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Everything posted by FirParkCornerExile

  1. Punt him in January and get what little we can for him. He's no loss like most of his team mates.
  2. No danger we will win our next two new manager or not , one point at best. St Mirren are a far better team than us and will take care of us without breaking sweat.
  3. We only deserve to be in a lower league if we end up bottom of the league at the end of the season and anyone who thinks it's a good reset opportunity is off their head.
  4. I'm sorry for him personally if he's broken his leg but he's no fuckin loss, he's been shite for weeks.
  5. Slattery is a fuckin imposter along with plenty others in that team. I seriously keep Biereth and Gent , the rest can all fuck off any time .
  6. I've tried to support him I like him. However 4 points from 36 would get a manager sacked in any team in any league. There's no hiding place. I'll be amazed if he's not sacked tomorrow. That said the players are an utter disgrace.
  7. Unfortunately, for me, Slattery doesn't cut it either. I think the entire midfield needs looked at from scratch.
  8. We used the covers in previous winters when the temperatures did not dictate the need for the under soil heating. Why would the club use under soil heating when they know the temperatures don't require it. The ground staff are also well aware the the Under soil heating damages the grass so it looks pretty sound judgement to me. The time to judge whether the club can't afford to put the under soil heating on is when temperatures fall to -7, thats when covers lose their ability to keep the pitch frost free However that explanation doesn't fuel the doom merchants perspective. If we are so skint why are we still using the overhead lighting gantries for the pitch , they are expensive to run. Hope to fuck a bulb doesn't blow, we will have Motherwell fans forecasting Armageddon.
  9. Exactly , the pish and bandwagons that some of our fans indulge in is pitiful .."we are so skint we can't put under soil heating on"... They see something and make up a story to fit the scenario. As if life for us as fans ain't hard enough without having to wade through made up pish.
  10. We need some decent midfielders before another striker. Scoring goals is not our problem this season. Our midfield is as weak as dishwater and when a suspect defence has no protection in front of it we will always give away piss poor goals. Is it just my TV but does every floodlit game at Motherwell look as if it's illuminated by 40 watt bulbs, dark patches everywhere.
  11. We are not running our under soil heating because it's not required with the current temperatures . Why would we when the covers do the job. It's got feck all to do with cost cutting. It got to do with doing what required.
  12. If we could defend any better than a pub team we'd be in the top 6. 4th highest scorers worst against record tells us all we need to know. That said the defence may not be quite as poor if we didn't have an utterly abysmal midfield. I sincerely hope any transfer activity we have in January doesn't focus solely on the defence or forward line. We need hard tackling midfielders who can win the ball and unsurprisingly someone who can pass the ball 20 feet and find one of our players when under no pressure. We rarely win the second ball and are pretty powder puff in the tackle.
  13. Exactly I've never been so close to turning my back on Motherwell than when that useless wee fanny was our manager. Fuck me still have nightmares about him signing his brother.
  14. Jesus Christ probably one of the worst managers we've ever had. Had more money that any Motherwell manager in history and we were shite under him.
  15. I totally get the "sack him" arguement, 4 points from 36 is sackable for 99% of clubs, however the costs and the fact the new manager inherits the same shite Kettlewell is struggling with makes the benefits of sacking him rather obscure to me.
  16. We should but I'm worried based on what he's signed so far.
  17. I cant believe some of the comments some of our fans make about Turnbull. He was under no obligation to sign a contract extension . He knew he'd be leaving but signed on to ensure the club that looked after him were taken care off. We therefore got good money for him. Lennon Miller is the same he knows he won't be with us for long but extended his contract which again will give the club a chance to get some payback for for that investment. I will never give guys like that a hard time. There are so many badge kissing fuckers who take the club for a ride. I wouldn't piss on Tom Boyd, Chris Cadden or Declan Gallagher if they were on Fire. Those cunts actively did all they could to either bad mouth the club or ensure we got fuck all.
  18. Have no confidence at all about Saturday. It would be so typical of Motherwell to get a point at Parkhead and then make a rip roaring cunt of it against Dundee. We have all seen the script a million times. 2-1 Dundee.
  19. McLeish was an absolute fanny, one of the biggest managerial mistake we we ever made. £1.75 million pissed away on absolute shite. I still shudder at the mention of that utter knob end Shaun McSkimming £350,000, Killie must have thought theyd won the lottery.
  20. I lived through the relegation yo-yo years. I've always said going to watch football in the lower divisions is not as traumatic as some fans , who've known nothing else but top division football, think. Matchday experience is exactly the same emotions , same highs, same lows. You really weren't aware of the different standard. You went to most games expecting to win. If we were unfortunate enough to be relegated Id still go to the football is just as enjoyable. That said any Motherwell fan saying relegation would be a good reset process is utterly delusional. Once you are out the top division you run a risk of staying there if you don't get back up in one season. The cycle then kicks in, lower budget, poorer players, less appealing for players to sign. Being a fan owned club with a piss poor support we'd almost certainly look at part time football with 3/4 seasons . We then become exactly like Dunfermline, Falkirk, Partick Thistle - clubs of a similar size who cannot get out the lower divisions. Relegation is not good for the club in any way shape or form.
  21. I guess the concept of humour is lost on you.
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