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Everything posted by santheman

  1. I know that they're on more than £100 and less than 50k
  2. Some chat over on P&B that this guy might be on his way to us based purely on a social mediapost
  3. Maybe they need to free up a wage for someone they want to sign
  4. Shes been all over FB as well saying much the same and getting into spats with fans. Not a good read.
  5. Aye their balls into the box are terrible
  6. As the old saying goes you cant make a silk purse out of a sows ear. If G A manages to turn this round he should be awarded the freedom of Motherwell.
  7. I like big Dunne and I think fully fit would be like a new signing but I think a new contract would depend on the likelihood of him getting to that stage. From memory the injury was supposed to keep him out for 6 months max and it’s now been double that and he’s just returned to training so it’s anybody’s guess when he would be available for selection if he ever is and that’s assuming there’s no setback.
  8. OR He might think his Scotland chances are gone if he stays with a club who he helped to get relegated. I think big Charles is a goner. A muscle problem that's taken a year to clear up??
  9. Craig Napier should be nowhere near a game in the top division as he is not good enough. Had the misfortune to have to deal with him on a few occasions when I was involved with a Junior club and the guy is nothing but a clone of Collum. Officious little prick who continually gets the big calls wrong and has absolutely no rapport with players or officials. One of the new breed and all in the same mould.
  10. Was watching Rangers vs County on the laptop at the same time as watching us on TV. If its any consolation County were pish (but not as pish as us today)
  11. Just what the fuck have we got to do to get a refs decision going our way for a change
  12. Having just come up from Engerland hopefully its no the dreaded Covid
  13. santheman

    2021 AGM

    The only other one that I definitely know of is Dundee but sure there will be others. Initially refused like every other business but good to see the courts giving the insurance companies a bloody nose on that. No doubt Joe Public will pick up the bill though.
  14. I’ve seen and heard enough from GA to give him the benefit of the doubt that he knows what we need and where to find it. His knowledge of players in the English lower leagues and how they would fit into whatever system he wants to use is far greater than anyone on here so I trust him to get the right fit for us.
  15. No real surprise. Hopefully the independent panel who gave the original decision tell the SPFL to feck off and don’t ask them to do anything again.
  16. Fairly happy with this. High energy levels and will get us up the park quicker. Always hated playing against him.
  17. 6'5" so if hes crap as a forward we could always play him at CH.
  18. I don’t even know what the basis of their appeals are. Are they appealing on a technical issue over the decision or just that the punishment is disproportionate to the offence. They wouldn’t win on the first point not so sure about the 2nd.
  19. Up here you would probably get 15 mins of football and 75 mins of referees looking at tv screens.
  20. That's why we need this 6 points fiasco sorted one way or another NOW. It's not fair on the teams affected, particularly if heaven forbid they call the season at some point.
  21. Think by the end of the week after GA has his cosy little chats with each player he’ll know who the bad eggs are. Whether he’ll have the funds to replace them or not is another matter. I would like to think we’ll see at least a couple of new faces. Hopefully a a couple of battle hardened absolute bastards who don’t take any prisoners on or off the field
  22. Surprised no one has brought up the issue over Covid with this tie. Pretty sure both teams will have no testing procedures so are we leaving ourselves open to a potential problem. Will be the same for every SPL team who draw someone from the lower Leagues. Havent seen anything from the SFA about it anywhere.
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