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Everything posted by FirParkCornerExile

  1. I don't think his scoring exploits since leaving us will attract any of the top teams in Scotland, especially at 32. That's why I think Dundee Utd will fancy him. someone within the price range and offer enough over a season to be the difference between them getting up or not. What a scenario that would be us facing Utd in a play off with them having Gallagher , Watt, Moult and KVV. The stuff of nightmares 😆😆😆
  2. Anyone care to bet against KVV going to Dundee Utd. He ain't going to Rangers or us and I suspect none of the more fancied team in the SPFL will go for him.
  3. Why not tomorrow? Cos we are shite, couldn't keep a pig out a close. We have an utterly dreadful midfield than can neither supply the forwards or protect an utterly honking defence. Mind you our main tactic is to boot the ball long so maybe we don't need a midfield. Maybe by seasons end they will have worked out Kelly booting it long just gives the opposition possession.
  4. Aye and they were shite when they put 4 past us. Teams don't need to be good against us, just patient.
  5. Pumped and no amount of blind faith conceals the fact we are utter shite all across the team. A comfortable win for Aberdeen without them having to be good.
  6. No they don't, they will lose to Aberdeen and at best a draw against Livingston. We are utter shite all across the team.
  7. Would he walk straight into any other SPFL team other than Livi? No he wouldn't.
  8. Kettlewells deal was to May 2024, I don't think we extended his contract so any severance for Kettlewell would be minimal. https://www.google.com/search?q=stuart+kettlewell+appointed+motherwell+manager&oq=stuart+kettlewell+appointed+motherwell+manager&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigAdIBCTE1NTMxajBqOKgCALACAA&client=tablet-android-lenovo-rvo3&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8&chrome_dse_attribution=1
  9. I completely get the "sack SK" calls. However there are dangers in that too. We then have to try and improve that shite squad in January without a manager, the position we are in who realistically will want to sign for us? There are risks in every scenario for us right now. I just get the feeling, laws of averages, our time in the top league has come. I see nothing week in week out that makes me think we will go on a decent run and now it needs to be a decent run to turn it around. Stephen Craigan alluded to it today without actually saying it , we are getting beat by shite , we cannot beat teams in one of the worst top divisions in decades.
  10. What have you seen in the last 15 attempts that we are capable of two wins this week. I agree that sacking SK won't change much. A new manager wil not turn Blaney , Paton, Mugabi etc into players. However if we lose the next two he will be sacked of that I'm convinced.
  11. Based on the shite this season it's an empty fuckin glass.
  12. Yeah he did based on one game for Sligo Rovers against us. Who signed him isn't the point.
  13. The United fans have been giving Moult a hard time , they ain't impressed.
  14. Does he mean that Livi team who've beaten us already this season. Having watched Livingston against Aberdeen I'm not so sure they are worse that us. We won't beat them on Saturday. They have an horrendous record at Fir Park and that will change on Saturday , Kettlewell will be sacked , we will recruit in January without a new manager and we will still be relegated. ..... Anyone bet against that scenario.
  15. I certainly expect them to make it difficult for them to score not gift wrap the fuckin goals for them.
  16. Blaney is our 21 century equivalent of Alan Mackin, sign a cunt on the strength off one game against us.
  17. No amount of coaching will change these players that's the problem. They just aren't good enough. Yeah sure change manager but we are stil left with players who struggle to do the basics.
  18. Him and Spencer were horrific the rest were just shite. The quicker Mugabi gets to fuck the better.
  19. Dundee Utd fans having a right go at Moult, Grimshaw and Watt tonight. Feel sorry for Moult but delighted for that cunt Watt.
  20. I know it's not acceptable to say it but I don't care, women's footballs is pish. The goalkeeping is an utter embarrassment and undoes any slight good the outfield player have. I wouldn't waste any precious funds on a woman's team.
  21. This is actually part of the problem our Comms is fucking shite. When the announcement was made yesterday surely to Christ they could have seen that fan and media speculation would go into overdrive. Why the fuck could that not have been incorporated in yesterday's statement.
  22. And we probably all know them by face particularly if you go to away games. I see some faces that I've seen at away games for 45 years , don't know them , never spoken to them but they are always there. Just wish we had another 3000 of them.
  23. Sadly that's true and they'd be the ones screaming the loudest if the club went tits up.
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