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Everything posted by FirParkCornerExile

  1. You are not wrong and I fully get why those who stick with it do and I'm not trying to piss on their parade. If they still love it as much as they did 40 years ago I'm genuinely jealous. I'm at the stage and have been for 5/6 years where I find it all intensely tedious and predictable and 90% of the time it is predictable. It's not just us that it affects most of the clubs go through the same ups and downs. A league devoid of any real competition and excitement. The product is crap. Where the club are guilty is the constantly depressing whinging about being skint, we are the worst whingers in the league. Clubs like St J , St Mirren , Killie and Ross County are not significantly better off than us financially but by Christ we are world beater at griping about it. I never started supporting Motherwell to concern myself with the clubs balance sheet every year. I feel that's all we exist for is to keep the finances in balance. Anyway I never stared this topic to depress everyone , for those who still love it all , good for you and I hope it stays that way for you.
  2. The club is fortunate to have guys like you , guys like me not so, I'm at the stage after unstinting support for 46 years I'm sick to the back teeth of it. I could walk away tomorrow. It's only habit that keeps me going and the great people I have gone to games with. If they gave up I'd finish tomorrow. I stress it's got fuck all to do with the Morton game. I thoroughly expected that result. I've felt like this for 5/6 years now.
  3. 😆😆 And I bet we'd all recognise one another without ever having met.
  4. You are a better man than me mate , I only travel from EK to Motherwell. If I had 70 mile round trips I think I'd be done.
  5. I think Maurice Malpas equalled it, both horrendous.
  6. "Sometimes ran the ball out of play......" You are being very generous mate. Shivute was crap but we've got plenty to choose from, Billy Davies brother for one. Worst manager ? Without doubt Maurice Malpas followed by Bobby Watson, Harri Kampman then McLeish. McLeish generally did well initially because he inherited Tommy McLeans team then set about rebuilding it and his dealings in the transfer market were horrendous. At least Malpas, Watson and Kampman had the excuse of no money to spend. McLeish wasted the £1.75 million we got for Phil ODonnel. Equivalent of £4 million in today's money.
  7. Aberdeen won't even need to try , if they remain patient we will as near as put the ball in the net for them. It's been our Achilles heel for long enough , the standard of goal we generally concede is frankly a joke.
  8. Casey or Butcher is a toss up between poor or piss poor.
  9. I've had 46 years of moving on , it's water off a ducks back within a day. I'm as close to chucking as I've ever been. I am seriously bored watching this year on year whinge about being skint , year on year fuck ups in Cups, year on year having to rebuild from loan deals every 6 months. I seriously question what would I miss. It's OK when you are young there is an air of excitement about it all but as you get older and see the same script year on year the attraction diminishes, well thats how I feel, maybe some other who started watching us in the 1970s still get the excitement.
  10. I actually thought Morton were worse than I was expecting which makes it worse, they didn't need to try that hard and they had us beat.
  11. They played the ball on the deck far more often than we did, unlike us they didn't continually resort to the hoof ball. Indeed for their second goal the ball never left the surface. I'm in no way suggesting Morton were a silky deck playing team but the played the ball on the surface more than we did. Every time SOD , Kelly, Mugabi, Miller, or Butcher got the ball you knew it was going skywards.
  12. Good comeback for Livingston 2-0 down away to Thistle beat them 3-2.
  13. I'm over it already , No one could convince me that lot wouldn't fuck it up. Hence my Sky Bet certainty.
  14. KVV would have stopped this dreadful goals we lost, scoring goals is not our biggest issue.
  15. You have a point that Motherwell play off team would probably be comfortably top six in this current league of dross.
  16. I actually watched the 2015 play off games on YouTube the other night. The team we had would depose every single player in last night's team Long, Law, Laing, McManus, Hammel, Ainsworth, Lasley , Pearson, Johnson, McDonald, Erwin and John Sutton on of the subs.
  17. So true , we are fair game at any level. I've seen the worst of the worst dick us. So far in my 46 years of watching insufferable shite the only saving grace is we've never drawn Darvel.
  18. Morton managed it , it's really not that difficult and in many other games we've played the same hoofball when there is no wind at all, with the same pitiful outcomes.
  19. How can you struggle to get the ball down. It's easy you send a message from your brain to your feet don't put the ball in the air. That's as hard as it gets
  20. Totally agree , we commented as soon as we arrived that the pitch was in pretty good nick considering their budget. It was flat plenty grass and perfectly playable, no worse than Fir Park is now. We lost because we were utter shite all over the park. Hoofball right from the off into a strong wind. I seriously wonder about the IQ of your average professional player, after five mins you could see putting the ball in the air was causing us problems but we continued for the entire first half. A big disappointment for me was the usual fuck up when we get a big crowd. Its happened nearly every time in my 46 years of watching our fuck ups. I heard a couple of people saying this was there first Motherwell game in ages and these folk won't be back. This continual fuck up has a drag and detrimental effect on us ever moving our regular crowds above 3500/4000. I can't blame them for not going. I left with twenty five mins to go. I couldn't stomach watching that shite any longer and I've watched them every week for 46 years. If it's doing that to me we have no chance with less committed fans. You can bet there will be a few shocks today and the draw will open up , that is also a regular occurrence every time we get fucked out by lower league opposition. I seriously am questioning why I bother. I was so confident we'd fuck up I stuck money on Morton. We seriously are a fuckin shambles.
  21. Morton were actually poorer than I was expecting but they were still too good for us. I say it time and again teams don't need to be good against us just patient as we will beat ourselves.
  22. Livi should have beat Kilmarnock tonight. Killie were utter shite but Livi got the luck bottom of the table teams get.
  23. Livi know they are down so why go to the cost of sacking him when he's done a great job over the years and may bring them back up.
  24. Fridays game could go any way. We should win it, but having watched us for 46 years I know should means fuck all. I think if we score 1st we will settle but if they get their noses in front it could be difficult but at least we'll have nearly 2000 fans to create a bit of atmosphere. Sadly the weather forecast is grim with real strong winds and their pitch is awful so it could be a real leveller and it turns into a boot and rush game.
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