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Everything posted by joewarkfanclub

  1. Given that Henriks contract doesnt run out until August 2014 and we are still in the running for 2nd place and the money that goes with it, there is no way we should be accepting such a derisory amount. That would be very poor business indeed.
  2. In that case you are in the perfect position to comment on the point I tried to make Frazzie. Is there less abuse away from Fir Park and do the players appear more relaxed and confident in their play as a result?
  3. Was reading a post in the Ins and outs thread saying how much the players celebrated the win yesterday. Given the content of this thread it is entirely possible that the players enjoy the backing they get playing away from home more, can relax and play their football, hence get more favourable results. Clearly not the only reason for the disparity in performances but worth a thought surely.
  4. What about Gordon "night" Mair!!!!
  5. We are all Stuart McCall......
  6. By hiding, I meant going into his shell and not wanting the ball.
  7. Your entitled to your opinion mate. No fanbase is ever going to see eye to eye on every player that has played for their club. I think Hateley has on the whole been very good for us. Another, like Ojamaa, who never hides and continues to put in a shift even if he is having a stinker. If he is on 3 grand a week which, I would doubt, Im sure we will be able to get a suitable replacement. To get back to the original point, there is a big difference between venting your frustrations when things are not going well and downright bullying and unecessary abuse of players. Unfortunately Hateley, like Higdon gets way too much of the latter which is why I tend to leap to his defence.
  8. Look forward to Fraser Kerr at right back for the rest of the season then. Maybe someone even poorer next season unless Saunders can get back to full fitness. There is no getting away from the fact that Hately's form has been guff for most of the season. However, he may be playing with an injury for the benefit of the team or suffering from some other problem that he doesnt want to go public with. I just think that he deserves to be cut some slack given his service to the club over the 3 previous seasons. It is those high standards that are the cause of most peoples frustrations with him now. I think the manager could take some pressure off however by ensuring others take more responsibility for set peices. I realise its tough watching turgid crap game after game but the opposition have to take some credit for that. I agree though that the manager has to try and find a way for our players to break down teams at home. Until he does we need to be patient and get behind the team. The last thing we need is the players shi****g themselves and scared to take a first touch.
  9. Did nobody hear Stuart McCall on the radio last night. Very open, very honest and sounded gutted and exasperated at being out of the cup again. However, he thereafter turned it around by saying that normally he would accept top six and a cup run as success for a club our size, but now we are out of the cup he was throwing down a challenge to the players to finish top 3. The guy isnt perfect, but he is not stupid and I wouldnt swap him for any other manager in the SPL.
  10. What it will do is chase him out the door first decent offer comes his way. Fans are quick to question players loyalty but where is our loyalty to a player who has been one of our most consistent performers for 3 seasons the minute he hits a slump in form.
  11. Really disappointed with Murphy tonight. He has had a decent 4/5 games recently despite a poor start to the season. Had hoped he had turned the corner but 2nd half tonight was another step back.
  12. Went for Humphrey because he was the only outfield player who looked capable of opening them up and it seemed too easy to just pick Randolph. For once Humphs delivery was actually quite good but no one seemed interested gambling in getting across the first defender to meet the cross. He slso had a few neat touches trying to player teamates in. Cant argue with Randy though.
  13. Ive never seen a player improve his performance by shouting at him telling him that he was shite. By all means boo players or the team at the end of the game to let them know its not good enough. They then have a few days in training to lick their wounds and think about it, but during the game why not try and keep it positive?
  14. Really disappointed to go out the cup in that manner and this early. SFA have made a boo boo messing with the dates. Must be the lowest crowd for a Scottish Cup tie at Fir Park for sometime, albeit a midweek replay. Also, anyone doubting Nicky Laws worth to the team though just needs to watch that back again. We have a small squad. Even losing just one important playet really lessens our chances. Heres hoping we can focus our efforts on the League and have a right go at 2nd spot.
  15. Remind me how many goals our strikers gave managed against him in our last two games..... Webster is nowhere near the player he used to be first time round with Hearts, injuries have seen to that. Thats when he won the majority of his caps. But he is still a decent player and would be great for Hutch or Cummins to learn from.
  16. Not if the keeper moved his leg towards the player (which he did) causing the contact and that contact wouldnt have taken place if he had not (that part is up for debate). I still dont think it was violent conduct. A bit naughty/silly on Randolphs part and he was lucky to avoid the refs attention during the game, but certainly not worthy of a 2 match ban. On that basis the club are right to appeal.
  17. Very frustrating game. Hearts make it very difficult to break them down. Never felt we really got a hold of the midfield with Las and Law struggling to make any impact. Thought 2nd half was better and Murphy and Humphrey both looked more dangerous. Poorest Ive seen Higgy and Henrik for some time, although for the most part they were feeding off scraps. I suppose Hearts defensive record speaks for itself so overall not a bad point.
  18. Randolph Corrigan Craigen Hutchison Hammell McCormack Lasley O'Donnell Ojamaa McFadden Porter Subs Ruddy, Reynolds, Quinn, Jennings, Coke, O'Brien, McDonald, Juke We really have had some good players to watch during some financially challenging times. Gives me hope that despite the contract situation this year, we will continue to flourish as a club in the years to come.
  19. If he keeps todays level of performance up until the end of the season the answer to both questions will be yes.......if he is still at Fir Park of course!
  20. Tough one today. So many to choose from but went for Murph because he has had some stick about his desire mental attitude etc etc but the last 2/3 weeks he has stepped it up. Today was one of his best performances in quite some time. If he can keep this up until the end of the season he WILL get a big move and WILL break into the Scotland squad. Eclipsed Andrew Shinnie today.
  21. What? You really didnt see them scoring 3 in injury time? You must be a glass half full kinda guy! Lol! It kind of capped ICT's day though, dont you think?
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