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Everything posted by texanwellfan

  1. Cheers WeeYin wouldn't like to get up at 6.30am to see the game and MYp2p mess it up so sounds like they have it at correct time then. I am hopin to be able to make it back as i did in 1991 didn't bother for the league cup ( phew ) but did go to the pub in Austin to see it and was bummed that I drove even that far after that display. Hoping the SEMI final will be a thing of beauty, a joy to watch as we rip them apart but more than willing to accept a deep into injury time winner with the ball heading by the post only to bounce off the ref and land in the net. Was funny when i came back in 1991. I had my scarf on when I left Austin ( scorchin hot ) all the way to motherwell. Had to go through Paris airport as it was cheapest way. I am wandering around outside hampden to go to the gate when some stranger passing by blurts out....." Hey! I saw you in the airport at Paris yesterday" Still got my plastic back with scarf, video, papers program etc from that day!!! I also have newspaper form 1952 cup final victory. Got that from my uncle who was with me that day so he got to see them win the cup twice. Sadly he is long gone now but hopefully I wil get to join him in being able to say I have seen Motherwell lift the cup twice............................of course there's still the matter of that pesky semi final to get through first!
  2. wasn't listed on myp2p when i looked yesterday but will keep looking. Appreciate if anyone finds it listed on any site that they let us know. cheers oops there it is http://www.myp2p.eu/...l&allowedDays=7 Scottish League Cup Live!Motherwell FC vs. St Johnstone 14:00 - 16:00Indonesia Super Liga Hope they get the KO time right. 12.45pm
  3. They should announce on Friday that anyone with a ticket can bring a friend in free. Not like they would be loosing any money and might swell the crowd a wee bit. I have been trying hard to hold off and not jinx us...................but started looking at flights for the final already! Seemslike it might cost me a wee bit more than it did in 1991 :-(
  4. Awe fuk i am so excited and nervous and filled with dread i have no clue what the hell to write !!!
  5. Don't see it listed but maybe list will update later this week? I have never used myp2p before. Will i need to register or soemthing in order to be able to see the game?
  6. Does anyone know if I can see this on TV channel in Texas or on the internet? I'll have to get up at 6.30 am to watch but hoping it will be worth it.
  7. i usually rely on sprtinglife.com matchday live to get updates. Interesting in their stats though that we have ZERO shots on target yet manage to be a goal in front. Chalk up another one for journalistic accuracy!
  8. I saw most of them. Memory of my first game at Fir park was against Rangers and the score was 3-3 not sure if that is right or not but that is my recollection must have been early 60's But the team I recall was ( not specifically that day ) Wylie Thompson Mcallum Aitken Martis McAnn forward line is a bit sketchy but certainly remember watching Andy Wier ( scored winner in scottish cup game V stenhousemuir with a "banana" shot i think papers called it ) willie hunter was magic was it just after that when JOe Mcbride played? the other forwards I recall were maybe a wee bit after that people like george Lindsay.......is he still running? I also have some old newspapers with reports on mothere beatingBrazilian teams Flamenco 9-3 and Bahia 3-0 plus of course paper clips from 1952 scottish cup victory ( before i was born ) I need to get them laminated or something to preserve them and get them scanned to share on here.
  9. looking for hilights of the game to watch over in the states. One of the posts told me to keep an ey on the thread in the NSFW section............what is that?
  10. DAMN!!!! i didn't know the game was early kick off. Woke up here to watch game at 9am on computer at one of links so kindly suggested by people on here yesterday. The first thing i read is that we won 4-0. WOOOHOOOOO! So now my question is.............is there a link that I can see highlightd??? As mentioned yesterday BBC w***ers do something to their link so that us exiles can't view. Would love to see the highlights so hopefully someone can provide a link.
  11. thanks for the links..........and the warning about the one with possible virus
  12. Anyone know if there is a web link so that I can watch the game live in Texas? Also i see that someetime people will post links to BBC for highlights but for some reason it comes up message "not available to play in your region" , or something along those lines. Why the hell is that when there are clips from all over the world one here to view. Not sure if some of the other exiled fans on here have the same issue depending on what country they are in.
