin

  1. Good posts Jay. Ok if you don't like fan ownership what is the alternative Del Superwell? Its all very well to say that you don't like something but what is the alternative right now; what would you do?
  2. Thats my interpretation too. We would have wanted to give him a short term deal, but he refused and threatened to walk away so we decided to give him an additional year.
  3. Our overall budget and indeed the playing budget is bigger than those of both clubs. Now if both sides of the argument are to be believed then the only plausible answer is that better terms mean either a longer contract or that these teams are willing to fork out a fortune, relatively speaking, to secure one player, who is then way, way above their average salaries. I tend to go with the Captain though on this. Each player we look at has a notional value which our club attaches to him, with a bit of flexibility. However they are not so good that the club will fork out way above their valuation.
  4. I might be wrong but assume that if all the tickets are sold, unlikely I know, then there will be no PATG facility. As I mentioned at the weekend it was a late decision by Accies to give us tickets at all ie all PATG.
  5. I agree Al but why wait so late to confirm the arrangements with Fir Park?
  6. We, the fans, need to play our part on Saturday in this very important crunch game and I hope as many as possible will make the short trip across the Clyde. We need to turn up in numbers and back the team. It would be great if we spilled over into the temporary stand but I don't know if we will take sufficient numbers or indeed if Accies would want our fans in there.
  7. Totally agree. I don't blame him for not getting results, the players must take some of the blame as well as should referees and luck. However, he is failing to get the best out of the players he has at his disposal. Despite what some on here might think at times, the players can do better. Some of that is down to them but a lot is down to Stephen Robinson. We do have some decent players in the squad and for whatever reason they just aren't playing for him.
  8. Exactly. Had we lost our last 2 home games and been unlucky or been well beaten by far better sides or really played well then you couldn't fault Robinson. However, as poor as the current team is, he simply isn't getting the best out of them. Take the likes of Moult, Cadden, MacDonald, Frear, and to a lesser extent McHugh. All decent players who simply aren't performing to their best.
  9. At this point in time, more than ever, we need to stick together as a support and I'm sure political and religious banners will be banned under the club's rules. No need for such banners at all and its got nothing whatsoever to do with football. Our club brands itself as a community club where all are welcome and we can't afford to unnecessarily tarnish that image.
  10. It might not be so far fetched. If Hammell isn't fit, and remember its an artificial surface, then it might be a straight choice of Chalmers or Jules.
  11. I'm not sure that the team is disinterested/garbage as its hard to judge. You don't assess a plumber on his electrical skills do you? You hire a plumber to do plumbing work and a sparky to do the electrics. That said, yes there are some poor players in the squad. To me some of the players are looking fed up playing in unfamiliar roles or roles to which they're not suited. I'd be exactly the same. Cadden is needlessly being played out of position and therefore weakening 2 positions for us. Neither Campbell nor Lasley are quick creative players and are the wrong combination. Frear is being asked to do too much without support. MacDonald is being totally misused and it shows. Moult is being asked to fill a role to which he's unsuited. Ainsworth certainly has his faults as we know but I'd have been totally p****d off if I'd been asked to play where he was yesterday. Robinson is overthinking tactics and team selection when he can't get the basics right. Substitutions were made far too late yesterday and changes ought to have been made at half time. Pre match when Hammell's name was mentioned as having recovered from injury I thought oh yeh? He didn't look fit and was all over the place defensively for the first 30 minutes or so. Its very early days to say this but I don't think Robinson has the support of the dressing room.
  12. Totally agree with that. The players did try but are demotivated and demoralised and that comes across as disinterest to some. Pleasing that we swapped goalies but the rest of the team selection was poor. Management seems to have learnt little since the defeat to Dundee. Cadden playing at right back all on his own on the right? He was hung out to dry as is quite plainly not a right back. If as seems likely, MacMillan is out for the season then Ferguson should have come in at right back. As others have said, the midfield is our real problem. Last weekend Lasley and Campbell proved they shouldn't play together but of course there was no change today. Both are defensive types and lack pace, especially the latter. Campbell may well progress but as of today he does lack in experience. Unfortunately Pearson didn't make it and so Frear lacked left sided support and was frequently crowded out. Where on earth Ainsworth was meant to be playing I don't know but the lad himself was unsure. He's played in that central role before and was a disaster so why repeat that? MacDonald sat too deep as usual and is totally wasted there. Moult was all over the place and thats not his game. Play him up front in the middle with support. Whats wrong with an out and out 4-4-2? There didn't seem to be a coherent gameplan and too many players looked ill at ease with their roles. Why oh why can't we play players in their correct positions? It took us until the 32nd minute to register an effort on goal. We had plenty of pressure but totally lacked creativity and as the game wore on it became obvious we were going to lose a silly goal, in this case a blunder by Jules. Despite Ross County not being overly adventurous we were never likely to shut them out. Again we resorted to too many hopeful high punts up the park and that was in the first half. I don't know if this team is good enough to stay up or not but we sure as hell won't find out as long as the manager continually picks the wrong team, fails to learn lessons, and is outthought on the pitch. You have to play players to their strengths and Stephen Robinson is falling down badly in that respect.
  13. It was an anti Tory banner but I think it was taken down very quickly. I saw and heard a few fans cringe when they saw it.
  14. A plea to the Well Bois. You've done a lot for the club but please please keep Politics out of Fir Park. It only serves to divide the support at a time when we need to stick together.
  15. Accies told us last week it was PATG much to the cub's surprise. Then guess what......they changed their mind late this week. Irrespective of how bad we were today we'll be there next Saturday. Total shambles.
  16. Inverness are one up against Hamilton.
  17. He hasn't lived up to his reputation but he has been a very significant loss to us especially in terms of his experience. Ben Heneghan has certainly missed his presence. Its also menat we have had to remove McHugh from central midfield.
  18. Still no confirmation either way on the official sites. If there are going to be tickets on sale they're leaving it very late indeed.
  19. Sorry, maybe its just me but why is Faddy in the squad? Are we that short of midfielders/strikers. He's been a great player but thats well in the past.
  20. No, not at all. It'll be pretty tense again and I'm expecting Ross County to sit in much like Dundee did. I'm not sure how the enforced absences of Boyce & Schalke will affect their striking options. One things for sure, we have to change our gameplan. Hopefully we haven't picked up any more injuries and may even see Ross MacLean on the bench.
  21. Well you'd get your money's worth. Why sing 1 note when 8 will do?
  22. Certainly no mention of it on either official website.
  23. Apologies for starting this thread early but does anyone know if this game will be all ticket? We haven't sold out our full allocation in the past but given the significance of this particular game its possible we may do on this occasion. The reason that I ask is that the game is just over a week away and for many who live away from Motherwell, Saturday may be their only chance to pick up tickets. An announcement should have been made before this. Extra pressure on our ticket office staff they could do without.
  24. Completely agree. Give him a decent run as an out and out winger with a decent full back behind him then judge him.
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