  13. whats goin on? they have had 13 shots and we have 4 ???
  14. Well we won't solve it here but whoever is running the investigation needs to wrap it up one way or another quickly. Either they have evidence or they don't as I havestated on here the evifdence needs to show that jenno got sent off on purpose. I do not know how that can be proved.
  15. I don't recall anyone being suspicious on the nigt of the game that he had somehow managed to get himself sent off. Only after the bookies started crying was there supicion cast upon him and I believe with no concrete evidence
  16. Well put Jaggy. ALso says a lot for the well fans and Jenno's stature that no one thinks for a second the lad got himself sent off on purpose.
  17. This whole episode is pish. The key thing any investigation would have to show is that jennings deliberately got himself sent off. It can't be done and I don't think anyone believes he done that. So case closed move on. Aside from that if there was possibly a case, all the evidence ( other than mentioned above ) should be readily available. Seems to have gone all quiet. Wonder why. Just as a side note have the bookies actually paid out the money yet?
  18. Hopefully at least it will end this thread, it makes albert tatlock seem like mister happy.
  19. Is there a link to steelmenonline and firparkcorner fom the new site? If so where is it? thanks
  20. This is sending my blood pressure thru the roof! Seems to be unclear exactly what the facts are. Also seems that it would not really be worthwhile venture for jenninsgs when you way up money lost vs money won from the bets. it is dragging on too long and unless they have evidence like text message or recorded phone call with jennings actually stating he plans to get deliberately sent off then they have no proof. I do not recall any comments in the media, after the game, casting suspicion on jennings sending off but apparently now it is suspicious???? i tihnk this could quickly and easily be resolved. Take jennnings to doctor and put him under hypnosis. Recors the session. Then 1. use it to tell the bookies and SFA to GTF! and/or sue the bookies asses for lots of money or settle out of court :-) 2. Show it to Jennings and have him make a public statement bringing the episode to a not so beneficial close for motherwell and him. Next problem!!!!!
  21. well said Steve! great point. There may be evidence to link Jennings to the punters that bet. However the point is, in order for any wrong doing to have taken place they would have to prove that Jennings deliberately got himself sent off. Now how on earth are they going to do that??? 82 minutes in a game with 3rd palce in the SPL at stake? he has been sent off several times before Carried a yellow card for a long time in this game time running out and ref having a howler he had no control over getting injured or substituted I'm sorry but this stinks of the bookies making an arse of it and loosing money and if your statement about them using wrong info to set the odds up ( ref not having sent off anyone since ?? ) is correct then they need to shut the hell up stick their head back up their arse where it obviously was before. it obviously must have been there quite a while judging by all the shite they are talking.
  22. Can we all chip in and afford Martin o'neil?
  23. I would have been fine with them going to aberdeen ......just 2 things piss me off 1. All that spiel earlier in the week which made me think that at last we had a manager who was going to stay here and build a team. Of course that turned out to be utter drivel. 2. Why do managers move away from mothewell to "bigger clubs" in the SPL If they had an ounce of belief in their own ability as a manager why would they not stay and make motherwell the bigger club!!! They are gone now so lets move on. I have nothing against aberdeen. Just have no respect at all for Craig Brown now.
  24. Prize to the person who correctly identifies the exact number of spelling mistakes I made in that last post :-) Prize: free Barrel of beer. You just have to pick it up on your way by my house :-)
  25. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned but the only way it will get better is with technology, video replays etc. Doesn't have to get like american football but FFS it's obvious that the officials need help. I think most people would agree that they are not biased just that they make mistakes. So moaining and bitching to SFA or whoever will do no good becuase they have no way of stopping the officials from making mistakes. I think the game could be allowed to flow and any crucial incedents could be very quickly reviewd as the game went on and within seconds a word in the refs ear piece could instruct him as to the correct call. All beint a few seconds late. Worth a few seconds to get the right call especially nowadays when there could be so much money at stake............................... or alternatively we could keep track of how many mistakes the officials make AND THE PLAYERS and only bitch of the ref makes more mistakes than the players. That would probably do away with 99% of the bitching :-)
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